A Letter to the Warden of the Prison for the Elderly

My 84-year-old mother has been imprisoned for the past nine months. Not even family is allowed to visit – a cruelty not visited on death-row inmates. My mother didn’t kill anyone or even hold up a 7-11.

Her crime? Dementia.

She is imprisoned on account of this in a “care” facility which operates under the Gesundheitsbefiehls – health decrees – of Governor Ralph “Coonman” Northam. He has decreed that visitors are verboten, no matter the extenuating circumstances – including even no possibility of transmitting the ‘Rona to the imprisoned elderly person.

My mom has “tested positive,” according to the warden of the facility. Therefore, there is no longer the excuse that I might transmit the ‘Rona (asymptomatically, of course) to my mother, since she already has it.

And I am quite willing to assume the “risk” of acquiring the ‘Rona from her since it presents almost no serious threat to me, as I am not elderly or diabetic or afflicted with clogged arteries, the underlying co-morbidities that account for almost all (more than 90 percent) of the deaths we keep hearing about and which tend to result in death regardless of catching cold.

There is no medical reason for denying me a chance to actually see my mother in person – and for her to see me – ideally, while she still remembers who I am (for her sake) and before she passes away (for mine).

We could be placed in a Corona Room, just the two of us. No harm could possibly come from this.

But they won’t let us. Because facts don’t matter. Cruelty does.

It is an extrapolation of the Diaper Decrees and restrictions imposed on the healthy who refuse to wear the Holy Rag, who aren’t sick and therefore can’t get anyone sick. But who are treated with contempt – and worse – for declining to play-pretend they are sick.

But this is worse. My mom is sick – and because she is elderly, there is a very good chance she will die. There may not be much time left for me to see her. Alive, that is.

But I am not allowed to see her, despite the ‘Rona “precautions” having become an irrelevance. The horse has left the barn, in spite of all their “precautions” – which is itself a commentary on the pointlessness of all these “precautions.” My mom has been imprisoned (along with other old folks) for the past nine months in a practically hermetically sealed environment, where everything is – so we are told – constantly wiped down and where everyone wears the Holy Rag and where every staffer is “tested” regularly – und so weiter.

And yet, the ‘Rona is rampant. I am informed by the warden that half a dozen other inmates have “tested positive” along with my mom.

So what’s the point – if it isn’t sadism?

Why this cruel isolation of rapidly deteriorating elderly people and the equally cruel isolation of their family members from the declining elderly? How did the Coonman become the arbiter of who is allowed to see their own mother or father?

How is it that they can maintain this vicious farce when their excuse – protecting the vulnerable elderly – no longer applies?

I have written to the warden asking precisely this question and offering to sign any form they wish to present absolving them of all liability in the event my mom gives me the ‘Rona. I’d even agree to staying put at home for the two week “incubation” period after visiting her, to assure the nervous I didn’t get the ‘Rona and so pose no risk to anyone else.

It cuts no ice. Because this is not about “health.” It never was. If it were, reasonable accommodations would be made – and reason itself would govern the whole business. People would not be presumed sick, especially absent any symptoms of sickness.

If “masks” worked, they would have. Instead, people are bullied for objecting to being treated as spreaders of a sickness they haven’t got and for objecting to the wearing of “masks” that don’t work.

Elderly people in the twilight of their days are denied the opportunity to visit with their children and grandchildren, whom they are much more likely to never see again than their children and grandkids are likely to get sick, much less die, of the ‘Rona.

Reason – humanity – aren’t applicable.

A false humanity is used to impose its opposite, by people whose cruelty is equaled only by their arrogance.

I will probably never see my mom again. And for that I will never forgive the Coonman or his accomplices. It is my hope that when they are in their dotage and hoping to see their families one last time, that a bureaucrat tells their families no – and that they, too, depart this world alone, without the comfort of anyone holding their hands and telling them they are loved – just as they have imposed the same cruelty on thousands of families across this country.

May God damn them all!

Eric Peters is a nationally syndicated automotive columnist. He is the author of the 2011 book, Automotive Atrocities and Road Hogs.

2 thoughts on “A Letter to the Warden of the Prison for the Elderly

  1. Gloria

    Cant you bring your mom home to live with you or a sibling? I took care of both my parents for their last 3 years in my home. Mom had dementia. Dad had alzheimers. We were able to use my dad’s pension to pay for a caregiver 40 hrs a week. I quit my job and took care of them everyday from 4pm til 8 am the next day. And on weekends. It was super hard but when they died, Mom first and Dad one year later, I was totally exhausted but ever so grateful that I made the sacrifice to care for them and not put them in a home, because that is a prison to them. Even before covid, many elderly people have no one to visit them. I decided to do it myself and bring them home from an independent living center because they became physically impaired and needed help. I will never regret doing this and I have total peace with no regrets. Best decision I ever made. Go bring your mommy home. Only family can care for them lovingly unless you find a great caregiver. Good luck.

  2. Rick Bonner

    Mr Eric Peters!
    My condolences to You and to all of the Others who’ve got Family locked-in at inaccessible, so-called ‘care-facilities’. I trust that sanity WILL reappear around The Whorl’, and We’ll All again be free to Care for and Love Our most immediate Ancestors, Who are for now, and in the precious near-future, still “amoung We The Living”.
    There’re OTHER ‘aspects’ to these farcical flights o’ insanity that are lately tormenting You and I and millions of Other Men an’ Women…;
    One other “side-effect” that’s plagueing MY particular mis-guided ‘Family’ is this: Our Mother, a healthy, 86 year old Woman Who today lives “at Home” – in the very same place She conceived, bore and raised me and most o’ my seven Brothers and Sisters – is being ‘prepared’ to be ‘put’ into a so-called, ‘Senior care facility’. Where, o’ COURSE!, She doesn’t Want to go to. Any more than most of the Men an’ Women Who ARE already in them, want to be solitarilly-confined where They’re “stuck”. For all o’ the “self-evident”, unalienable, incontestable, incontrovertible “Reasons” that occur to any Adult, critically thinking, honest-thinking Man er Woman.
    In ‘Our’ case…, in my ‘Family’…, One might wonder, “Why?” As The Good Book asks in ‘Galations’, “Oh You foolish Galations, who has bewitched You?!?”
    In ‘Our’ case…, it’s ‘for the money’; some wanna trade their Mother’s Liberty for the price that’ll be ‘brought’ for The Home She’s Lived in fer decades.
    May The Creator(ess?!?) enlighten them and revert them from their lucy-fairy-an, murderous, destructive, an’ deceitful crimes agin’ You-Manity. Crimes against their very own – in this instance – You-Womanity.
    That would be “Providential”.
    In any event, whether alone or with Others…, and hopefully with God’s Divine Help…, I WILL oppose ALL such heinous violations of Natural Law. Most especially, I’ll oppose those crimes that threaten so very near to “hearth an’ Home”.
    Rick Bonner Pennsyltucky

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