Joe Biden has dropped out as the Democratic nominee, but did Joe drop out himself or was he forced out?

We all knew this day was coming ever since the disastrous debate with Trump on June 27th. The announcement was a surprise as reports went back and forth saying Biden was staying in the race than five minutes later, it was, no Joe is dropping out soon.

A person could get whiplash with all the back and forth stories.

Biden then endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him. Kamala started cackling happily – the DEI hire was giddy. This did not unite the Democrat Party as much as they wanted. Barack Obama did not endorse Kamala. Hillary Clinton popped up out of her lair and endorsed Kamala while licking her chops. Keep your eye on Hillary – she is on the move. Crooked Hillary didn’t lose weight and got a new facelift for nothing.

Kamala Harris will be promoted as a ‘black woman’ even though she is of Indian descent. The paid shills and democrat influencers are already posting that it will be great to see the ‘racist’ Trump beaten by a ‘black women.’ They are focusing on Kamala’s gender and skin color, nothing else matters to them.

If Joe Biden isn’t able to campaign as the Democrat nominee then he is not fit to be president.

If Joe resigns, Harris becomes president and serves out Joe’s term. Kamala then picks Hillary to be her vice president, and presto, a two-women ticket run by the party that can’t even define what a woman is.

Identity politics always ends up being a horror show.

We will have to wait and see how this all plays out. In the meantime, watch Hillary. She is smiling like the proverbial cat that ate the canary…

Tina Toon and the GrrrTeam
July 22, 2024

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