When you put a seed into the ground (putting aside the myth of Jack and his magic beans) does that seed grow into a full-grown plant overnight, or does it take weeks for it to germinate and grow into a plant that you can enjoy? The same can be said of the human body; we do not age overnight; nor is a years-worth of age, of aches and pains, added to our bodies on the anniversary of our birth; it is a gradual process that happens without us realizing that it is happening. I find it pretty amazing how time sometimes seems to creep by, but then, when New Year’s Eve rolls around, I find myself asking where the past year went.
When a child is born they spend their first year, to year and a half, developing the skills to move around in this world, and at the same time, the ability to communicate with others. By the time they reach the age of 2 they have developed sufficiently to where their minds begin seeking answers to the world they live in. This period is often referred to as the ‘terrible twos’ but it is only that their minds are curious; they want to know the how and why of everything. While it is important to set boundaries upon the things you allow them to do (often for their own safety) it is also important to realize that this is a sign of a healthy and inquisitive mind.
I find it sad that, by the time children graduate from high school, this inquisitiveness has been indoctrinated out of them. In my opinion, what the public school system does to the minds of our children is a crime against humanity; taking those inquisitive minds and turning them into mindless drones who do not question the things they see and hear. In the movie adaptation of the Pink Floyd album, The Wall, there is a scene during the song, Another Brick in the Wall Pt 2, where children are marched along a conveyer belt, where they fall into a meat grinder, and come out the other end with no face; all while the song states:
We don’t need no education
We don’t need no thought control
What is truly saddening is how people sing along with the lyrics; never realizing that they are victims of the same kind of mind control the lyrics are opposing. Another example of how people cannot see the truth of their reality is found in how they cheer for Neo in the film the Matrix; how he escaped The Matrix and fights for the freedom of all humanity, yet they cannot see that their minds are trapped in a matrix as well, and that those of us who have escaped it are trying to do as Morpheus told Neo during his training, ‘I’m trying to free your mind.’
While we may not be living in a computer-generated dream world (but then again, with the advancements in AI, who knows) we are born into a matrix nonetheless. I’m not telling anyone to do anything, but I would highly recommend the book Brave New World for their literary enlightenment; assuming their minds have not been dulled to the point that they cannot see how the opening of the book describes the process by which bright young minds are turned to mush; how people are turned into slaves who serve an elite group of men who control the media, the government, and who seek to gain absolute control over all humanity.
You can call that a conspiracy theory if you like; in fact, you can call it any damned thing you want; what you call it does not take one whit away from the truthfulness of it. These people, these evil bastards, have told you what their goals are, and still people do not want to believe it is possible. They throw breadcrumbs out in the movies you watch; such as how in the Matrix, when Neo is being questioned by Agent Smith, it shows Neo’s passport; with the date of September 11, 2001 as the expiration date. The Matrix was released in 1999, yet of all the dates they chose for Neo’s passport, they chose 9/11? Is that a coincidence; is it gloating on their part; or is it, as I’ve heard, that they believe they can avoid the karma of what they are planning on doing if they warn people in advance?
Who knows, but these little snippets of information are spread throughout the films and TV shows people watch; yet their indoctrinated minds have become so dull that they cannot see them. As one of my Facebook friends said the other day, ‘The dots are so close together that they are nearly touching, yet people still cannot connect them.’
When I hear people talk about politics in this country they always do so by the parameters set by the two-party paradigm; conservatives versus liberals; Republicans versus Democrats. That, my friends, is the Matrix that imprisons your minds! By continuing to support YOUR party, in opposition to the ‘other’ party, you are trapped in a mental prison that does not allow you to step back and look at the system you are electing these people into; it does not allow you to look at the history of what government has done over the two-hundred plus years of its existence; it does not allow people to question whether or not government serves the function the Declaration of Independence says governments should serve; i.e., the securing of the rights and liberty of the governed.
And that is just the tip of the iceberg as far as that goes. One could ask, if they dared to think for themselves, how a government that was created by God-fearing men, men who were inspired by God, could remove the requirement that those seeking office must take an oath professing their belief/faith in God, and in His Son, Jesus Christ; which, if you aren’t familiar with American History, was a requirement in most of the states prior to the adaptation of the Constitution. One could also ask how, if a government was inspired by God, how can it do things that violate God’s immutable law.
Those are questions people refuse to ask themselves; for if they did, it would shatter their concept of reality; shake their faith into the system to the core. That is why the school systems work so hard to take away our ability to think; it would not serve their purpose to have a populace capable of critical thinking; or, as George Carlin said, ‘They don’t want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that . . . that doesn’t help them. That’s against their interests. That’s right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table and think about how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fuckin’ years ago.’
