Democrat Teams Up With Trump Leaving Leftists With Their Hair on Fire
Trump has attracted support from across party lines before. But this took things to a whole new level.
And a Democrat teams up with Trump leaving Leftists with their hair on fire.
Former President Donald Trump and advisors from his campaign have met with former Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI).
They met about foreign policy issues along with how the Department of Defense will be handled should Trump win a second term in the White House in November…. (Continue to full article)
Top Democrat Calls It Quits and Sends Out Shocking Resignation Letter
Because a top Democrat has officially called it quits with this shocking resignation letter.
On Wednesday, Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) announced his resignation from his role as a Democrat leader of the House, and a protégé made it clear that he wanted to take over in his place.
“I have informed Leader Hakeem Jeffries of my intention to step down as Assistant Democratic Leader of the House Democratic Caucus,” Rep. Clyburn, who is now 83 years old, shared in an official statement.
A change in leadership was triggered by his pronouncement. A House Democratic leadership official informed NBC News that Rep. Joe Neguse, a 39-year-old rising Democrat from Colorado, will seek Clyburn’s leadership position… (Continue to full article)

Chinee Slo-Joe
Biden insists disastrous Afghanistan pullout – that killed 13 US troops – wasn’t a ‘mistake’
Biden was insistent that the disastrous withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan in August 2021 — which led to the deaths of 13 US service members — wasn’t a “mistake,” according to a forthcoming book.
In his book “The Internationalists: The Fight to Restore Foreign Policy After Trump,” Politico reporter Alexander Ward said “no one offered to resign” after the bugout “in large part because the president didn’t believe anyone had made a mistake.”
Biden told his top aides, [National Security Advisor Jake] Sullivan included, that he stood by them and they had done their best during a tough situation – the excerpt reads, with one White House official saying, “There wasn’t even a real possibility of a shake-up…. (Continue to full article)
America is Wasting Over a Trillion Dollars on “Green” Programs
Despite a staggering $34 trillion debt, Democrats are allocating an additional trillion dollars for green subsidies. Much of this excessive spending stems from the 2022 “Inflation Reduction Act”.
According to Marc Morano from The Climate Depot, the bill was merely a disguised ‘green pork barrel’ falsely labeled as the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ by Democrats to gain more public support. Morano argues that the green initiatives benefiting from these subsidies are essentially ineffective.
“It’s not reducing emissions, nor is it enhancing the reliability, security, or abundance of American energy… (Continue to full article)
Alejandro Mayorkas on border: ‘We don’t bear responsibility for a broken system’
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Sunday blamed House Republicans for record-high migrant crossings at the southern border after they voted largely along party lines to sink the bipartisan border security bill that included foreign aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.
During an interview on NBC News’ “Meet the Press,” Mayorkas was asked by moderator Kristen Welker whether he bears responsibility for the overwhelming number of migrants trying to cross the border and the backlog of asylum claims, which President Joe Biden has called a “crisis.”
“It certainly is a crisis and we don’t bear responsibility for a broken system, and we’re dealing a tremendous amount within that broken system, but fundamentally, Congress is the only one who can fix it.”… (Continue to full article)
Five Dirty, Career-Ending, Prison-Warranting Secrets Biden Wants You to Forget Before Election Day
Let’s call it like it is. Lady Liberty is on the ropes, and it wasn’t the Nazis, the Soviets, or Islamic terrorists who put her in a daze. Nor was it a second Civil War that bloodied her face, forcing Mick to cut her eye. The simple answer is that this is the work of Democrats and RINOs.
As of today, we are supposed to believe that Joe Biden plans on running for re-election, hoping to assail our battered nation with another term of Marxist codswallop. I’ll bet my Snagglepuss lunchbox that doesn’t happen. I think Biden is going to exit, stage left. And with good reason.
Brandon, Let’s Go!
Biden is the worst presidential candidate since Vermin Love Supreme Al Sharpton. He “brought class back to the White House” in his first term by allegedly dropping a crabcake in his pants while chatting up the Pope… (Continue to full article)
New Poll: 86% of voters say only American citizens should be allowed to vote
The overwhelming majority of general election voters say only American citizens should be allowed to vote in United States elections, a new poll exclusively shared with Breitbart News finds.
Author John Binder reported that the data came from a survey sample of “1,000 general election voters” and that the “overwhelming majority” number rang in at 85.5%, which is around 6-in-7 of the polled voters. Furthermore, the opinion that only American citizens should vote in American elections wasn’t exclusive to the federal level, but the “municipal level” as well.
