~ Foreward ~
When we see so-called educators and Commissioners on the Board of Education in out-of-control Commie-Operated Cities placing sick, twisted, demented and depraved gender poison into the curriculum of Kindergarten through 3rd Grade, placing RACIST Critical Race Theory throughout all Kindergarten through 12th Grade and facilitating the continuation of FALSE SCIENCE & Climate Change in all grades and universities and across society, in fact, we know we are living in a Dead Society, void of any real love, common sense or respect for people and their families, speaking holistically.
Many of Us love fiercely and passionately, whether we speak of the familial love we hold for our children and the familial and romantic love with which we embrace our spouses or significant others, the girlfriends and boyfriends one may have, or the strong friendship love we might have for people we have bonded with in some significant fashion, and last but not least, for Christian Conservatives and Independents, there is our love of God.
A century of “trust” placed in our education institutions and the medical profession has been obliterated and vaporized over the past two years. Teachers, government officials, doctors and associated medical “authorities have revealed themselves to be Demons on Earth and COMPLICIT In CHILD ABUSE And GROTESQUE MEDICAL MALPRACTICE.
Rather than fight the trend by so many progressive-leaning physicians to affirm patients for sex change, even if they are minor children, it appears the bulk of doctors today complain over the criticism Christian America rightfully hands them. We see rags like Time publishing long, whiny-ass commentaries about the harassment and threats these Fake-Ass “pediatricians” receive from what is depicted as “transphobic bigots.”
I’m not “transphobic”. I just wholly despise and totally HATE what a Mere FIVE-DAMNED-PERCENT of America’s population has been able to accomplish through their persistence and MILITANCY, with THE FULL BACKING OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY COMMUNISTS, who have used this movement as a tool of division and a means to subvert the nuclear family and Christianity in order to destroy America’s Founding. ~ Justin O. Smith
Delusion and fear had won the day a century or so ago…
… and America – much of the world, in fact was gone, a mere shell of what used to be, destroyed by the people who bought the bill of goods the Commies and the Globalists were selling — the immorality of it all, with the deviants, the thieves of the climate change agenda, the escalation of the fake covid variants, one after another, and along with it an incredible tyranny not seen by mankind in nearly three millennium. Freedom and individual liberty were things of the past, except for those who took them for themselves and fled into the Free Zones.
The Free-Zoners had more than held their own for several centuries against those Mao-Maos, as they had become to be known, who loved not those things that were based on the ancient religion of Christianity and the long-dead Western philosophers, long forgotten by the massive collectivist populations that had sprung up across the globe, because each respective generation had been increasingly raised by parents, in tandem with the State, who were too weak of character and mind to instill any sense of independence in “their” children. And periodically, the Mao-Maos would “thin the herd” using a long existing “Social Credit Score” that took many factors into account, such as who one’s political connections and known statements regarding the government, such as it was.
It was an incredible thing to see, as so many former useful idiots proudly marched off to be “euthanized” and placed on the “meal belt” to be processed as food for the rest, since a large segment of society was subsisting at near starvation levels, thanks to longstanding climate change policies that had detrimental effects on all manufacturing and agriculture itself.
But the Free-Zoners would have none of it, and they had taken some of the more inhospitable areas of the country, and, through hard work and a wealth of shared knowledge amongst them, they had created small regions that seemed like oases in the middle of a desert of despair — regions of real abundance and prosperity — held and kept free by the hard, strong freedom-minded men and women who had been raised by talented conservatives, independents and Christians over the ages, using a military might that was enough to keep them free, but not quite enough to win any decisive victory, so large had the population of grifters, looters and takers grown if the Government sectors.
Augustine Maximus McCaughan was born into one of the Government sectors eighty-two years ago, even tho’ it all seemed like it was only yesterday, when as a young boy, his “insurrectionist” Dad had run across some old Army cadences looking for books on military strategy and started calling him “Captain Jack”, a name he found in one; his Mom simply called him “Jack” for short. Sometimes they called him their “Little Captain”.
Louise Anne McCaughan … she had kept her maiden name for obvious reasons … Ahhh … now there was a woman to live or die for, and many would and did before it was all said and done.
Looking back on his childhood, Jack recalled his teachers always prodding and picking at him, asking him if was comfortable with his “sexual identity”, at an age when he barely really understood what sex really was all about. But he and some of the other more unruly boys had taken to watching Ms Mira Olenska through her bedroom window, that never seemed to have curtains to keep prying eyes out; and oh the sights they enjoyed on those special evenings when Ms Mira, as they called her, would entertain her male friends.
