America’s crumbling into dissension, squalor and decadence.

“Is it me or thee who whispers while running from the truth?” ~ Joe McCutchen

Patrick Henry opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, which he felt put too much power in the hands of a national government which is precisely what has happened in America today, principally due it’s policies on mass immigration and diversity, i.e. non-productive minorities. America has suffered through a train of failures that will continue unless we elect individuals with wisdom and courage, not so today.

Without explanation public schools, universities, media, Silicon Valley types, & politicians, etc. are destroying the minds, self-esteem and pride in Whiteness of young people which has occurred in some degree in their parents and their parents. The intent to change the color of White America and so far successfully is tragic and stupid. If the White persona & culture of Western Civilization is obliterated the world’s population will descend into a dark primordial hole and tyranny will reign supreme again!

As written here many times, Blacks receive more vulgar plantation welfare than any other sect known to mankind and what have they, as a whole excluding productive individuals, done with it? Demand more. This in view that they hold more political power than any other ethnic body in our nation. How did that come to pass when they represent only 13% of the population? Recently they received a vast amount of more unearned largesse by receiving carte blanche TV’s commercial market in advertisement. Rather than use this largesse to improve their standing in a civilized society many burn, rape, loot, murder and engage in other high crimes, etc. without being punished, while blaming Whitey always shouting “RACIST”, xenophobe, White Supremacist! All they have in their quiver. The question arises; can and or will Blacks ever arrive at a position enabling them to peacefully harmonize with a civil society?

These criminal activities, e.g. Black Lives Matter, Antifa are funded by White oligarchs in the hundreds of millions to destroy the individual freedom which made the Republic great. There are those of you across this great land who believe that Blacks and other minorities will join hands with Whites at some point in time. The opposite will occur if honorable leadership does not take hold. Most of the minority populations in our nation have no concept of what it means to be productive in a civilized society. Our government following in the footsteps of Roman poet Juvenal (not that they know who Juvenal was), has instituted a system of “Bread & Circuses” to distract the masses.

A prime example was the recent Superbowl half-time “show”. A tasteless, vulgar display of human indecency, coarseness, rudeness, and obscenity. A vicious slap in the face of good manners, decorum, beauty, and civilized refinement.

Near the beginning our Superbowl 56, players on the sideline showing no respect for the upcoming National Anthem. Instead, all attendees were about to receive, as per usual, a large dose of what was believed to be our National Anthem put out by a black woman that sounded more like a banshee wailing that some would die. Francis Scott Key, who wrote our National Anthem would not have been appreciative nor should he, as well as all Americans. Unfortunately, that sort of disrespectful presentation has become the standard.

The principal part of the half-time show was put on by 3 Rappers and a bevy of thunder-hipped Black women. The raucous response elicited by the mostly white fans gave an indication just how deep our society has plunged into oblivion.

Finally, can these domestic, economic and security burdens that are placed on white middleclass America be sustained? And why should they be? It appears the name of the game is to destroy the free man.

Is it me or thee who whispers while running from the truth?

Joe McCutchen
February 18, 2022

Written by and submitted to the Federal Observer for publication by the author.

We invite you to visit Joe and Barb McCutchen’s web-site, Arkansas

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