Smith: Down the Path of Past Banana Republics

   The Country Has Gone Bananas.

As odd as it seems for me to be forced to defend Donald Trump, this is one of those paradoxical times that demands it of me, given the egregious means used by the Democrats to subvert the rule of law and achieve their guilty verdict against Trump.

This isn’t so much about Trump as it is about what we all will face should this lawfare not be met, countered and put to an end, so that everyone will one day receive equal treatment from our legal system, regardless of who they are and what they believe and hold to be true.

The Marxist-Maoist Democrat Commies have tarnished America’s image as a shining city on the hill and accelerated the decay and decline of America, putting Her on Her last legs. We absolutely will be living in a banana republic, if we don’t soon rectify the situation and wrest control of America from the steely-grip the Biden regime has on Her for now. Hopefully, Trump’s conviction has good and decent Americans becoming more greatly aware of the situation that has been created and the danger it represents.

Many Americans from all walks of life, conservatives, populists or just Trump fans, not always necessarily Republicans, see the leadership system and the justice system in our nation is broken. Not all may have a wholehearted affinity with Trump’s politics, but they still identify with his fight, as an underdog standing up to those who would be tyrants. Through this prism, Trump is now viewed as somewhat the “radical”, a symbol of resistance and the rejection of conventional politics personified. But we are just speaking of the symbolism here, since in practice, Trump’s policies were often far from dramatic departures, either for good or ill, from the practices of Washington’s Establishment Class.

The lead up to November’s election will be interesting as all hell. Expect more riots. Expect a repeat of 2020 in 2025.

June 3, 2024

Justin O. Smith ~ Author

~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.

One thought on “Smith: Down the Path of Past Banana Republics

  1. Gail Honadle

    When you are imprisoning a 75-year-old Christian for 2 years objecting to Abortion, you are violating the Constitution. It is at most a Mismeandor IF he puts a foot too close to their dumb line. But you don’t prosecute criminals ransacking stores, burning neighborhoods, and killing each other is a felony crime.

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