America’s medical profession had become a conveyor system for turning straight boys and girls into transgendered Freaks who would require top medical attention the rest of their lives. It was one massive ongoing conspiracy hatched way back in the beginning of America’s descent into insanity, that had doctors and the government kissing the hands and the asses, of what was once a very small minority, of Lesbians, Bisexuals, Gays, Transgendered, and outright Queers, to trap the people’s children on a one-way train to Trans-Lans, just a small part of their “Final Solution”, as they especially kept their eyes out for any child already suffering from body dysmorphia or a rapid onset of gender dysphoria. By this time, gender dysphoria had become a devastating social contagion across the ranks of teenage girls, due to them constantly being inundated by the Queer Propaganda machine.
Louise had become enraged the day she had taken Jack to see a doctor because he had been having headaches more often than she thought normal for a boy his age. She had been handed a form that asked for the child’s gender at birth: “Male, Female, Intersex”. And the second question asked: “Child’s gender identity: Male, Female, Other”. To top things off, she had to nearly fight with the doctor to keep him from giving Jack “the new and improved” Covid vaccine, explaining that they all had already had Covid and were fine, and that the vaccine was quite certain to cause Jack other problems like myocarditis. Before it was all said and done, she was thinking they had been successful and Jack would leave the office with his gender, gonads and heart-muscle all in one piece, yet still, a part of her wondered if the physician/Pfizer Rep was going to hit some red-button under his desk, that would bring nurses and orderlies rushing in with the vaccine for Jack and chloroform and a body bag for her.
Everybody would pretty much acknowledge there were only two genders, whenever alone in company they trusted, especially the doctors of the Mao-Mao regime. They all accepted that two sexes have always been evident at birth, but they could never publicly acknowledge this being barred by the Mao-Maos from doing so, upon pain of death. It was the medical Catch-22 of agreeing that if your patient didn’t float, she must have been a witch, and then pushing her into a freezing lake.
For several decades, Public School 6969 Lea Thompson Elementary had steadily lowered its once high bar for Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and Science. The Purge of 2022 had made sure that 2 plus 2 now equaled 5, or any other number that “felt right” to the student, and student achievement was gauged by whatever new nonsensical psyco-babble dictated on any given day by the district High Mucky-mucks, otherwise known as “education czars”.
The shelves of PS6969 had been stocked with dystopian titles like She’s My Dad and I’m Not a Girl, that instructed five and six-year-old children, who were barely able to go to the toilet properly by themselves, about how much fun it was to touch their own private parts, and their “teachers” actually took time to read this filth to them, as if they garnered some perverted satisfaction in so doing.
All the great teachers had been replaced over the past century, by the new, young “educators” trained by Government “experts” in the hopes they could succeed in obliterating the so-called “scourge of toxic masculinity and white privilege” from society in a minimum of two or three generations. Their agenda held absolutely no tolerance for anything from the past that promoted America’s age old founding principles, those guiding lights for freedom and individual liberty. And tirelessly they did work to erase America’s history and rewrite it through their own fevered, delusional prism of what they wanted it to be.
The battles had gone back and forth for centuries, sometimes the conservative Christians taking back lost ground, both literally and on the field of ideas in the schools, but eventually unrestrained immigration and illegal aliens given the vote, who held ideas aligned with the New World Order and a supposed “benevolent” totalitarian government ended up winning the day on sheer numbers of people, both illegals and citizens, who were willing to give up their freedom in exchange for all the promised free stuff for life, from cradle to grave — free homes, free education, free healthcare — and it all came with the heaviest of cost, a life as serfs bound to the government masters and overseers. And “benevolent” it was not. Far from it.
The brain-dead do-nothings who sat on the school boards bowing to the teachers’ unions had been bitch-slapped into compliance by the American Communist Party and the Mao-Maos, eventually running over parent concerns and even resorting to jailing thousands upon thousands of parents who dared to complain or fight for their children’s right to an Honest and TRUTHFUL education. Parents anger over their children being controlled by thirty-something drug-addicted teachers who promoted sex with children and multisyllabic pronouns was largely dismissed by the powers-that-be, adding fuel to their hate and anger for the Mao-Mao Cancel-Culture Commies. But even as they controlled the bureaucracy and the “rules”, they still hadn’t quite completely won, since plenty of mothers and fathers were still fighting tooth through their angry exclamations and declarations before the Fat-Assed know-nothing Bureaucrats and even in the streets of the cities, through actual urban warfare, some of the deadliest and bloodiest ever witnessed in the history of man. So palpable the anger of the people had become that it hung heavy in the air all around, as a beast walks the land.
