Kettle Moraine Limited was founded in 1995 by Jeffrey Bennett. KML produced audio broadcast programs for satellite and international short wave audiences with live audio feed on the internet. Our programming is STILL geared to those who seek the TRUTH!.
A veteran of Viet Nam, student of history (both American and film), Jeff has been broadcasting for thirty years as host of Perspectives on America. Mr. Bennett is considered the voice of reason on the alternative media – providing a unique and distinctive broadcast style, including topics such as health and wellness, news, political satire, education and editorial commentary on current events through the teaching of history.
The Federal Observer (the modern version) was established in 2001 and updated in 2009, while Jeff continues to work tirelessly with the protocols and publishing of Cancer related books by Dr. William D. Kelley, touring and lecturing on the Dr.’s behalf, managing a cancer and wellness site on our sister site; Dr. Kelley’s VICTORY OVER CANCER. Unfortunately for the world, Dr. Kelley passed in 2005.
Perspectives on America can still be heard THREE nights a week – for TWO-HOURS from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), Tuesday through Thursday on Republic Broadcasting Network.
~ A Message From Jeff! ~
It has been said that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it! My first broadcast on World Wide Christian Radio was heard July 2, 1995. Since that time, I have attempted to address the problems and the future of this nation in a manner that was unique from others who were, and are still, broadcasting on the International short-wave networks. My broadcasts utilize historical, biblical and the financial knowledge which I have attained over the years – to get the message regarding the plans of the now and future “rulers” of the world – across to both knowledgeable and uninformed Americans alike. And now, with my longtime relation with Dr. William D. Kelley, we try to keep you up on the REAL health issues of our time – NOT the trumped up versions.
Got Cancer? We’ve got the Answer! We invite you to visit our sister site on the internet at Dr. Kelley’s VICTORY OVER CANCER.
Occasionally, I will take the nostalgic view such as our program called “Death at the Ballpark,” which was used to show how big business dictates policy and life choices to small business – and how it affects the average citizen in this country today. One of our most popular programs was a tribute to John Wayne on his dedication to our great Republic. In recent years our broadcasts have included a six hour series entitled, All The Kings Men where we covered in depth – the real story behind the financial crisis that led to our great Depression of the 1930’s, Rich Man Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief, both the pre-qual and the sequal to . . . King’s Men, and a two hour study of the Founders and the Declaration of Independence entitled, The American Crisis II. In 2000, we embarked on a number of new series, Mission From Moscow, which, through the recorded words of Sen. Joe McCarthy and Myron Fagan – proved the master plan of Communist infiltration into every facet of American life; and FascUNism: Judgement on Washington. And in 2001, we began our expose on the education of an American Child in Village of the Damned.
On the Federal Observer – we still maintain a category entitled, Village of the Damned. – but it deals primarily with the negative side of what has happened to the Education system in this nation.
To those of you who have been with me for these past thirty years – I thank you for your continued support and words of encouragement. I have not in the past – nor will in the future – attempt to be a carbon copy or clone of anyone else’s broadcast style.
It has been said that those who live by the sword – shall die by the sword! I have chosen as my weapons – for the time being – a pen and a microphone – for the pen IS mightier than the sword!