May 3, 2010 ~ To begin with, I applaud Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and the 2009-2010 State Legislation for doing the job, that the Federal Government won’t to do (Hmmmmmm – where did I come up that line???), establishing the rule of law in Arizona. Governor Brewer’s predecessor, and, now Secretary of Homeland “Security” in Washington DeCeipt, wouldn’t do the job, while she served in our state as Federal Prosecutor, and as Governor. Maybe it’s time to replace Napolitano with someone who will do the job that she won’t do. I’ll not cry out, “Come back Shane. Come back!” We don’t want her here.
Let’s see now, if anyone in Arizona (and the rest of the nation, for that matter) are pulled over for a traffic violation, the law-enforcement person, will ask for your driver’s license, your registration, and your proof of insurance. Hmmmmm – good beginning.
If I, a somewhat whitish pigmented American, of German-Irish-Italian-Dutch descent (born in Wisconsin, USA) let my mandatory auto insurance expire, the State of Arizona will notify me that my registration has been suspended, and yet many “illegals” from a certain country south of our border, drive vehicles with no registration, some with no valid driver’s license, and of course – no insurance. (And when they are involved in an accident – usually run, thereby increasing the cost of my auto insurance.)
Is it racial profiling to pull over a speeding auto, or an erratically-driven auto – no matter who is driving it, then ask to see the REQUIRED papers? Hmmmm – if you are a resident (registered) alien, you are required to carry your green card at all times anyway….
Hooray, Hooray – it’s the First of May – almost…
Watching the local news on the eve of May Day (the day of which Communists and Socialists celebrate world-wide), I saw a “news-piece” showing the pro-immigration rally going on at the State Capitol in Phoenix, wherein a man was shown packing up his full-sized Ford F-150 pickup truck, which included a full bed cap. The bed was fully loaded with all of his worldly possessions, with nary room for a cockroach. He was hooking up what appeared to be a hot-dog or taco cart to the hitch – the type used to sell food and beverage products on the street corner. The man admitted to being an illegal, and stated that he had had enough and was “going home to Mexico.” My immediate thought was, “how did he obtain a health certificate to operate his small business food-service business?” What documentation did he show the State Health Department when he applied for his permit? Or was he operating that illegally, as well?
On the same night, it was reported that a Pinal County (Arizona) Deputy, had been ambushed in the desert south of Phoenix (while investigating alleged drug trafficking), and had received a superficial would in the abdomen from an AK-47. Throughout most of the night, hundreds of fellow-officers, including, Maricopa Sheriff, Joe Arpaio and a team of his deputies (who had chosen to abandon an ongoing campaign in Phoenix, in order to lend assistance in the investigation), representatives from DEA, and others from numerous supportive law enforcement agencies, scoured a large area, netting arrests of fifteen suspected (illegal-alien) drug-runners, including the three described suspects from the ambush. It was reported that shots had been taken at air-support helicopters by the suspects. Later in the evening, the Deputy was released from the hospital.
Earlier in the week, Greta Van Susteren hosted Paul Babeau, Sheriff of Pinal County on her nightly television program. In response to ongoing questions, regarding the potential for “racial profiling” with the enforcement of Arizona’s controversial new law, Babeau described the following incident:
“Just last night, we had Deputies Taber and Miller go on a traffic stop. They stopped somebody – not because of the color of their skin – but because they were breaking a traffic law. They were speeding. So the deputy turned around, pulled the traffic stop. The driver pulled into a residential driveway.
The operator of the vehicle immediately got out, which is an alert to an officer. The deputy approached him and said, “Hey, what’s going on?” The suspect said, “Hey, there’s nobody in the car,” but then took off on foot. The deputy stayed with the vehicle, had seen the trunk actually pop open. And two deputies approached the vehicle, and surprise, in a Ford Taurus, there were nine other people, including two in the trunk. Now, that’s what we call reasonable suspicion or a clue in law enforcement.”
Can America begin to put two and two together?
Are all illegals in Arizona or America, so diabolical as those represented above? Of course not, but if you are willing to break one law (breaking and entering), then it becomes easier to break others. Unfortunately, the majority of the (estimated) half-million illegal aliens in the State of Arizona, are from south of our southern border, those calling themselves, ‘Latinos’ or ‘Hispanics’ (technically, ethnicities – not races, but…..). On April 26th, Van Susteren hosted Russell Pearce (author of the new law) on her program, who stated, “Illegal is not a race. It’s a crime.”
What, of course becomes interesting, is that Arizona has illegal invaders living in this state from many lands (probably Russia and other Eastern-bloc countries, China, Canada) – but most (although I don’t condone their presence here either) tend to quietly become a part of the system, and learn to read, write and speak English – oops – illegals from Canada already do – but many of our leetle frens from south of thee border, down Meheeco way, just seem to think that this is Burger King and they can unlawfully ‘have eet their way.’ (BTW, the Burger King up the street from my house, only has one person working there, who speaks fluent English. Guess what language the other empleados speak???) “Joo wan bacums an’ hollo-peen-yos we-dat?”
A larger than normal percentage of columns on the Federal Observer, will continue to once again focus on this ongoing issue. Beginning this week, we will begin republishing of a 2005 series, written expressly for the Federal Observer, by S. J. Miller, Don’t be fooled by peddlers of ‘Immigration Reform’ Scams. As the battle looms ahead with the current, corrupt administration in Washington, DeCeit – you’ll want to be armed with all of the ammunition you can get. We’ll fill your ‘possibles bag’ with this series.
To all those of illegal status, who are currently in this country, and will never visit this web-site, you are welcome to come to my homeland, and stay here – but return home first – on your own volition, and return here in the proper manner. Then and only then, will I welcome you with open arms. You once made the choice to come to this land, uninvited, as trespasser – knowing that you were committing a crime. It matters not, what you have accomplished since your arrival – you knew the risks. Now it is time to pay the piper. Heck, you might even consider taking your 14th Amendment approved children along for the ride, so that they can see first-hand, from whence their heritage derives… and if you should choose to lawfully gain reentry into the United States, your children might even learn the most valuable lesson of all – that being an American is something that should never be taken for granted – it’s work – but the rewards are worth it all.
Until then, Vaya con Dios, mi amigos!
Without Apology I am,
Jeffrey Bennett
~ About the Author ~
A veteran of Viet Nam, student of history (both American and film), Jeffrey Bennett has broadcast for over 24 years years as host of various programs and has been considered the voice of reason on the alternative media – providing a unique and distinctive broadcast style, including topics such as health and wellness, news, financial well-being, political satire (with a twist), education and editorial commentary on current events through the teaching of history. In addition, he is the CEO of Kettle Moraine, Ltd.