We’re All Going NUTZ!
Let’s talk about the USAID (US Agency for International Development) – and why Elon is going through it with a very personal machete.
As they weep and wail about funding being cut from “absolutely necessary and life-saving” global initiatives and humanitarian agencies, remember this: We the USA – a nation $36 TRILLION in debt…$36,000,000,000,000 – spent $5.5 BILLION…$5,500,000,000 in the last four years dedicated exclusively to fund LGBTQ issues GLOBALLY. $600 MILLION of which was carved out… hee hee… for trans initiatives.
This was money not spent here in the US on US citizens… not on the forgotten and barely visible American LGBTQ community – if not for all the damned flags, holidays, marches, and infinite attention-seeking and attention-getting tranny TikTokkers losing it over being misgendered. I’m sorry – my Gen X is showing.
Oh no, sir or ma’am. That’s an entirely different and separate grotesque number. This is $5.5 BILLION to export this Marxist madness to other less fortunate countries.
And I Think These Numbers Are Hardly Comprehensive
Especially, when you find funded grants for a study of “rectal mucosal effects of cross-sex hormone therapy among US and Thai transgender women” categorized as simply “ALLERGY/INFECTIOUS DISEASE.” You lying liars. Our country has given itself funded and fully to supporting wickedness and abuse around the world and we purposely labeled it as “HEALTHCARE” for the “MARGINALIZED.” We lied about it to cover it up. And then, we give ourselves humanitarian awards at the Kennedy Center for our generosity.
What good and noble reason could be had that required paying millions of dollars to normalize, rename, and translate the word “hebephilia” – persistent attraction of adults to pubescent children ages 11-14 years old – into other languages? There could be none. But we did. Our tax dollars – MINE and YOURS – were spent in global marketing campaigns to make a crime against children a newly valid, and dignified preference and identity under the glorious banner of DEI.
Straight to Hell
This kind of evil can go straight back to Hell from whence it came. And I will drive the train if they’ll let me. Choo choo, y’all.
Toughen up, Buttercups! They’re going to show you heartstring-pulling scenarios and situations that rival Sarah McLaughlin’s wounded wombats and teary terriers to guilt you into yelling “Uncle!” on the spending cuts, hiring freezes, and dissolution of their departmental houses of horrors. But it’s what they are NOT telling you and NOT showing you that demands we DO NOT TAP OUT of this fight.
I assure you, if we properly manage our priorities and money, Guatemalan children could still get Band-Aids – if we…I don’t know…exercised the wisdom and self-control to stop funding NEH grant FT-291128-23…”A social biography of same-sex desire in postcolonial Ireland.”
That’s a Real Thing… You Bought That Too!
I bet you didn’t even know you needed it, did you?
LOL Lady Gagahhh! Good grief, Grammy. The trans community is hardly invisible! They received over 600,000 grants in the last four years.
I’ll check with my kids, but I wonder how many grants were awarded to white (God forbid), Christian (ick), heterosexual kids with good grades who participate in extracurriculars and can be trusted to babysit? Talk about invisible.
THEY/THEM Created a World Where It Literally Has NOT PAID to Not Be Elaborately Intersectional or Adorned With BS Grievances!
Press on, patriots – you pious, parents, and the even minimally moral. We absolutely voted for this. And I couldn’t be prouder. Enchanted even.
Is that birds chirping off in the distance…the tweets and twitters of the meadow coming to life? Nah. It’s even better. It’s the pterodactyl like screeching of every blood-sucking, grifting hideous whore of the deep state watching their sins and spends be drug into the light. And it is deeeeelightful! Howl away! You vipers. Hiss, piss, and moan before your waking public today about how unfair it is to have to justify your reckless spending.
“Big Bad Ewon (said in pouty, childish rhotacism.) The mean man is so w(r)uthless.”
There, There Pet. It Will Be Over Soon!
Then you can rot in prison or join the rest of us peasants living off only our earned and actual salaries. What part of “They killed my son” – Elon Musk, led you to believe this was going down any other way. Have you not seen John Wick?? I say again. WE knew this. And WE voted for this.
I feel like a Disney princess. Am I Briar Rose?! Swoon.
Watch careful today. Those who are losing their minds the most have the most to lose. Anyone who reacts to accountability and transparency like a vampire reacts to sunlight has a body count somewhere.
The worst part of all of this is that there actually are people in need, both here and abroad. And instead of help or care, we gave them hedonism, chaos, confusion, and the tools and ideations of destruction.
Choo choo, y’all!
Written by Sara Johnson for Hey Salty Lady ~ February 8, 2025