Cackling Kamala ~ The REAL Reasons They Want Her in the W.H.

OOPS – It would seem that the Media has ignored a few things!

…and now let’s get to the REST of the – uh – Story!!!

And if the following posts should offend you – I am no longer concerned. Truth is TRUTH and – well – a few laughs ain’t bad either. Kammanawanna – but I don’t really! ~ Editor

Kamannawanna Swallow – on her Knees

She is no more capable than Joe Dummy!

One thought on “Cackling Kamala ~ The REAL Reasons They Want Her in the W.H.

  1. William A Gratchic

    Too much! Thjis is great!!!!

    I never thought as a kid of the fifties that we would be electing another communist ( See Barry Setero aka Barak “who’s’insane Obama).

    No retraction or fear of You Tube corrective represssion of free speech.

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