Now, I’d like to know where this other 14.5% is, that 1-in-7 person who thinks non-citizens should be allowed to vote, because I’m just going to go out on a limb here and assume that he/she/it is a Democrat voter. And, just as much as the party and voter base supports noncitizens voting in our elections, they also support elections by mail — but I’m wondering if any of these Democrat voters have followed the mail-in-ballots-and-illegals-voting plank to its logical conclusion? I highly doubt it…. (Continue to full article)
An Immigration Crisis Beyond Imagining
In 1960, the Eisenhower administration began counting the number of foreign nationals “apprehended” or “encountered” by what was then called the U.S. Border Control when crossing into the U.S. over its southern border with Mexico. These figures have been published and closely monitored through the years, and there has never been anything like the numbers we are seeing now. A human tsunami of previously unfathomable size—Border Patrol has had to handle more than 7.6 million border crossers in 36 months—has smashed every record, with each year’s numbers exceeding the previous year’s record in stair-stepping fashion.
Of the over 7.6 million illegals encountered by Border Patrol since January 2021, the number allowed to stay inside the U.S. is somewhere north of five million. But with the percentage of those allowed to stay now approaching 100 percent, if current trends hold, the total allowed to remain in the U.S. under the Biden administration will reach ten million by next January.
The reality is even worse, because these numbers do not include the people who entered the U.S. illegally without being apprehended — sometimes referred to as “gotaways” — a number the Border Patrol estimates but does not make public. That estimate over the past three years is two million, bringing the three-year total of illegal immigrants to ten million — a number equivalent to the population of Greater London or Greater Chicago… (Continue to full article)

A Texas Parks and Wildlife Warden stands next to a 30 caliber rifle as he patrols the Rio Grand on the U.S.-Mexico border. (AP Photo/Eric Gay, Pool)
Within Days of Visiting Texas Border, Louisiana Governor Sending Troops
Within days of joining Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and a coalition of Republican governors in Eagle Pass, Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry and state legislative leaders announced their united agreement to fund and send troops to Texas.
While in Texas, after meeting with Abbott, Landry immediately called legislative leaders to express the need to fund sending Louisiana National Guard troops to Texas. On Thursday, they delivered, announcing in a news conference that they were allocating $3 million to send 150 troops to Texas to support Abbott’s border security mission, Operation Lone Star.
At the event, Abbott explained how combined state border security efforts have successfully blocked illegal entry, and they were expanding their efforts to other areas.
“Half of the governors of the United States have joined with Texas in our cause to make sure states should do everything possible to secure our border.”… (Continue to full article)
Migrants in Chicago are on Edge as Evictions From Temporary Shelters Loom
Mоrе thаn 13,000 migrаnts in Chicаgо аrе fаcing аn impеnding еvictiоn frоm city-оpеrаtеd shеltеrs, mаrking а significаnt chаllеngе fоr bоth thе displаcеd individuаls аnd lоcаl аuthоritiеs. Thе mоvе cоmеs аs оfficiаls аim tо cоnsеrvе thе budgеt аnd crеаtе spаcе fоr nеw аrrivаls in а city thаt hаs bееn grаppling with аn incrеаsing influx оf migrаnts sincе Junе 2023.
Thе surgе is а rеsult оf а busing cаmpаign initiаtеd by Tеxаs Gоvеrnоr Grеg Аbbоtt, whо hаs rеdirеctеd оvеr 100,000 migrаnts tо sо-cаllеd sаnctuаry citiеs, with аrоund 35,000 оf thеm lаnding in Chicаgо.
This prеdicаmеnt plаcеs еnоrmоus prеssurе оn thе migrаnts tо sеcurе hоmеs аnd еmplоymеnt within а limitеd timеfrаmе, а fеаt thаt sееms incrеаsingly dаunting, еspеciаlly fоr thоsе whо hаvе rеcеntly аrrivеd. In intеrviеws with оvеr а dоzеn migrаnts, mаny hаvе еxprеssеd cоncеrns аbоut mееting thе еvictiоn dеаdlinе, primаrily duе tо thе difficulty nеw аrrivаls fаcе in оbtаining rеntаl аssistаncе аnd prоmpt аccеss tо wоrk pеrmits… (Continue to full article)
Failed Border Bill Would Have Stopped Migrants From ‘Gaming the System,’ Border Patrol union president says
Senate Republicans quashed the most comprehensive bipartisan border security package in years, with some arguing it failed to go far enough to address the country’s immigration crisis despite an endorsement from the National Border Patrol Council.
The Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act failed to pass a procedural step on Wednesday, 50-49, falling short of the 60 votes that would have ended debate and forced a final vote. Nearly all Senate Republicans voted to table the bill, including Utah senior Sen. Mike Lee, who led opposition to the deal.
Just four Republicans joined most Democratic senators in supporting the measure… (Continue to full article)
Report Shows More Than 60% of Illegal Immigrants Are on Government Assistance
A recent report by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) sheds light on the significant welfare dependency observed among households led by illegal immigrants and green card holders in the United States.
According to the CIS report, a notable 59 percent of households headed by illegal immigrants utilize at least one major taxpayer-funded welfare program, in stark contrast to the 39 percent of U.S.-born households accessing such assistance.
These findings come amid ongoing concerns about illegal immigration, with the Biden administration facing unprecedented levels of migration at the southern border… (Continue to full article)