McLeod: Though Democrats Don’t Know It — The Jig Is Up!

Meanwhile, the next three or four months is going to be a walk through Hell on Earth – but remember God Almighty and his Providence will be walking with us

“Start spreadin’ the news…”

Don’t let desperado, panic-stricken Democrats and their ongoing PSYOP soap opera fool or frighten you out of your wits.

Barack Obama’s puppet seat-warmer Joe Biden will remain as U.S. ‘President’ because he’s needed there until polls indicate which Democrat has the best chance of beating Donald J. Trump on November 5.

Joe Biden will remain in the Oval Office until the next Messiah is Dem-delivered to the world stage. Biden’s not a recovered victim of COVID – is not recovering from any other illness, other than dementia, and will remain in hiding until the Democrats bring forth their next 2024 Twilight Zone 2024 appointed Election candidate.

Biden’s media-reported COVID and supposed near-death’s-door ‘illnesses’ are a Democrat cover for this. Polls show Biden is UNELECTABLE, as is his now in-the-running-for-president VP Kamala Harris – also unelectable according to current polls.

Don’t know which Joe Biden addressed the nation last night, but he was speaking from a staged setting during his address – and not the Oval Office.

The Fake New may pretend not be aware of the ongoing soap opera—the masses in the public sure ARE:

“Good Day, Canada… WE Could USE Some Help Exposing Kamala Harris… BESIDES Her Personal INDECENCY… SHE Is A RADICAL… WHO Will Finish The Country OFF… GOD Help US”… CFP feeder Dave in in Texas… “TRUMP VANCE 2024…”

‘Report: Harris Campaign in Search of Scheme to Conceal Radical Record’-headline Breitbart, July 24, 2024.

“The Harris campaign is reportedly in search of a scheme to suppress Kamala Harris’s radical record as a United States senator and vice president. (Breitbart, July 24, 2024)

“GovTrack’s scorecard ranked Harris as the most radical senator in 2019, further left than socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and leading writers of the New York Times rated her as the least electable of ten possible Democrat nominees.

“A snippet of Harris’s radical record includes:

* Co-sponsoring legislation to protect illegal immigrants from deportation

* Backing Sanders’ Medicare for All legislation

* Backing a ban on private health insurance

* Supporting the Green New Deal

* Supporting a ban on fracking

Seventeen facts about Harris’s far-left record are here.

“Harris’s record is not likely to produce wide support among independents in swing states, so her campaign is seeking a strategy to conceal her senatorial and vice presidential record, Politico Playbook reported Wednesday:

We’re told Harris’ team is still working through how they’ll respond to those attacks. …expect her to try to refocus questions about those past views as a senator and a candidate onto the work she has done as VP over the past four years.

“These are the views, of course, of a Democrat who joined a rush to the left during a presidential primary that looks incredibly ill-advised in retrospect to many in the party – including Harris, we suspect. Some of her former aides admit she was struggling to find footing in a party that, at the time, appeared to be moving sharply left.

“But the comments are there, on tape, and she can expect to be pressed on whether she still subscribes to those views.

“Though Harris seeks to hide her record, she will not change her positions or distance herself from the Biden administration’s positions, three sources in Harris world told Playbook, citing three reasons:

1. Harris partnered with President Joe Biden for three years on policy

2. Harris will not want to undermine Biden’s legacy

3. Harris is still Biden’s vice president and must work with him every day

“Harris championed the administration’s record of policy blunders in her first appearances since jumping into the Democrat primary race.

“Joe Biden’s legacy of accomplishment over the past three years is unmatched in modern history,” she claimed, asking people to clap. “In one term – he has already – yes, you may clap. In one term, he has already surpassed the legacy of most presidents who have served two terms in office.”

Harris’s cackles are already being drowned out by mega LOL’s.

Harris Goes Low:

“Yesterday, Kamala Harris addressed the staff of what used to be the Biden/Harris campaign and is now the Harris for President campaign. Her remarks left no doubt about just how vicious the left will be..” (Patriot Post, July 24, 2024)

We’ve witnessed the extreme viciousness of the Democrats: more than a thousand J6 attendees ripped from loving families, many still languishing in jail, many without trials, passionate Trump advocate Steve Bannon jailed until the tail end of Election 2024; elderly, 71-year-old Rebecca Lavrenz, imprisoned for the Crime of Praying; ‘America’s Mayor” Rudy Giuliani – forced into bankruptcy and losing his home; the current director of the politicized FBI claiming he doubted Donald Trump was hit by a would-be assassin’s bullet.

Yep, the Democrats high State of Vicious is now all so visibly transparent.

Still, we can all take heart in knowing that “only 6,603 people tuned into the White House YouTube channel when ‘back from the dead’ Biden made his ‘Saving Democracy’ speech last night.(The Gateway Pundit)

In the ongoing desperate Democrat Soap Opera, top Dem leader Barack Obama once media-described as “the smartest guy in the room” now looks like the stupidest one.

“Obama won’t endorse Kamala Harris because he thinks she will lose to Trump. (Gateway Pundit, July 24, 2024) – “But also reportedly wants Arizona Senator Mark Kelly to serve as her running running mate”.

The moral of this outrageous story: The Democrats who tried for 8 long years to drive Trump insane have gone insane themselves, in what millions will see as Poetic Justice

Meanwhile, the next three or four months is going to be a walk through Hell on Earth – but remember God Almighty and his Providence will be walking with us.

Written by Judi McLeod for American Free Press ~ July 25, 2024

One thought on “McLeod: Though Democrats Don’t Know It — The Jig Is Up!

  1. Bigus Macus

    We have lasted this long and kept our sanity (most of us). The end is in sight and the brass ring will soon be ours.

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