“FREE again! Free again!“
Mr. Smith Goes to Jail: The author has been handed 13 thirty day bans in 30 months, including the two most recent suspensions, which were back-to back 30 day bans. I guess that the Zuck does not like TRUTH! ~ Ed.
I stay on Facebook simply because it has inserted itself into all sectors of public life, somewhat insidiously I might add, and as such, it wields far too much power as a political tool to simply be abandoned, due to its tyrannical and arbitrary censorship of everything conservative, pro-American, pro-Liberty and pro-Life. If not for this fact, I could care less if I’m on FB or not, until someone in government brings them in line to where they must follow the same guidelines as regular businesses and at least honor our civil rights and the Bill of Rights.
Whether I’m speaking to them or not, or anyone else on Facebook in any particular fashion should not be any of their concern, since everyone is provided a “Block” function; that they go the extra step to act as Big Brother on their private site is still a violation of our First Amendment Rights.
If I’m in a place of business and the owner doesn’t like something I say, they cannot censor me. But,like Facebook they can ask me to leave or refuse me service. That’s what Facebook essentially does. My assertion is they wouldn’t know what I was saying or writing if they weren’t illegally spying on me through the algorithms and monitors; and if they run across my public post by accident, they can simply ignore it. They should leave any interaction between all parties participating in FB, and if anyone decides to block me over something I’ve posted, that’s all fair and square.
The way it is now, the Leftists utilizing FB use the block app and Facebook backs them up like a supporting regiment in what amounts to the wholesale censorship of all conservatives on Facebook, by shadow banning posts and locking people out of their accounts, just as Twitter and other Leftist sites are doing. They are trying to take complete control of all search engines and the internet, and they have almost succeeded; right now, even WordPress is deleting conservative blogs and banning their posts, and Google is already hiding or outright deleting archived conservative material from the internet, which in essence is being scrubbed of conservative supporting historical fact; and, propaganda and out right falsehoods are inserted as replacements.
Taking control of the internet is the greatest danger, and the fact it is taking place before our eyes represents the best reason for Congress to split Google, Facebook and Amazon into smaller organizations under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, in order that competition gives the free flow of information a fighting chance. Otherwise, our internet will be controlled by big corporations pushing whatever agenda they wish upon the American public. And at some point, whatever they build may be seen as too important to remain in their hands and become the tool of a malicious government intent on using those propaganda programs to control us all.
However unfortunate, America cannot count on Congress to fix the problem at this moment in time, while Democrats control the House. They’re on the side of the censors. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., is railing that social media companies are not doing enough to “counter” what he calls “vitriolic hate messages,” aligning himself with the same tyranny we see all across Europe play out today through their hate speech illegitimate laws that allow for patriots opposed to Islam and Christians preaching the Gospel to be jailed for their stated beliefs and facts.

Phuockenze Phacebook
Instead, hopefully America will witness the courts step in and right this egregious development in our society. Last fall, a conservative nonprofit called Freedom Watch sued Facebook, Google, Twitter and Apple for suppressing “politically conservative content.” It’s plausible judges will rule that allowing social media platforms to censor political speech destroys the freedom of the public square.
And that’s just the tip of the ice-berg. Just wait until facial recognition and a complete cashless society become reality and they use social media information to determine who is or isn’t in good standing with the government. The very techniques FB is using now can be used by any tyranny minded government to keep someone out of work until they toe the party line. We see a similar program already unfolding in China through a social credit score that determines EVERYTHING for the individual …. even whether one gets into a university or not.
As a publicly traded stock, unless I missed the mark somehow, they are supposed to honor the Constitution and respect our civil and constitutional rights in the same manner all other companies with public holdings must adhere to the Bill of Rights and respect the public they serve.
I recently had a dear friend make me aware of the new ‘Tech Bias Story Sharing Tool‘ that puts one on a White House type form, where a person can share their story of abuse and censorship at the hands of any or all the various tech giants. Anyone who has experience the OVERT and BLATANT and Often ARBITRARY CENSORSHIP utilized by Facebook, Twitter, Google and now even WordPress should use this tool to contact the White House and express Your own particular concerns.
Time will tell. The Senate and the House or the Courts either act or ‘We the People’ eventually will. To tell the truth, I’m actually surprised that nobody has attacked Facebook headquarters in Molina Park, California in some fashion, even if something as simple as paint bombs.
BIG BROTHER IS HERE. We need to make sure we kill him in the cradle so to speak, or we can kiss liberty in America Good-Bye. Too much of our liberty has already been destroyed through illegitimate legislation. We don’t need to allow anymore to be destroyed in THE PUBLIC SQUARE.
I never thought I’d see the day where any American wasn’t allowed to freely speak his or her mind in this country, under any set of circumstances.
May 17, 2019
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.