NOTE: Well, son of a gun (oops) – this author seems to be somewhat of an anti-gun believer – but READ through it anyway. There are some very good points here. OH – and Mister Jones? The author talks about Sandy Hook too… WOW – I KNEW that we would receive response on this one. One of the BIGGEST responses that we have had in some time. And – I fully agree with each and everyone of you. Thank you all. ~ Editor

John Wayne and Marsha Hunt in the 1937 movie “Born to the West.”
When Pat Buchanan kicked off his presidential run in the 1996 Republican primary, he posed wearing a gun belt in Tombstone, Ariz., at the entrance to the O.K. Corral. “I wanted to wear a gunfighter’s outfit,” Buchanan told reporters. “So I did it.”
If Buchanan had been wearing that gun on the streets of Tombstone in 1881, he’d have been lucky not to run into Virgil or Wyatt Earp, who would have clubbed him over the head (“buffaloed” in the parlance of the time), hauled him off to jail and fined him $25 for carrying a firearm within the city limits.
Like many frontier peace officers, the Earps didn’t debate gun control, they enforced it. Many officers in the Old West who did not control firearms on town streets came to regret it. In 1871, Wild Bill Hickok, town marshal of Abilene, Kan., responded to pistol shots in the dark by not only killing the shooter but then wheeling and firing at a man approaching him from behind. Wild Bill accidentally killed his friend Mike Williams, who was rushing to Hickok’s aid.
In 1893, Frederick Jackson Turner delivered his famous thesis, “The Significance of the Frontier in American History.” Turner argued that the frontier, “the meeting point between savagery and civilization,” was the defining element of the American character. With some qualifications, most modern historians still pretty much agree with him. The problem is that our image of the Old West has been distorted through the lens of Hollywood.
Except for soldiers and lawmen in the Western states and territories after the Civil War, there wasn’t much of a need for most Westerners to stock up on guns, at least as the threat of organized resistance by Native American tribes waned toward the end of the 1870s. Farmers and ranchers, of course, needed guns for hunting. For many, the single-shot, muzzle-loading rifle muskets they brought back from the war were sufficient.
In Western movies, every pioneer, cowboy and saddle tramp carries a Colt, single-action, “Army,” six-shot revolver and, usually, a Winchester repeating rifle. Both guns appeared on the market around 1873. The cost of those guns back in the day varies, according to which source one consults. The Cody Museum in Wyoming puts the average cost at about $18 for either weapon, which would be around $350 in today’s dollars. The problem for people who lived on the frontier in the 1870s is that few had that kind of money. To put that in perspective, it might take a working cowhand a month’s wages to buy a Colt or a Winchester.
A Glock 9 mm semi-automatic can be purchased today for around $475, but a lot of people today have much more disposable income than Americans on the frontier 140 years ago did. Stated another way, it’s very likely that there are far more guns per capita in the West (and South) now than there were in the days of Hickok and Earp.
In fact, even Western peace officers didn’t always carry guns when they weren’t working. When Tombstone town marshal Fred White was accidentally shot by the notorious Curly Bill Brocius, Wyatt Earp had to borrow a gun before running out in the street to help him.
The Old West had far less violence than what the big and small screens would have us believe, the reason being that there were far fewer guns than we see in the movies. But precisely because officers had to deal directly with men who carried guns, the job of law officer was dirty and dangerous. It was a hazardous profession, even for those who had experience with guns. Two of Wyatt Earp’s brothers were shot, one fatally, and many of the lawmen he knew and worked with took a bullet at one time or another (including Bat Masterson’s younger brother Ed, killed by a drunken cowhand in Dodge City, Kan.).
Many marshals and sheriffs sensibly designated their streets as “no-carry” zones, and the overwhelming number of townspeople approved. Now, in the wake of the Parkland, Fla., high school shooting, President Trump wants to transform hundreds of thousands of teachers into armed guards—or perhaps armed guards into teachers. It isn’t clear which.
What also isn’t clear is who would pay for the hiring and training of these teacher/guards, not to mention the cost of arms and ammunition. (As one teacher at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School told a CNN reporter, “We don’t have the money for basic supplies, let alone guns.”)
