NOTE: What I have chosen to publish below was originally left by the writer and author of his most recent column on the Federal Observer. ~ Editor
This isn’t an endorsement of President Donald J. Trump for president in 2024, because I believe he made several egregious mistakes that greatly harmed America in the long run, whether we speak of his own massive spending policies, the USMCA, his bumpstock ban, and most of all his going along with the Lockdowns and placing the reins of government in the hands of Dr Deborah Birx and Dr Anthony Fauci who were acting as agents of the globalists and American communists.
I simply would also point out that Trump became one of the most effective presidents in American history. He fixed the borders, achieved energy independence, moved Israel’s embassy to Jerusalem, normalized relations between Arab countries, and fought loudly and unapologetically against anti-American critical race theory. And through it all, he smoked out many other Marxist-driven amerikkan RATS from their holes.
When the FBI raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home on Monday, August 8th, a seismic event that trumped all “dump Trump” schemes combined, a few strong Republicans spoke with the clarity the moment deserves. But “leader” Mitch McConnell was more than reluctant, revealing the extent of his own Never Trump bias that he still nurses each day. When events finally forced him to tweet, sadly, he tackled the job with a political tweezer.
And unfortunately, many other so-called “Republicans” who act more like Democrats have failed to understand the crisis of the life-and-death struggle against the totalitarian enemy all America is fighting against Red Joe’s regime, or they are most complicit in aiding in the final destruction of America and the republic.
Regardless of whether of not they support Trump or not, they should be able to look beyond the man to see that the raid on Mar-a-Lago is representative of so much more, and rather than remain silent and clinging stubbornly to a dead Republican modus operandi that seeks constant compromise and cuddling with psychotic Democratic Commie Rat Bastards, at the very least, they should be fighting tooth and nail for all Americans’ Inalienable God-given Rights – INCLUDING TRUMP’S RIGHTS AS A FORMER PRESIDENT and NOW A PRIVATE U.S. CITIZEN – OR THEY SHOULD RESIGN THEIR POSTS OR BE DEFEATED BY REAL CONSERVATIVES in 2022 and 2024 elections.
Monday’s FBI raid lit a powder keg, and it’s now smoldering. That raid was Biden and his collaborators seceding from the America we’ve known. They’ve shot the opening cannons on Sumter, they’re out for blood and getting it – from Trump and his supporters – and foolishly, they’re determined to never stop.
Make no mistake, we are in the midst of a cold civil war, that could go blazing-white hot at any moment. But one cannot win a war unless the majority of America’s patriots actually realize and understand that we are in one.
Weak men do anything to avoid admitting the hardest truths because they lack the resolve to do what truth demands from them.
American conservatives and independents and Republicans don’t necessarily have to get behind Trump for president in 2024, but they damned for sure better get behind someone with a fire inside them to stop Red Joes Commie kelptomaniacs who are burning our country to the ground.
If status quo Republicans are not resolved to step up and do what the hardest truths of our day demands and fight the good fight to save America and preserve freedom and liberty for all Americans, they must be pushed aside and out of the way. We must rid ourselves of summer warriors who are fast with their mouths but slow to deliver anything of substance or worth, especially when it comes to their primary duties and their oaths to the Constitution and America.
While I’ve never thought that Trump fully or properly understood the Constitution, he knows how to bring fire, brimstone and fury into the political arena and say the right things regarding the Bill of Rights, which he too violated during his first term, if not so egregiously as Biden is now. Backing Trump is a risky thing that will hand us another President who governs like a Big Spending Big Government Democrat to a large degree. But in many respects, he may be exactly what America needs as we consider his success in neutralizing China’s aggression during his first term.
America needs a Her strong, courageous and hardcore conservative Americans who truly love freedom and liberty and will defend them both at all costs against those who currently seek the fundamental transformation of America into an authoritarian socialist state and the destruction of our founding. More than ever, in everyday life, America needs Her Patriots from all walks of life to step up and stand strong in the defense of America’s principles and virtues.
Whoever we elect in 2024, Americans must really start taking a harder look at where they truly stand on individual liberty and the tension between our rights and government intrusions and overreaches. Only by facilitating the highest level of individual liberty and setting aside punitive and job-killing regulations can we achieve the economic prosperity we all desire.
Has Trump learned from the errors of his first term? We certainly must hope so, because at the moment, it certainly appears that he will be the 2024 Republican candidate and quite likely the next President of the United States – Love him or hate him.
All of what we have seen of late isn’t about Trump. It’s about you and me, all of us, and whether we can live decent, productive and rewarding lives and remain a free people.
Fixing the economy is a great thing to endeavor, but it can’t happen without individual liberty and courageous people willing to do the hard work requires to stay free. Focus on our Inalienable God-given Rights and the rest will follow.
August 14, 2022
Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.
great article. thank you very much.