America: Reject Your Milksop Politicians and Betrayers

Director Orson Welles 1941 classic “Citizen Kane”

I really didn’t want to delve too deep into the election fraud, although the massive extent of it all is something that will need to be ferreted out to a greater degree in the future, if and when we can ever seat another “honest”, perhaps even conservative, government. But to date, the fact remains that the same state mechanisms that allowed for the 2020 steal are still on place and currently being ramped up again to help do the same in 2022 and 2024; we won’t see an election that doesn’t have a shadow of corruption hanging over it, ’til something is done to eradicate the illegal schemes from “the rules”, as they don’t represent any righteous or legitimately passed law.

I think Trump did the best he could in many respects, and he actually did a lot of good in regards to neutralizing China and North Korea and stopping the one-sided trade practices, which I totally agreed he should do. I’m just stuck on how he was so easily guided, or naturally predisposed, to violate our Bill of Rights, and that, in tandem with his advocacy of the sovereignty-killing USMCA and the Covid Vaccines, has disqualified him for my vote in 2024 — but I did vote for him in 2020, for the first time. What other real choice was there, when faced with someone and something so vile and evil as Joe Biden and the Democratic Party Communists’ Marxist-Maoist Cancel Culture movement and their plan to destroy America’s Founding?

However, no matter my personal feelings about Trump, as near as I can tell, and by the reams of research I’ve done on the issue over the past several years, Donald J. Trump is the only legitimate, duly-elected President of the United States, despite the fact that Biden, the Usurper, currently holds the Oval Office and America very nearly as a terrorist would hold a hostage. ~ J.O.S

Go Not Gently Into The Bloody Collectivist Good Night

“This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. I have studied history for years and I cannot recall it ever happening. It may be that our task is impossible. Yet, if we do not try then how will we know it can’t be done? … The Founders’ Republic and the larger war for western civilization will be lost. — But … We will not go gently into that bloody collectivist good night. …” ~ Mike Vanderboegh, December 1st 2008

America needs Her warriors to arise and fight for Her today, now, this very moment. She’s had enough weak-kneed feckless milksop politicians and backstabbers and betrayers to do Her for as long as Her land remains.

One can argue the hard law or its subtler nuances ’til they’re blue in the face on the election results of 2020, but nothing is more clear than the fact that numerous and assorted manners of criminal election fraud occurred in numerous counties and states across the land. The country even witnessed election officials, such a Pennsylvania’s Secretary of the Commonwealth, illegally change election law, just days before the election in a way that favored Biden, and similar and more egregious criminal acts unfolded in each swing state.

Now, the rift between President Donald Trump and Mike Pence over the election results has flared anew. Trump recently noted reasserted [on January 30th 2022] that Pence actually did have “the right to change the election results”, as he argued a thought-provoking, pertinent and valid point:

“If the Vice President had ‘absolutely no right’ to change the Presidential Election results in the Senate, despite fraud and many irregularities, how come the Democrats and RINO Republicans, like Wacky Susan Collins, are desperately trying to pass legislation that will not allow the Vice President to change the results of the election?”

On February 1st 2022, President Trump angrily exclaimed

“So pathetic to watch the Unselect Committee of political hacks, liars, and traitors work so feverishly to alter the Electoral College Act so that a Vice President cannot ensure the honest results of the election. The Unselect Committee should be investigating why Nancy Pelosi did such a poor job of overseeing security and why Mike Pence did not send back the votes for recertification or approval, in that it has now been shown that he clearly had the right to do so!”

If you know me personally, or have followed my writing for very long, you already know that I’m not exactly a huge fan of President Trump for a good many reasons … BUT …

President Trump won eighteen of nineteen counties in the country that have historically ultimately had their election results align with the winner of the presidential election, and he won ninety-four percent of primary’s share of the votes. In contrast, Biden was soundly defeated in regions that typically reveal how well a candidate might do in the actual election, losing Iowa, Nevada and New Hampshire, while Kamala dropped out before the first vote was cast, after viewing the dismal reports on her viability and popularity as a candidate. Taken with the fact that Trump increased his vote numbers significantly from 2016 to 2020, the it’s more than probable that he actually did win the election.

‘National Election Fraud: Evidence of Chicanery During America’s 2020 Presidential Elections’ by Sam Jacobs appeared in several publications sometime after its initial release on November 13th 2020, and it detailed the massive voter fraud that had occurred. In part, he noted that 353 counties across twenty-nine states had turnout exceeding 100 percent of registered voters, with Vermont, Colorado, Alaska, Rhode Island, Maine, Maryland, Michigan and New Jersey exceeding 100 percent across the entire state. Whistleblowers were also coming forward to expose the backdating of ballots.

And the criminal election fraud schemes and chicanery story becomes even more convoluted and Machiavellian once one delves into all the corruption surrounding the Dominion Voting Systems and Scytl, a Spanish based organization that services and oversees election results for any country willing to hire them. Much of this was brought to light in November of 2020 by Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of True the Vote, in an interview with Breitbart News Daily and was further supported by Frank Gaffney, a former assistant Secretary of Defense and founder of the Center for Security Policy. The report noted that Scytl had been used in 980 U.S. jurisdictions and twenty-eight states.