Gone too were the days when young boys and girls could play Spy vs Spy, while carrying hideaway rubber knives and toy rifles and pistols, as they pretended to be James Bond or Elektra. And the full weight of the Fat Asses would descend on any boy caught looking at some magazine with a bikini clad or nude woman, such as Ursula Andress in Dr. No or Shirley Eaton in Goldfinger. If they thought you were a heterosexual male or female, you got sent to the principal’s office to wait on your parents and the “re-education facilitators” as if you were some sort of new demon spawn that had sinned against the Commissariat.
Heterosexuality wasn’t exactly forbidden. It just wasn’t promoted and given Government support like the 56 genders were. One simply wasn’t encouraged to speak of the natural, formerly normal way of heterosexual life and family units comprised of one biological man and one biological woman and their children who were created through their parents’ natural and loving union.
Jack wasn’t a bad kid, not that it really mattered to his teachers, but he was bull-headed and strong-willed to be so young. He came by it honestly, since his father had been a leader of the last revolution that had been largely successful and led to the current many years long stand-off and stalemate. But he had been supposedly assassinated by a Mao-Mao infiltrator shortly afterward, and Jack and Louise had become trapped behind enemy lines, as they shifted during the last few days of the fighting.
His unruliness and lack of respect for the teachers he viewed as being dumb as rocks, knowing less than even he, a ten year old kid knew, had resulted in numerous detentions and visits to the Government psychiatrists and school officials, to decide what must be done to modify his “bad behavior”. To her credit, his Mom had put up enough of a fight to keep him from being corralled into one of their indoctrination camps or placed on mind-altering drugs, since such wasn’t about to happen so long as she had breath in her body — at least that’s what she told herself each night before she prayed and went to bed.
It was a brisk, blustery and misty Tuesday morning. Little Suzy’s hand went up as she spoke without waiting to be recognized by Ms Ocasio. “Ms Ocasio! Jack won’t wear his mask and he’s putting us all in danger.” “That’s alright, Suzy. I’ll deal with him in a minute” came the teacher’s response.
Thinking to herself that she’d hold Jack after class for some “special attention” that meant punishment, Ms Ocasio began her class.
Halfway through, after asking a question, Ms Ocasio noticed Jack was focused on something he was drawing, having tuned her out and everything else around him, and she slipped up on him, the class holding their obedient little collective breaths, as she snatched it away, startling Jack as she does. And naturally, Jack protested quite loudly, exclaiming, “Hey, that’s mine, give it back.”
Ocasio is shocked when she looks at the drawing, crumpling it in silence and looking at jack as if he were some disgusting, vile foreign thing. She finally says, “Really Jack … You know the American Flag is forbidden by order of Joe Biden VII. And even worse, you drew a cannon on it with the words Sic Semper Tyrannus. That Little Mister gets you a trip to the Re-Education Center now.”
The next week Jack returned, and walking through the halls, he noticed his appearance now turned the heads of a few girls who used to not even know he was alive. He was trying to tread as lightly as possible, because Louise had warned him she couldn’t afford to lose her job over any future trouble he might find, since cleaning the sludge pits from under the metal stampers was the only available job for an unvaccinated person, such as herself, and she didn’t want young Jack at home by himself which opened up a path for other Government related troubles.
Two weeks later, the children took their seats that morning to see something fairly commonplace now, although still disgusting to those whose hearts belonged in the Free Zone, having been taught the difference between right and wrong, Good and Evil and why men can’t be women and vice versa. There at the front of the room stood a well known transsexual known as Princess Lilythorn, who Ms Ocasio proceeded to introduce, as some students clapped and Jack rolled his eyes and thought about ripping his face-mask off and stuffing it in Ms Ocasio’s mouth.
Ms Ocasio saw Jack’s eye-roll and thought she would need to keep an extra close watch in him for the day, and then she asked the man-thing, “Do you prefer to be called ‘Princess’ or ‘Ms Lilythorn’?”
Placing “her” hand on her cheek, in a deep husky voice, “she” said, “I like to be called ‘Princess'”, as you-know-who let out a loud snicker and a snort. But Princess was nonplussed and said he would sing a song he wrote — Looking for Love — a couple of times, suggesting that then “we can all sing it together … YyAaayyy”.
At that point, Jack piped up, shouting, “How are we supposed to sing with these face-blankets on? And Ms Ocasio quickly responded, “We all simply must do the best we can.
