March 8, 2018 ~ For those regular readers of the Kettle Moraine Publications family of web-sites/Blogs – whatever you wish to call them you’ll note that with one exception, Metropolis Café we have been away for several weeks. Have we been fishing? In a round-about way, I guess so – but not for my usual desirable ‘catch’ – that is only for a past life. I’ll not bore you today with what I have been up to, other than to say it has also affected my daily broadcasts. I have been on extended hiatus there as well. I will return to the airwaves soon, however consider the following…
Since the inception of Federal Observer in July of 2001, this world has changed – and not for the better. This nation has changed – not for the better. The people of the united States have changed – also – not for the better. What? You actually thought that Hillary not being allowed access to the Oval Office was cause for celebration? Well, yeah – in and of itself – it was – BUT we are living in even greater daily turmoil today that at any time that I can remember in my seven decades of life.
Tens of thousands of people in America (and around the world) are dying due to over-medication of what are now being referred to as ‘OPIOIDS’. Greater numbers of deaths – more than at anytime in our history – are being attributed to lunatics going into schools and church’s and killing innocent people via gun-fire – and folks – understand – it ain’t the gun doing the damage. NOPE it is due to lack of parenting, lack of morals – but once again – and abundance to the fine wares being distributed by BIG Pharma. I say ROUNDUP (pun intended) the basturds (misspelling intended) and let them serve out their punishment here on Earth (Lord, where is Judge Roy Bean when we so desperately need his brand of swift justice?) – and then when they reach the end of the road – they’ll serve Eternal punishment as well.
Still others are dying at the hands of illegal invaders, which the gutless, spineless band of elected representatives of ‘WE the People‘ have elected to protect and serve us all. Hang them too, but alas – the People of America no longer have the balls to stand up and do their job. The polite word is, “recall”. The proper term is “hang ’em!”
When the Federal Observer began seven weeks before 9/11 – there were few websites available of our type – and with our original stated mission. Since then – there are far too many Blogs and sites all sharing the same information, the same columns, etc. we are among the very few that do NOT bombard you with FLASH advertisements and on-going commercial endeavors, but then – I am just one man – but THEY are in it for the buck$. “Click HERE and donate” – it costs money to run this site!” No it doesn’t – not the kind of buck$ that THEY are raking in.
Are they committed to TRUTH, JUSTICE and the American Way – or the shekels which bind them?
Louis Turner, my friend and former Associate Editor has major health problems, and at best only has the stamina to post dally with Sit-on-My-Face-Book commentaries. No longer does he have the ability to devote massive amounts of time to writing, editing, publishing and/or developing pointed graphic endeavors. I sadly miss his daily input – but he still lives and I am in touch with him almost daily (and as ill as he is – he is just a on-point, but as twisted as I). My prayers go out to him on a daily basis.
So, we look back on nearly eighteen years of publication of this ‘tired old rag’ – we look at the history of (at one time) millions of readers per month, and ask ourselves, “What the hell has gone wrong? What in the hell have we accomplished, other than reaching and maybe changing the beliefs and direction of a scant few people along the way? Is all we have accomplished is to stave off the inevitable for a few years longer?”
My friends, long time readers and contributors (both via column support and participation in our comment section of each posted article), I ask, “What the hell difference does it make anyway?” Frankly speaking I guess that the only difference it make is, “Who’s side you are on in THIS life.”
We continue to contemplate the fate of the Federal Observer. Most of my endeavors these days go toward the aforementioned, Metropolis Café and our oldest extant web-site, Dr. Kelley’s VICTORY Over Cancer. These are two areas where we continue to make a difference in people’s and family’s lives – and we are hearing of their respective successes.
As I close this commentary, my prayers go out to Granny as she checks in for surgery on March 9th, 2018.
NOTE: We are now into September of 2020, and Granny’s health – due to Bercitus – is not doing her any favors. Jackie Juntti has been a daily reader and frequent contributor to Kettle Moraine Publications for many, many years. She can be reached for comment and your prayers at [email protected].
I’ll see many of you at Sundown.
Jeffrey Bennett, Publisher
Kettle Moraine Publications
PS: Note the the representative images of Jeffrey Bennett and Louis Turner are located on the RIGHT side of the post.