Migrants With Ties to Terrorism Continue Attacks on U.S. Military Bases

The country’s open borders are allowing for illegal migrants with ties to terrorism to attack various military bases across the country including in Texas.

For instance, there have been multiple breaches at Laughlin Air Force Base since early this year. On January 21, a vehicle crashed into a light post before four people inside the vehicle got out and then breached the facility. According to Laughlin AFB, three others were arrested before escaping.

More recently, on May 31, a suspected illegal alien who was fleeing Border Patrol jumped the perimeter fence but was then apprehended.

In California, another breach happened at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms involving an illegal migrant a few months ago.

Bob Price, associate editor for Breitbart Texas, said individuals identified as “special-interest aliens” are committing these acts on a regular basis.

“Migrants from special-interest nations, people from countries that have ties to terrorism, we’re seeing more and more of those people being found near military bases,” Price said.

These “special-interest aliens” aren’t just coming across the southern border. According to Price, they’re also crossing the U.S.-Canada border.

This isn’t a new problem for the country either.

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“It’s gotten significantly worse when you look at the number of special-interest aliens that are feeling free to come into the country,” said Price.

There’s no one to blame for these reoccurring attacks by illegal migrants from multiple different countries on military bases either but the Biden administration.

“The Biden administration has left us wide open for ‘lone wolf’ type attacks like we’ve seen in the past at other installations across the country,” Price said.

Multiple reports have said there have been at least 10 million people enter the country illegally over the past three and a half years.

Written by Jarett Lewis for NewsRadio 740 KYRH ~ July 8, 2024

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