Persisting fiercely, Jack declared, “Singing is supposed to be a joyful thing, my Mom says so, and I’m not singing if I have to cover my face. And besides that, HE isn’t wearing a mask. My Mom says masks are useless except for helping ugly people feel better about themselves”
“Jack McCaughan! You’ve been told before about using proper pronouns. Your Mom doesn’t know much does she?”
Jack ripped off his mask and shouted, “My Dad says I don’t have to listen to you and your evil CRAP. He says my Mom is the only girl I have to obey.”
Ms Ocasio cackled a bit, like an ol’ witch might. “Oh you poor, pathetic boy. When’s the last time you saw your dad? And silence filled the air. “Uhhuh, just as I thought. The last news I heard had him on the run from our men in the hills of Tennessee for being an insurrectionist. Now sit down and shut up, if you don’t want to sing.”
Princess Lilythorn started singing, while Jack glared holes through Ms Ocasio. Just as Princess sang the last verse that went something like “at least a girl can hope for a prince from above, when she’s fully vaccinated and looking for love”, Jack jumped up and shouted “BULLSHIT … Can’t Y’All see HE’S a MAN, an ugly man dressed in nasty women’s clothing?”
“Jack, if someone identifies as a female, then they’re a female”, explained his teacher.
“You should actually say she-male” laughed Jack, which caused Ms Ocasio to erupt in anger, as she tried to castigate him, noting his words were “hurtful” and he had just earned a trip to the Re-Education Center “where they chew little boys like you up and spit them out for breakfast.
Jack laughed again, saying “that’s alright”, as he recounted his Uncle Sam’s words to her. “My Uncle Sam says they can kill me, but they can’t eat me.” But at this point, no one had ever told young Jack that’s exactly what the Mao-Maos were doing — killing off all the undesirables for the slightest of provocations and processing them as food.
For many, many long decades, most of America didn’t really care how one identified themselves. They just didn’t want the transsexual and homosexual immoral lifestyle shoved in their faces or placed into their state and federal codes, in order to force them to grant these deviant, perverted demented and delusional souls privilege, and some form of validation against their consciences. No one really care if You were gay, but by the same token, they didn’t want to see leather-thonged burly men in tutus dancing around in the streets of America alongside hard-boned women posing as men with small children in tow who were taking it all in, as little minds do.
America’s militant Queer society had reached a point where its individuals wanted to be identified through their sexual orientation, and more than this, they also wanted everybody else to be identified under the same parameters and guidelines as they had set forth in demands to previous governments, starting in the 1970s, a time long forgotten by most.
The Free-Zoners had never really tried to stop the deluded from their play-acting, although they didn’t condone it or want that part of society around them. They took the attitude, if you introduced yourself as “Cindy” or “Princess Lilythorn” in a full on bass voice and wearing a full beard, they’d try not to laugh in your face, but they really didn’t have the time or tolerance for such delusions from sick people. They knew that reality wasn’t based on the delusions of diseased mind’s, the insane, or dependent on any of their input and false assertions. They simply weren’t buying what these Freaks of Nature were selling.
Free-Zoners taught their children and all who entered their communities that men are men, women are women and they can live however they want, so long as no one is ever empowered to force anyone to deny reality so they can feel good about themselves. If that bothers or hurts the Queers, tough and so what? The Government’s push to force them to “believe” this transsexual / homo lie had made the situation beyond acceptable and pushed the Free-Zoners to start moving once again to defeat and destroy the Mao-Mao Regime thoroughly and once and for all.
“Jack, you apologize to him … Eerrr … her right now, do you hear me you little monster?”, Ms Ocasio barked.
“NO” Jack responded in a voice so firm and unwavering it was hard to believe he was a mere eleven years old.
“You apologize to Princess Lilythorn this instant, or you’ll be sorry.”
Doing an imitation of a Chinaman, Jack pressed his palms in front of his face, bowed and said “me so solly, Mister” causing the entire classroom to burst into laughter, as Ms Ocasio grabbed for him and he ran out the door, glancing backwards and running smack-dab into Principal Van Jones and one of the Re-Education Officers, Kammie Obama, who immediately put Jack in a choke hold and zip-tied his hands behind his back and dragging him, kicking and struggling, all the way to the detention office.
Mr Obama decided to make Jack watch some Government propaganda, while he sat strapped to a chair with his hands cuffed to the arm-rests, and he was forced to wear a virtual reality headset that played Woke Think Is Right Think. The images flash one after the other as if he was a computer accepting a new download, and as he struggled to be free and fought to close his eyes, he discovered the device somehow prevented him from closing them.
