February 12, 2024: The Continued INVASION of America… The Insanity Will NOT End

The following are THREE recent columns recently written by one of our well-known columnists – and each are quite explanatory regarding the continuation of the insanity that continues with this issue. ~ Editor

Benson: Why are the Illegal aliens REALLY here?

The question I ask in the title of this short article has never really been answered. Oh, the socialists in both major parties will tell us they are here for a better life–to partake of the “American Dream.” To which I say horse puckey.

Over ten million of them have illegally crossed our borders in the three years since Biden “appropriated” the office of president. Where Trump sought to keep them out, Biden has thrown open the border and invited the world to illegally enter in

Why?… (Continue to full article)

Benson: Letting illegal aliens vote – what I’ve been saying all along!

I’m sure, when I started mentioning this in articles (giving illegals the vote here) there must have been quite a few folks that, though they didn’t say anything, that thought I was off the wall. I wish I had been, but unfortunately, such was and is, not the case.

In yesterday’s article, I noted comments where Senator Dick Durban, a radical Democrat with a lousy voting record, has suggested that we arm illegal aliens and give them military training, presumably to put them in the army at some point so they can shoot American citizens that may not agree with the Biden/Obama Regime’s objectives for the country… (Continue to full article)

Benson: Is Biden Regime complicit in the border invasion? Well of course they are!

Paul Craig Roberts had an interesting article recently in which he asked some interesting questions.

In part, Mr. Roberts said: “Israel can evict Palestinians from the Palestinian villages in Palestine. Tiny Latvia can deport Russian ethnics born in Latvia for not learning to speak Latvian, but mighty America cannot prevent millions of immigrant invaders from illegally entering the United States each year and remaining. How can that be? Clearly the United States government is in a conspiracy with the NGO’s (non-governmental organizations) that are recruiting and funding the invasion in order to replace the white American population. Why is the U.S. government cooperating with anti-American NGO’s to steal America from Americans?”

Good questions. The answers should be rather obvious to anyone who bothers to think… (Continue to full article)

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