The Consequences of Stupidity While Thinking of the Coming Day of Reckoning

Whoa – Demz Dark Days Ahead!

Juneteenth is the new holiday that came out of black American culture, that grew out of some black slaves in Galveston, TX who didn’t know the Union had won the Civil War and that they were free until June 19th 1865. It made me think the word “dumbasses“, because even as slow as news traveled in those days, it didn’t travel that slow; telegraphs went out, towns people got the word and you know the house slaves got it too and passed it on to the rest of the slaves, which makes me believe to some large degree, this is just another myth that sounded like a good story and now it’s a part of history and another factor in traditional America’s destruction.

If those dumb bastards didn’t know they were free for two months after the war ended, they deserved to be slaves; they needed to stay slaves, because they were too stupid to function in normal society … just sayin’.

Anyway, as I started out with Juneteenth, it brought up so much more that is wrong with America in my mind. Things that are primarily the direct result of all the STUPID People of this country having the right to vote, without having to prove they are responsible, knowledgeable citizens who understand how our republic is supposed to function, or even understand what comprises their Inalienable God-given Rights – or even smart enough to pour piss from a boot with directions written on the heel.

Juneteenth [???] … that’s right. Make up something that sounds just as Ignorant as the people who dream this shit up.

Celebrate or not. Doesn’t make a damn to me except that it’s a product of more people in this country who want to find any and every excuse possible to rewrite history and paint America in as bad a light as they can.

I’m going to live ’til I die and have a helluva time ’til then. But in the meantime, I’m separating myself from the STUPID People of this world. I may eventually have to go live in a cave in Rockvale, because these sonsabitches are breeding like cockroaches and there doesn’t seem to be a corner, nook or cranny or a business or sector of society where they haven’t clustered and drone on with their idiocies about how special they are and how we’re all going to die from “white supremacy”, heterosexuals and masculine toxicity, climate change and farting cows, broken supply chains or some new virus that will just spring forth from some earthly brew bubbling up in some remote corner of the world — but OH no, No, NO, don’t even begin to look at our own Dept of Defense, CIA, NIH or CDC for a LAB LEAK or Machiavellian mechanisms and subterfuge from the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the World Economic Forum or the World Health Organization.

Who raises these Cretins? Other Cretins?


Oh Wait ….. HHhhhMmmmmmmm ….. That IS what these Marxist-Maoist Malthusians DO WANT, Now that we think on it. These are the Fools who believe we have to kill billions of the earth’s people to get the population down to “a Sustainable Level” of the ARBITRARY NUMBER Of Approximately 500,000 people. Well … my rifle and pistol says “Good Luck With That Y’All Murderous Fascist Commie Bastards.”

And so, me and Sweet Mutt will spend the rest of our days down by the Ol’ Rollin’ Creek whilin’ away the hours and the days. I smile, grin and bear the multitude of grievances that fall on the deaf ears of Biden and his apparatchiks thinking of the coming Day of reckoning, and I fall asleep dreaming of stacking Dead Commies like cord wood, dousing them in gasoline and watching them burn into ash.

What you have just read isn’t any spectacular revelation of any kind. It isn’t particularly well written, but it might get a chuckle or two from the readers, or at least make them smile, if they believe as I do.

Without Apology, I Remain Justin O Smith, a Free Born Man

Two days before the ‘Teenth – 2023

Justin O. Smith ~ Author

~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.

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