As Gaffney later noted:

“I am personally convinced that the amount of fraud is vastly greater than anything we’ve seen so far, because … we’ve seen signs of it in at least one county in Michigan, and that is the fact that we have 28 states — including 10 of the swing states — that have had their vote counts tabulated in Barcelona, Spain, on servers and computer systems.”

Why are U.S. elections being tabulated by foreigners? That’s the million dollar question.

Jacobs also observed that tens of thousands of voters marked their ballots just for Joe Biden, with no votes cast for down ballot candidates. This was a concentrated 450,000 voters in a handful of swing states, such as Georgia, where a difference of only 818 votes existed between Trump and down-ticket Senate races. And the same irregularities popped up in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin, where Biden allegedly surpassed Trump by anywhere from 42,000 to 115,000 votes, despite the down-ballot races suggesting otherwise. This reveals an incongruity and a statistical anomaly that most certainly is strong evidence of widespread fraud.

And who can ever forget that conservative Republican poll watchers were often outright banned from the polls in heavily Democratic Party dominated districts, or at best, barely allowed inside and made to stand many yards away in the distance?

It should be noted that Catherine Engelbrecht, a well prepared patriot, had a well-founded suspicion of what was afoot months before the November 2020 election. In her fight to ensure the integrity of the 2020 election, she sent a Freedom of Information request to Lance Meisenheimer, Union County Clerk [IL], on August 7th 2020, asking for all election tabulations and statistics regarding election resources and materials. Needless to say, he was less than helpful and seemed to have considered her request in a manner that was simply dishonest.

Most recently, the use of the mail-in ballots in the fraud has been highlighted in ‘2000 Mules’, a documentary film by Dinesh D’Souza. D’Souza declared:

“We tracked 2,000 mules making multiple ballot drops, leaving no fingerprints, snapping photos to get paid, a coordinated ring of illegal vote harvesting in all the key states where the election was decided.”

I mention all of this simply to highlight that at the time, there was enough real concern in many districts and states that illegal schemes and mechanisms had been utilized to steal the election, that those votes should not have been certified as “legal” or “legitimate” until a full investigation and audit had been conducted, by a team of men and women known to have the most impeccable character and integrity — studied people who would uncover the facts only, leaving the politics aside.

And finally, this brings me to the real story and the renewed uproar over whether or not Vice-President Mike Pence had the authority to “overturn the election”.

There isn’t one single person constitutionally authorized to overturn an election in the United States, and although Pence didn’t have that as an authority, he most certainly did have the duty to uphold the laws of the land, which most certainly includes states’ laws. Once it became apparent that the law had been violated to create an election environment certain to swing the election Biden’s way, just as seen in Pennsylvania, wherever any vile election fraud had been exposed, those places and their votes should have immediately been placed on hold, rather than to be sent on for certification.

Under the 12th Amendment, while it doesn’t specifically state the VP must check the legitimacy of each state’s electoral votes, it would seem only natural that this would be a part of the process. It’s purely asinine to suggest that the VP is to stand there and robotically make a straight count, whether those votes were gained legally or illegally. That the count is done publicly indicates the Founders’ intent this was to act as a check on fraud; and the VP’s responsibility of counting the votes is certainly and most assuredly inextricably intertwined with the burden of judging the legitimacy of those votes.

To constrain the VP to only count the votes, illegal or not, in and of itself would be to act in an unconstitutional manner, since he would necessarily be rewarding criminal acts. And furthermore, Congress cannot use legislation, i.e the Electoral Count Act, to dictate to any individual branch of government how it must execute it unique duties.

Pence could have just as easily decided to decide between the competing slates of electors chosen by state legislators and governors, or made a final decision on the contested votes.

If nothing else, when those illegally gained votes came before Pence to be counted on January 6th 2021, he most assuredly could have legally demanded that all the questioned votes in the seven swing states be returned to those states to be sorted out; he could have even cast them out altogether in Pennsylvania’s case, since the law had so obviously been violated. His sole job wasn’t merely to count the vote, treating the illegally gained electoral votes the same as legally cast votes.

Settling the contested 2020 election probably wouldn’t have been such a hard matter, if it hadn’t been Trump in the Oval Office, but so many from both sides of the aisle were bound and determined to remove him by hook and crook, and any way they could. The Court could have readily stepped in and settled it, just as they did in 2000 with the hanging chad controversy, but even though they were petitioned by President Donald J. Trump and his administration, which presented an abundance of facts and real evidence of criminal voter fraud, Chief Justice Roberts curled up like the coward he is, with his face in his skirts, and refused to even review the evidence, during one of the most critical times in American history, with the nation under a full blown assault from the Democratic Party Communists and their globalist allies.

Whatever the Court’s reasoning, they’ve only temporarily staved off the coming cataclysmic conflagration of civil war, as this growing tyranny under Biden and Marx Inc forges ahead with its anti-American, anti-Founding agenda. Even though Republicans have successfully checked his illiberal moves to some degree so far, without the needed election fix ensuring the integrity of the voting results, the stage is being set to keep the Democratic Party Communists in power for the rest of this century. And civil war is preferable for many American patriots rather than seeing their children and children’s children condemned to the cold chains of poverty and serfdom to a Socialist State.

“The evidence is so damning, what will the cowards who sat and did nothing about the stolen election say now? The way our votes were taken away is a disgrace to our Nation. It must be fixed.” ~ President Donald J. Trump, still the current and only legitimate President of the United States

February 7, 2022

Justin O. Smith ~ Author

~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.

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