I’ve talked about this in previous essays but people still can’t seem to get it. They complain about the things the ‘other’ party does when it has control of the system; thinking that they could fix what’s wrong in America by voting the ‘other’ party out of power and installing ‘their’ party to run the government. This belief is so short sighted that I cannot believe people actually believe that nonsense; yet they do by the millions; as shown by how many turn out every election cycle to vote for candidates from ‘their’ party; hoping to either maintain control of the system, or regain control of it after 4 years of it being controlled by the ‘other’ party.
Yet ask these voters, these useful idiots (and I was one of them once) how it is that the ‘other’ party is allowed to do the ‘bad’ things they do, or if they would be amenable to revoking the authority to do these ‘bad’ things, and you’ll see their eyes glaze over; as if all thought inside their heads has come to a screeching halt. Since I don’t have may Democratic friends (aside from my brother) I can only speak in regards to the few Republican friends I have; so when I ask them if they would be amenable to restricting the power of government so that those evil Democrats could not do the things they do, they are all for it; until I tell them that if they did so that the Republican Party would lose its power to do the things they want it to do. Then they back-peddle and say, ‘Oh no, we can’t let that happen.’
Even when they say that they cannot see that it is NOT the ‘other’ party that is the problem; it is the system that gives the ‘other’ party the ability to do those things they despise. It is simply inconceivable to the indoctrinated statist mind to do away with the system; they cannot begin to fathom what life would be like without ‘government.’
The truly sad part about all this is that both parties claim to be defenders of our rights and liberty, and people buy into that shit by the millions; yet their track record proves that they do not care one whit about your rights or liberty. But that does not matter to the American voter; so long as the tyranny they suffer under is administered by their party!
Then, to make matters even more ludicrous, these ‘so-called’ conservatives are the ones who wave their Thin Blue Line flags the proudest; while it is these Thin Blue Line enforcers who make sure that they obey the laws that violate their rights and liberty. If the men who fought in the American Revolution were alive today they would not be fighting against the Redcoats, they would be fighting against local LEO’s and an army of federal agents; DEA, FBI, BATF, Federal Marshalls, etc. etc. How thoroughly indoctrinated must one be, how completely enslaved to the system must one be, to support those who enforce that laws that keep them enslaved?
Getting back to the two-party paradigm for a moment, there is no doubt in my mind that the Democratic Party (the one that selects those the people vote for) is evil…to the core. The things they stand for are diametrically opposed to the concepts of individual rights and individual liberty. You can call the Democrats whatever you like, liberals, progressives, collectivists, but the truth is that they are socialist to the core; believing that the needs of society outweigh the rights and liberty of the individual.
Before I move on, there is something I need to make clear. When I use the terms Democrat or Republican you must realize that there are two groups of people I am referring to. There are those who belong to the two political parties who seek political office, and then there are the sheeple who cast their votes for these people; based upon their individual party preferences. The important point to take from this is that the two groups are completely different animals. Those seeking office know what function the system was designed to serve, and they seek office for the power it gives them to push their agendas upon society, while those who vote for these candidates are nothing more than useful idiots; those who fall for their empty promises; only to have their rights, their liberty, and their property taken from them by the people they vote into office.
So, getting back to the issue at hand, are the Republicans any better than the Democrats? Sure, they campaign on platforms that oppose the policies of the Democratic Party, but as the old saying goes, ‘Actions speak louder than words.’ So, I would like to spend a few minutes discussing my thoughts on the Republican Party.
If, as the Declaration of Independence states, the function of government is to secure the rights and liberty of the people, then how well has the Republican Party carried out that function? Well, since the beginning is as good a place as any to start, let’s start with examining the actions of the first Republican President; Abraham Lincoln.
Lincoln waged war, not only against the South, he waged it against the rights of the people, and the states. Lincoln ordered troops into Maryland to suspend the legislature because they were discussing whether or not to secede; thereby violating Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion.” Not only did he deny Maryland their right to a Republican form of government; he was the one who ordered them to be invaded.
Lincoln also waged war against the press; in violation of the 1st Amendment. How many journalists were imprisoned, how many newspapers were shut down, simply because the published articles condemning his war of aggression against the South?