The whole idea creates far more questions than it could conceivably answer. Here are just a few:
● What will these teachers be packing? I mean, if somebody enters a school with an automatic weapon, they need to be able to meet the intruder on even terms, right? Does this mean there could gunfights with automatic weapons in schools, with an alarming increase in casualties?
● Will there be teacher/guards in all high schools? Does this include Catholic schools? What about my old high school, St. Mary’s in Perth Amboy, N.J., where most of the teachers were nuns? Nuns with AK-47s?
● Why stop with high schools? Sandy Hook was an elementary school. Don’t we need to protect elementary and middle schools as well? And what about colleges? After all, 33 people died at Virginia Tech.
Jim Jefferies is from Australia, where they stopped mass shootings with strict gun control, and he perfectly understands the pitfalls of arming teachers.
● Why, all of a sudden, are we focusing on schools? Our bloodiest mass shooting was in Las Vegas last October when more than 500 people were shot and, by some miracle, only 57 died when a gunman fired into an outdoor concert crowd from a nearby hotel. Do we need more armed guards at concerts? If so, what kinds of concerts? Country music (like the one in Las Vegas), rap, heavy metal, classical? And how would more guards have stopped the Las Vegas shooting when the gunman was in a hotel across the street?
Our second-deadliest shooting was in an Orlando, Fla., nightclub, with 49 innocent victims. Should nightclubs be added to the list of places that need more armed guards? And how about churches and synagogues and mosques after the massacres in Texas and South Carolina??
By the logic proposed by the National Rifle Association and Trump, surely all places and events where large numbers of people gather will need armed guards – sporting events, amusement parks, fairs, victory parades like the one in Philadelphia for the Super Bowl champion Eagles, even presidential inaugurations (though perhaps there weren’t enough people at Trump’s inauguration to warrant more security).
The notion that the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, famously expressed by NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, reflects not historical reality, in which the good guys lost about half the time, but Hollywood, where John Wayne never lost a shootout.
Arming teachers pretty much supposes that the teacher is going to shoot faster and better, with more accuracy. It also assumes that the teacher is always going to be the good guy. This week, a history teacher at a Georgia high school barricaded himself in a classroom and fired a handgun before being apprehended. Afterward, a student told reporters that the teacher “disagreed with Trump’s plan to arm teachers.” For once, we have a sentiment from a shooter we can all get behind.
“A gun is a tool,” Alan Ladd says to Jean Arthur in “Shane,” “no better or worse than the man who uses it.” Exactly.
Putting more guns into the hands of more people does nothing to alleviate the problem and does everything to increase the odds for tragedy. I’m a proud owner of several historical guns, and you can have my single-action Colt revolvers and my grandfather’s Russian Mosin-Nagant rifle (probably used against the British during the Irish War for independence) when you pry them from my cold, dead hands.
But then, I don’t have any felony convictions, history of domestic violence or problems with mental illness. I don’t buy guns online or at gun shows and would be happy to submit to background checks and waiting periods. I don’t believe any citizen needs an automatic weapon, and I do believe in the Second Amendment as it is written in the Constitution: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
I also believe in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 16 of the same document, which says, “Congress shall have the power to … provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia.” Emphasis mine.
Most of all, I believe that whatever their flaws, the Earp brothers had a more realistic and intelligent attitude toward guns than do the NRA and our Republican Congress.
Written bu Allen Bara for Truth Dig ~ March 3, 2018
Sorry…waaaay too long to slog through for the nonsense it is. I quit at the part where people in the old west didn’t need guns. LOL!
Free people own guns. Slaves don’t. “Democrats” prefer slaves.
Did he write: ” I do believe in the .Second Amendment as it is written in the Constitution:… the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed….I also believe in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 16 of the same document, which says, “Congress shall have the power to … provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia”
The author is neither smart nor discerning. These philosophical posers ignore the meaning and context of the words they bandy about. Let’s look at 2 points: 1)Right of the people; 2 shall NOT be INFRINGED. This is recognized on its face as an inalienable right that is not to be tampered with. Perfectly clear, and always ignored. Regarding the militia, which is a community defense group, the role of Congress is to facilitate the arming , training and good order of these units. History notes how ineffective untrained recruits are in the first days of war. Congress is charged with insuring these units are effective. They are the domestic reinforcements for the outward facing small federal standing army. Note: “Disciplining” is much like the uniform code of military justice the various services must adhere to.
