‘Et tu – bitch(es)?’

Just as in the days of Caesar, there always has to be a Brutus…

As regular readers of The Federal Observer are aware, our focus has become more directed to, what I believe at the time of this post, was the most important issue of our times. My promise to you – the American people – is that our focus on this issue will continue to expand with writers such as Charles Dickens, Justin O. Smith, Neal Ross, Al Benson Jr., Diane Grassi, Jan Herron, Sandra Miller, Frosty Wooldridge, and many others.

As with any issue, which we have delved into, be they 2nd Amendment issues or the Arm the Pilots Bill, there are always idiots and zealots, who oppose the endeavors of dedicated patriots to make America what she could once again be. It has often been said that, ”When you’re drawing the most fire (criticism) you must be hitting the bulls-eye!” In other words – we’re ”shakin’ it up here boss!” – and egos are getting in the way.

It never ceases to amaze me how some individuals continue to control from the grave – and believe me – mentally – some of these folks are brain dead!

Witness, one Kathy McKee from Arizona: Although one of the early voices in Arizona promoting Proposition 200 – you know – the one that was designed to restrict certain ”freebies” to Illegal Aliens. The problem with Kathy was and is that she appears to believe in her own mind that if it weren’t for her – that Prop 200 would have never passed as a voter initiative – and subsequently signed into law by Arizona’s illustrious Governor, Jack – oops – Janet Napolitano. The fact of the matter is, that had it been left to the resources of McKee, Prop 200 would have nose-dived into oblivion. I am not only able to state this based upon the emails which I received from her during the ”heat of the battle,” (which were unfocused and erratic at best), but due to reports which continued to filter back to me from the REAL movers and shakers within the grassroots movement. FAIR (otherwise called by the Arizona Repugnant, an “out of state group”) contributed the cost of paid collectors to gather signatures to qualify the measure for the ballot.

Welllllll…. It seems that lil’ Mz. Kathy appears to be miffed because she is no longer considered the ’Queen Bee’ in the ’Illegal Immigration Reform’ movement. She claims to have been involved as a principal activist in over forty pieces of legislation all over the country – and yet – no one has been able to find information tying her to any of it. Was it under a different name? Or is she one of the ”plumbers” still in hiding from her activities of the 1970’s? Which is it Kathy – fish or fowl? I smell a RAT! Can you explain to us, why a similar initiative to that of Arizona’s Prop 200, recently went down in flames in Kahleeforneea? Could it be that once it was discovered that you were involved, the big bucks and the big guns pulled out – dooming the initiative to defeat? Just curious!

Then cometh one, Marty Lich (rhymes with what?), who has caused quite a stir. It seems that she has accused a number of highly dedicated and like-minded writers of plagiarism. Oh no – she was not accusing anyone of copying her work – she had the audacity to point fingers at others for ripping-off each other’s work.

Who is Marty Lich?
Or more importantly who the hell does she think she is? As a contributing columnist to the Magic City Morning Star, she appeared to be widely read and seemed to have something of substance to offer. So? What happened? She is now listed under the heading of Discontinued. Did she choose to leave on her own – or was she asked to suspend her ”contributions”? I guess that in the scheme of things it really doesn’t matter. Queen Bee #2 has inadvertently been the cause of shutting up a valuable resource in the battle against the Illegal Invasion of America!

Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary describes the word leech as:

1) [from its former use by physicians for bleeding patients]: any of numerous carnivorous or bloodsucking usually freshwater annelid worms (class Hirudinea) that have typically a flattened lanceolate segmented body with a sucker at each end and;

2) a hanger-on who seeks advantage or gain.
synonym: PARASITE: ”something that resembles a biological parasite in dependence on something else for existence or support without making a useful or adequate return.

Consider some of the authors, which we mentioned in the first paragraph of this column; Herron, Miller and Wooldridge. Each of these people are in contact with one another on an almost daily basis. I occasionally have contact with Frosty, but speak with Sandra on a daily basis and with Jan upon other occasions. I guess that we had better each be careful of what we write or speak of – or face the accusation of plagiarist from Lich. It seems that Miller and Herron collaborated on a recent column and unbeknownst to one another each submitted their version of it to various publications under their respective names – not jointly with both names posted in the by-line, (a decision), which was agreed upon by both writers for reasons not germane to this column. Lich (or is it ’Leech’?) raised the scepter of ’plagiarism’ against Herron and Miller with the Editor of the Magic City Morning Star. …. And so? The following email was sent to both affected parties:

I’m sorry but I’m not publishing any more immigration articles for awhile, at least not unless they come from a local Maine author.

The problem is not that I am unaware of the importance of the issue but that it has simply become too much of a problem for me, internally.

It seems that there is a great deal of competition among writers in the field of combating illegal immigration. More importance is placed upon getting credit for having written a post than on getting the message out. Thus, when one writer uses an argument that had already been made by another, the other writes to me, screaming plagiarism.

In no case have I found actual plagiarism; as ideas and arguments were borrowed rather than words.

It’s too bad, really; because the other side wins too often on the basis of repetition of argument and phrase.

….so I’ve decided on a moratorium on illegal immigration articles.

Whoa dere Saphirre! The Magic City Morning Star has been a strong, viable voice in the fight to awaken the American people to the importance of this invasion – and because of one jealous parasite, the Editor has chosen to restrict commentary on the issue to writers from – Maine? I mean – it’s not like Maine is exempt from the invasion – but it isn’t exactly the hot-bed for tacos y burritos that the western end of the country has become – but the point is – that this IS a national issue and warrants all the education and awareness available.

The Federal Observer is always grateful for the increase in our readership, however every avenue is needed in this fight for the survival of this nation and the loss of voice from the Magic City Morning Star is a loss we can ill afford. It would seem to me that back in the day – we SHOULD have contacted the Editor  about his decision with the request that he reverse his position – for the good of the nation.

As for the ’leeches’, ’parasites’ and Queen ‘B’s’ (that’s a capital ‘B’ if you’ll note – why don’t you get down off your high-horses (unless you fall down first) and join this fight – we don’t need leaders and bleeders like you, who are more concerned with your self appointed anointed positions of (lack of) authority. Show us what you can do to help us win this fight – DON’T just flap your jaws like braying asses! If you really care – roll up your sleeves, get in the trenches with the rest of us and stop the adolescent games – they went out of style with the end of puberty! Egos win the battles but lose the war. Napolean is witness to that – and Julius Caesar took it in the back!

I’ll see you at the Front!

Without apology, I am




NOTE: The above was published on the original Federal Observer sometime in 2002 or 2003. ~ Editor

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