Douglas: The Little Giant
Lincoln is revered because people believe he ended slavery; yet that does not mean he believed in equal rights for them; as proven by what he said in his fourth presidential debate against Stephen Douglas, “I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”
Can you imagine the furor if a Republican candidate were to say something like that today? Yet Donald Trump said that he wanted to restore the party of Lincoln; and descendants of those who fought and died because of Lincoln’s war of aggression upon their ancestors, voted for this guy.
Getting back to the Republican Party in general, over the course of your lifetime, how many laws that violate your rights, or infringe upon your liberty, has the Republican Party repealed? Wasn’t it George W. Bush (a Republican if I’m not mistaken) who gave us the war on terror; along with the Patriot Act, the Department of Homeland Security, a widely broadened TSA; as well as an increase in the domestic surveillance of the American people? Yet when Edward Snowden tried to expose how extensively the government is spying upon them, Republicans far and wide condemned Snowden; calling him a traitor. Many of them said the same thing about Julian Asange and his Wikileaks.
Yet they claim to be the party that defends our rights and liberty. What utter rubbish!!!
Then of course there is the current incarnation of traditional GOP policies; none other than the guy who promised to drain the swamp, Donald Trump. Let’s talk a minute about that campaign slogan; ‘Drain the Swamp.’ While it is catchy, what exactly does it mean; what is this swamp he is referring to?
The swamp, as I understand it, was his referring to the special interests who exercise an inordinate amount of power in government. While that is definitely the case, the biggest of the swam critters that we need to do away with is the Federal Reserve; yet Trump never said a word about dismantling that evil institution, did he? And let’s say he had been successful in draining this so-called swamp; the swamp itself (the system) would still exist; with the swamp critters patiently biding their time until Trump was no longer in office; so they could quickly move back in and resume business as usual.
What were Trump’s major accomplishments in the four years he served as President? In other words, how much freedom did he restore to the American people? Well let’s see; Trump did bring back jobs to America; there is that; but that does not mean he repealed or revoked any existing laws that infringed upon our rights and liberty.
Most of what Trump did was aimed at rolling back policies implemented by Barack Obama that put restrictions upon big business; such as environmental restrictions that prohibited businesses from polluting the environment.
The best that can be said about the Republican Party is that it slows down, or puts a temporary halt to, the policies the Democratic Party attempts to enact while it has control of the system. All that does is put America on an endless cycle of stop, go, stop again; with our rights and liberty never being restored to us. How can these Republicans claim to be conservative when the definition of conservative is to adhere to traditional values and beliefs? They can’t; the term constitutional conservative is an oxymoron at best, a contradiction because it is not the Democrats that have deprived them of their rights and liberty, it is the system; and people’s undying belief that they can fix it by voting the right people into office.
This brings me full circle to a quote I’ve used time and time again; yet gotten only circular logic and mental gymnastics in response to. In 1870 Lysander Spooner posited the following, “But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.”

Lysander Spooner
People cannot find it within themselves to put aside their partisan ideology, or their reverence for the system itself, to address the part where Spooner says, ‘…that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it.’ They refuse to address that is because there is no middle ground, there are no extenuating circumstances, it is either one or the other; justifying his comment, ‘In either case it is unfit to exist.’
Yet, thanks to years, generations, of a slow and steady process of indoctrination, people today seem to be unable to make the logical leap beyond the trap that keeps them imprisoned; the fact that their system of government is no good; that by their continued support of it they guarantee the inevitability of one day waking up and realizing that they have no freedom left; that it has been stripped from them like a sheep being shorn; all to make slaves of them to the real power brokers; who remain hidden behind the scenes, pulling the strings and levers that make government dance to their tune.
Time to wake up people…before it’s too late; before everything comes crashing down upon your heads…
Voting will not fix this system, because the system is doing exactly what it was meant to do; they just couldn’t do it all at once; lest the people revolted. So, they incrementally changed your perception of reality; changed your perception of what function government should serve; changed your perception of your individual rights and liberty versus the needs of society. It took generations to accomplish, but we have reached the point where, what William Casey told Ronald Reagan, ‘We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.’
Scripture says that the truth will set you free; that is true both in regards to secular systems of government, and in freeing ourselves from the bonds of sin so that we may find our way back to our Heavenly Father’s presence. Yet the truth does people no good if they do not see it out; if they reject it; or they do not put it to use in their daily lives.
As Morpheus told Neo, “I can only show you the door. You’re the one who has to walk through it.”
As the old saying goes, ‘The ball is now in your court.’
August 14, 2024
~ The Author ~
Neal Ross, Student of history, politics, patriot and staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment. Send all comments to: [email protected].
Life continues to expand for this prolific writer and guardian of TRUE American history.