I sure do miss the days of my youth. America wasn’t perfect then, but She was sure as hell a damned sight more free than She is today, and everybody wasn’t up everyone else’s ass trying to meddle in their affairs and something that didn’t concern them, or crying about how they were victimized.
America, or at least a large segment of Her people, have become much like the friend we all had in our youth, who wasn’t really a friend, but an envious enemy who smiled to your face while trying to figure out ways to undermine you or make you fail. Just as he was envious of your 1969 Z-28, America’s takers eye the wealth of anyone doing better than them, those achievers and producers, and they are constantly scheming on how they can liberate and redistribute it into their pockets, along with everything in your fridge and your wife too, if she looks better than theirs.
Their schemes ultimately always involve suppressing the individual in favor of the collective and “for the greater good”. And we all know how it is with them; and much like the friend we tolerate and tolerate, until one day we blow up and beat the rat shit out of him, I suspect the Marxist-Maoist have much worse to face in the coming days and years.
The Biden regime and America’s Far Left have their comeuppance and a day of reckoning on the way, unless I miss my bet. At least I hope they do, because short of that, America’s doomed.
As I recall some of the old movies I used to like to watch, such as Stagecoach or The Searchers, there was always a common theme running through the plot of kinship, friendship and people one could rely on, and as the closing music would swell, the hero would ride off into the sunset or embrace his love interest in a passionate kiss with knowing looks in their eyes that they would face life together.
While many of our countrymen may feel inadequate to meet the current challenges of this rising tyranny, because they feel small and all alone and unable to make any significant difference, if they are at least strong enough to simply stand for what’s right, for our American principles, they will never have to stand alone. No matter what is hurling down the pike at us all, we can face it and survive it, so long as we stand and fight together.
November 5, 2023

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.
I too miss the days of my youth. I grew up as an Army Brat Moving state to state. My family was from the California Bay Area. I joined the Navy and did much the same. California is beyond recognition, my family had roots the since the late 1880’s. What made it the golden state is gone. The democrats mad sure of that.
There is still a lot of good in this country, but you have to travel outside the cities to find it. The rural parts of a lot of states are still wholesome.
Russia 1917, USA 2020.