Memorial Day ~ May 2024

We are about to celebrate Memorial Day here in the USA and aside from the “Happy Memorial Day” that friends shout, apart from the backyard barbecue parties, the Indianapolis 500 and other NASCAR races and the day off work on Monday – what is Memorial Day all about?

We remember and honor those men and women who fell in the wars and we at Sharkhunters remember and honor those in ALL armed forces who paid the price of their life, suffered wounds and/or all the other things that veterans must face. We remember ALL who served honorably, whether in combat or not – we remember anyone who wears the uniform and serves honorably.

Please read the attached and remember – this is not just a story from research – this happened to me when I was a young man in the United States Air Force so long ago.

We hope this Memorial Day week-end is great for you and yours, no matter where you live, and we say – may God bless all those who serve. Please remember them and keep them in your prayers.

Harry Cooper

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