Ice Scream, We ALL Scream: Passing the Torch?.

Joe Biden finally surfaced and delivered an address to the nation, in which he said it was time to “pass the torch” to younger Democrats. Kamala Harris is about 60 — not exactly young, but compared to Joe she’s a spring chicken.

The old liar in chief claimed he would not seek a second term, but unlike George Washington, Joe could not resist a continuance of his power. After a disastrous debate performance and cratering poll numbers, massive pressure from elite Democrats finally convinced Joe to quit the race. Jill and Hunter had to have been furious.

The Embarrasment

Joe endorsed Kamala, perhaps as a means of revenge against the Democrat elite who pulled his strings. Obama knows Kamala can’t win, but maybe it’s too late for him to replace her and most Democrats now seem to support Harris, who is even further left than Joe.

Now there is word the Democrat Party insiders will change the rules to get Kamala nominated ahead of their convention. That same party already changed the rules to prevent a primary. RFK Jr. didn’t stand a chance. Can you imagine if a primary had been allowed? RFK Jr. might have won it because Joe is that unpopular. But no, the voters aren’t allowed to have a say. The Democrat elite decide, just like in some tyrannical Marxist regime — and the Democrats have the gall to talk about ‘our Democracy.

Joe’s torch represents his abominable legacy. It includes his disgraceful pullout in Afghanistan, the wide open border, his war mongering, a green economy that flopped miserably, inflation, and his support for Hamas terrorists. Biden did a bang-up job destroying our country and Kamala will do even more damage should we have the misfortune of her winning the presidency.

Kamala will carry a torch of bitter ashes.

Ben Garrison
July 25, 2024

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