By all rights, the Congress should be providing militia the same type of support as the National Guard (without the Military abusing them by deploying them in hostile foreign police actions.) Congress might do well to redirect some of the annual $T monies the pentgon mislays and can never account for, to eligible citizens.
People who are ready to disregard your rights, will disregard your humanity and your life, if you force them to take their arguments far enough. Many people take an oath, but when real instances arise, all you hear is, “was just doing my job.” How can you take them seriously?
On to the next inalienable rights that get abridged frequently, the right to free speech and right to peacably assemble..The same people find it handy to have Free speech zones….
An anti-Second Amendment, anti-gun article written by a Second Amendment hating, Communist-Marxist leftist psychopath.
Which, once again, brings to mind the all important question when hearing this kind of psycho-babble;
“What exactly do these kinds of totalitarians have in mind to do to us, that they are so obsessed with disarming us first?”
Louis L’Amour was probably more knowledgable about day to day life in the West than most historians. He owned hundreds of books, diaries and collected newspaper stories, all. to insure his books accurately reflected the real West. Mr L’Amour is laughing his head off at this ridiculous crap.
Pretty common errors from the leftist perspective. How many times does the author mention citizens with “automatic weapons?” The AR and AK platforms are SEMI-automatic rifles, meaning they are simply auto loading rather than bolt actions. Then he plays to cherry picked emotional vignettes and neglects facts. Were is the detail that an estimated 1/2 million defensive uses of firearms occurred in 2020? But that wouldn’t help his point, would it. I do agree that arming teachers instead of hiring professionals is a very bad idea but not for the silly reason he gave. What happens when a teacher leaves her (his?) gun in a purse and a student takes it? Or unruly highschoolers overwhelm a smaller teacher? Or a panicked teacher “draws down” on a violent but unarmed student? Stick to professionals, it’s safer for the children.
Barra is a sportswriter in NYC. This is a patchwork mess of an essay. He does not suggest even a minimal level of experience of comfort in handling any guns. He does not mention that Abilene in the time of Earp and Hickock had less than 5000 people. He does not mention that almost ALL men knew how to shoot, whether they had a gun at any particular time or not.
Worse, he does not acknowledge the rise of black thug culture since the 1980s, or the spread of marxist indoctrination in our failing schools. AND concurrently the discarding of the pledge of allegiance and the ten commandments. These societal illnesses are the cause of much violence, not the guns.
“I don’t think it’s about more gun control,” said actor Samuel L. Jackson. “I grew up in the South with guns everywhere and we never shot anyone. This [shooting] is about people who aren’t taught the value of life.”
And thereby hangs the tale.
“I don’t believe any citizen needs an automatic weapon”
–Allen Bara
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
–2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
Help me out here, Mr. Bara, which one of the twenty-seven words of the Second Amendment states or implies “need”?
Do you have any idea what you’re talking about?
Do you know all the words to “Kumbaya”?
What color is your Prius?
Have you ever been under sustained hostile fire?
Have you even been in the armed forces?
I have to agree with Vince on the unwise idea of arming most teachers. The teaching profession tends to attract mostly liberals and leftists, with a scary percentage of them being hard core Marxists and outright Communists. And, they are very unlikely to be supporters of the Second Amendment.
The obvious and most effective remedy to drastically reduce school shootings, at least in some public schools, is to abandon the destructive insanity of integration and allow individual states to have the option to return to segregated schools. White parents should have exclusively White public schools that they can choose to send their kids to, and black parents should have exclusively black public schools for their kids to attend. For self-hating white liberals who wish to PROVE that they really do love the idea of multi-racialism and want their kids to experience the joys of ‘diversity’ – have integrated schools available for them to send THEIR kids to. I’m sure there would be an abundance of volunteers from Martha’s Vineyard.
As for the gun issue, I’d prefer that professionally trained security guards be hired and stationed in the mixed race public schools.