Benson: These Government Indoctrination Centers We Refer To As ‘Schools

One government indoctrination center in Vermont has decided to eliminate the words male and female from the 5th grade curriculum. Students can’t use the words boy and girl in school because, after all, this school is in the process of becoming woke, and using such antiquated terms as boy and girl omits the other 126 sexes some flaky scientists and politicians have only recently informed us are now in existence. How many other public schools are like this one nationwide? More than you’d like to think about. But you’d better start thinking about it because the Theology of Woke will be coming to a public school near you if it’s not already there.

In the April 10th issue of the New American magazine a homeschooling dad commented on what he learned about public schools after he removed his son from one. He observed: “I’ve learned a lot since my son first attended kindergarten. The crux of it is that government schools are causing harm to our children, and they’re designed in a way that quashes the genius all children are born with. The architects of government schools, people such as Horace Mann and John Dewey, were socialists who sought to create little socialists who would grow up into big, adult socialists and turn America into one, big, happy socialist utopia.”

The dad continued: “Government schools have wasted generations of American genius and are a leading reason for the chaos and national self-hate destroying our society today. Government schools are a major reason the United States is no longer on the promising path it once was… The good news is that more than 1.2 million have been pulled out of American government schools just in the last two years, which has the regime propaganda outlets, such as the New York Times, freaking out… Schools pushing racist ideologies such as Critical Race Theory and sexually perverted books have also made it easier for parents to justify saving their children… So, yes, enrollment is plunging. But not fast enough. In perfect world, the schools would be emptied out tomorrow, and the U.S. Department of Education shuttered for good.”

The article noted that not all patriotic and conservative parents are convinced that public schools are the lost cause they really are. Many still believe they can reform or “take back” the public schools and that those schools were different when they attended them. Well, they were somewhat different, but that difference is only relative. They weren’t as openly radical years ago because they didn’t dare to be. Doing that would have given the game away, the way it did in Kanawha County, West Virginia in 1974. When parents there at that time saw what the schools were doing to their kids they revolted and managed to keep the schools shut down for a month. Eventually their protest was beaten to death, literally. A testimony to what happens to those who openly oppose Big Brother’s government education system!

I imagine if such happened today the parents would just be jailed as domestic terrorists and the omnipotent state would seize their kids and raise them as compliant little socialists, as was the vision of Mann and Dewey. It never occurs to that many parents to do some homework and find out that public schools have been getting progressively worse since at least the 1850s. Those who are willing to do the homework after defending public schools are in for quite a rude awakening. Unfortunately, Christian parents seem most derelict in this area. And I speak from experience here after talking with many of them. They are not willing to do the homework. All they want to do is defend the government schools no matter what – and tell me what wonderful sports or music programs those schools have – to which I reply – “You’re willing to trade your kid’s souls for a good sports program?” That usually ends the conversation, because whether they answer or not, their reply is yes, without even thinking about it! If we lose our country, which is a real possibility right now, it will be because we let the Lord’s enemies educate our children, and when we were told about it we did nothing to change it.

April 28, 2023

~ The Author ~
Al Benson Jr. is the editor and publisher of “The Copperhead Chronicle“, a quarterly newsletter that presents history from a pro-Southern and Christian perspective. He has written for several publications over the years. His articles have appeared in “The National Educator,” “The Free Magnolia,” and the “Southern Patriot.” I addition he was the editor of, and wrote for, “The Christian Educator” for several years. In addition to The Copperhead Chronicles, Al also maintains Revised History.

He is currently a member of the Confederate Society of America and the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and has, in the past, been a member of the John Birch Society. He is the co-author, along with Walter D. Kennedy, of the book “Lincoln’s Marxists” and he has written for several Internet sites as well as authoring a series of booklets, with tests, dealing with the War of Northern Aggression, for home school students.

Mr. Benson is a highly respected scholar and writer and has graciously allowed the family of Kettle Moraine Publications to publish his works. We are proud to have his involvement with each of our projects.

He and his wife now live in northern Louisiana.

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