As Much As Some Hate It, God Wins In The End

There are those who will hate God’s victory and will fight against it in this world. But in the final analysis, they can do nothing about it. I woke up early this morning for some reason and as I lay there, some of the words from Martin Luther’s hymn “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” came to mind which I will note here – “Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing. Were not the right man on our side, the man of God’s own choosing. Dost ask who that might be? Christ Jesus, it is he. Lord Sabaoth his name, from age to age the same. And He must win the battle.”

As powerful as Satan might seem, he is impotent against God. If we look at Christmas, we can see Christmas as war, a war that Satan was not even able to defeat the infant Jesus in. We can see Good Friday and the cross as God’s coming to save His own through Jesus’ blood and sacrifice and what Satan thought was a victory was turned into ashes for him on Easter morning with the resurrection of Jesus, as the tomb could not hold him. All this has been spiritual warfare. People don’t often look at it that way, but that’s what it is – spiritual warfare – in a war that’s been going on since the third chapter of Genesis in the Scriptures.

If you look at the world today you see a mess. Men, thinking they can solve all their problems without God’s guidance have really screwed things up big time and the more they try to fix things without God’s help the worse they make them. And too many of God’s people, influenced by bad theology, are doing little except sitting it out, waiting for some “secret rapture” to take them out of this mess so they don’t have to get involved in it and do anything. What they fail to realize is that the Lord WANTS them involved because He wants to use them to help clean up the mess they refuse to get involved in. When they figure that out then you might begin to see revival of some kind. Until they do, you probably won’t.

If some of the Lord’s people will just quit sitting it out and get to work you might begin to see some progress. It may not, probably will not, happen in our lifetime, but it will happen and we have to start somewhere. Some of the words of another hymn come to mind: “And though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet.” Maybe the Lord’s people need to recognize that truth anew rather than hoping in some form or rapture escapism so they won’t have to get their spiritual hands dirty.

In a major part, God will use Abraham’s seed to clean up many of the current problems. And who is Abraham’s seed? The third chapter of Galatians tells us pretty plainly. Galatians 3:16 says: “Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.” And he sums that up in Galatians 3:28-29 when he says:

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

That means the promise was made to Christ, not to national Israel and that this promise was for those, both Jew and gentile, that believe in and trust the Lord Jesus. That means that Christians have got to quit sitting around waiting for the restoration of Israel, which has nothing to do with it, and get to work building God’s kingdom here instead of trying to escape. If we want God’s will to prevail here as it does in heaven then we need to do what the Lord enables us to do to make that happen instead of sitting it out as so many continue to do.

I realize what I am saying here will not be well received by many, but if we want the Lord’s will to be done here we need to get off our spiritual backsides and find out areas the Lord would use us in to make that happen. Satan only wins when we sit back and do nothing, and if the Lord can’t use us He may find someone else He can use and we will become as salt that has lost its savor and is, therefore, no good. Make no mistake – the Lord will win in the end, not Satan. It would be good if more of His people were around to enjoy that victory, whether here or in the next life.

December 11, 2023

~ The Author ~
Al Benson Jr. is the editor and publisher of “The Copperhead Chronicle“, a quarterly newsletter that presents history from a pro-Southern and Christian perspective. He has written for several publications over the years. His articles have appeared in “The National Educator,” “The Free Magnolia,” and the “Southern Patriot.” I addition he was the editor of, and wrote for, “The Christian Educator” for several years. In addition to The Copperhead Chronicles, Al also maintains Revised History.

He is currently a member of the Confederate Society of America and the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and has, in the past, been a member of the John Birch Society. He is the co-author, along with Walter D. Kennedy, of the book “Lincoln’s Marxists” and he has written for several Internet sites as well as authoring a series of booklets, with tests, dealing with the War of Northern Aggression, for home school students.

Mr. Benson is a highly respected scholar and writer and has graciously allowed the family of Kettle Moraine Publications to publish his works. We are proud to have his involvement with each of our projects.

He and his wife now live in northern Louisiana.

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