DeWeese: The Left’s Arrogance Backfires On Them!

As you know, I’ve been traveling the country, sounding the alarm about dangerous “Sustainable” policies. Most importantly, I’ve been encouraging local citizens to stand up and fight these attacks on property rights, farming, energy, transportation, and so many other issues that are destroying our way of life.

Build those Freedom Pods, I’ve said. Take local action to stand up for your rights!

One of the worst attacks has been from PRIVATE corporations intent on taking PRIVATE farmland to build their PRIVATE Carbon Capture Pipeline.

Farmers have been caught in the path of this idiotic plan to grab thousands of acres of vital farmland and bury CO2 underground under the excuse of Climate Change. These farmers have been standing virtually alone.

And the powerful corporations, Summit Carbon Solutions, Vanguard, and Navigator CO2 Ventures keep pushing forward, using their huge bank accounts and political power to create fear and intimidation against anyone who dares stand up and oppose their scheme to control vital farmland that feeds us.

For the past year, I have been calling on county and state elected representatives to take legislative action to protect their citizens from this corporate tyranny. While these officials have been dragging their feet, taking little or no action, the corporations have gotten more powerful and more arrogant.

It all started a few weeks ago on the farm of Jared Bossly in Brown County, South Dakota. Bossly has been a vocal opponent to the CO2 pipeline. There are signs posted on his property specifically notifying pipeline corporations not to come on his property without his permission. But they did.

So-called surveyors for the PRIVATE company, Summit Carbon Solutions, suddenly appeared unannounced, and walked all over his property, even entering his small farm shop. None of that area had anything to do with the pipeline. His wife, scared by these strangers on their land, called Jared – who was working out in the field. In a quick 6 second phone conversation with her, he said to his wife – we will need to get the sheriff involved.

Jared did not talk directly to the surveyors. But those surveyors reported that he had threatened their lives. HE DID NO SUCH THING. But a judge put a restraining order on him, as if he was a danger to these corporate trespassers.

Then, less than two weeks later, Summit sent another team to his property, complete with armed guards and huge equipment designed to drill 90 foot deep holes into his soil. They drove this monster equipment over his soybean and corn crops. But, by order of the judge, Jared was not allowed to confront or interact with them – on his own property.

But this is where the story gets really interesting!

It is obvious that Summit’s purpose in this intimidation tactic was to scare other farmers from opposing the pipeline on their own land, and to silence their opposition.

That tactic backfired! Instead of silencing them, farmers have risen up like never before in opposition.

Jared Bossly suddenly became a major voice on news programs across the nation, telling the story of intimidation by these tyrannical corporations that are determined to control the farmland.

On July 6th, the farmers held a rally at the South Dakota state capital, demanding that the governor and state legislature take action to protect their property rights. 500 showed up. Then Jared presented petitions signed by thousands of residents to the legislators – demanding they take action to support property owners.

Meanwhile, county commission meetings have been packed with angry residents demanding that they too take action on the county level. The residents are desperate to stop the corporations from gaining the power of Eminent Domain so they can just take the land anytime they want.

And now we see the same protests rising up in other affected states, especially in Iowa. Just a week ago, activists from several surrounding states met in Iowa to plan strategy.

The corporations are getting worried! They now see that even with all of their power and money – they could lose this battle.

This is what happens when citizens stand up and say no! And that is a Freedom Pod in action.

RELATED: Supreme Court says construction of controversial pipeline can resume

I am proud to be a part of this incredible fight. I’ve been to both Iowa and South Dakota helping local activists to effectively organize. I intend to keep pushing for more action. Most importantly, I want to build this kind of action all across the nation. Coming out of this fight in South Dakota and Iowa, there is a new energy for concerned Americans everywhere. We have to build on that energy.

July 25, 2023

© 2023 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

~ The Author ~
Thomas A. DeWeese is the President of the American Policy Center.

Tom is one of the nation’s leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education and American sovereignty and independence.

Tom DeWeese’s commentaries may not be reprinted or republished without permission. All Rights Reserved. Submitted to and published by Kettle Moraine, Ltd. by arrangement, and with permission of the author.

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