An hour later, the Principal and Mr Obama reappeared and removed the headset, telling Jack, “You can go when you learn how to give a proper apology.”
“I gave IT a proper apology” Jack screamed with as much anger as an eleven year old could muster — which was actually quite a lot and quite forceful. “Wait ’til my Mom finds out about this, you Ol’ Bastard. You’ll be lucky to be cleaning up the gender fluid off the non-binary floor.”
Quite uncomfortable now and no longer laughing, Obama, a thing that sold its ass on Lower Broad St in its off hours, told him, “Your voice and your Mom’s counts for nothing here. You’re a child who answers to the Government. And it is we who control the past, present and future, because we control history. The memory of you and your Mom can be erased from society, and we will simply sweep you off the table into the slop pail along with the rest of the filth. If you apologize, use the prescribed pronouns properly and testify against your mother, we’ll allow you to stay in school and maybe even lead a normal life. If not, your next stop is the house for recalcitrant individuals and those unredeemable to the Mao-Mao way of life.”
The facility Obama mentioned was on Epstein Island, an evil place that was scandal ridden with proven reports of the rapes of minor children way back in 2022, after the man who owned it was murdered by the government in prison awaiting trial. He knew too many in high places who had come to his island to engage in sex with young boys and girls that Epstein had either kidnapped or coerced away from their parents. After Epstein’s death, the island had just passed to different management and kept right on operating, never missing a beat, and it took its “new talent” from the halls of the Re-Education Center and the House for the Recalcitrant.
Before Jack could tell Obama to “take a flying-fuck off a tall building”, Louise arrived and stormed the main office, mad as all hell, fury glowing in her dark black eyes as a wisp of her auburn hair fell across them. Notified by his hand-held surveillance monitor, Obama had taken off like a shot.
“I’m sorry” protested the secretary. “I told her to wait, but she didn’t listen.”
“That’s okay. We’ve been expecting her”, Principal Jones said, dismissing the secretary and turning back to Louise. “Mrs McCaughan, thank you for coming on such short notice” holding out his hand for a handshake that was coolly ignored. “This is Officer Obama”.
Ignoring Obama’s arrogant sneer as she refused his extended hand, too, Louise angrily tore into them both. “So what’s the major crime my boy committed today? Did he draw another flag? Or perhaps he drew a gun? Or maybe he sang the Star-Spangled Banner”. That drew a gasp from both men, since the Star-Spangled Banner was known as the Traitor’s Ballad and had long been “verboten” by those who had run this ongoing totalitarian regime for more years than anyone could recall.
Clearing his throat, Jones whined, “It would be nice if we could get through this smoothly without all this hatefulness.”
“Hatefulness? You haven’t seen hatefulness yet, Mister. You can go straight to hell. Now bring me my boy.”
Clearing his throat once more, Jones took a serious lecturing tone and said, “Mrs McCaughan, your poor response to Jack’s disciplinary problems is troubling for me. We must insist at this point that Jack be placed in the Re-Education Center, in its new section for recalcitrant children. Officer Obama has a new program he developed for stubborn white boys.”
“You’re crazy as all hell if you think for an instance I’m going to go along with anything you and this thing have to say”, Louise replied in a low, level voice between gritted teeth as she turned and glowered angrily at Obama, who looked like a fat, black version of Kurt Russell in drag, with a Nietsche-style mustache. “Do you really think I’m letting this thing take my boy anywhere?”, the contempt in her voice obvious.
“Get my son, NOW!”
This wasn’t Louise’s first less-than-friendly confrontation with these two, and she knew that she was technically “breaking the law” if she took Jack from the school under this circumstance, but she had been quite clear two years prior that she took everything concerning her boy seriously. And this was no exception, as she stood prepared to do anything necessary to protect her child.
One of the school monitors escorted Jack into the room, and Louise grabbed him and hugged him and took him by the hand and headed toward the door. as Obama hissed, “You’re making a mistake, Mizz McCaughan”.
“You’re the one who made the mistake. You’ve obviously never heard my personal pronouns — Fuck You and Fuck You” as she smiled at Jack and said, “Let’s get the hell outta here, son.” This from a lady who never cussed, not under normal circumstances and not in polite company, and Jack had to smile too.
Just as they moved through the office door, the huge picture window, behind them exploded and so too did Obama’s head in a brilliant cast of pink and red spray, as scores of shots cut through the air and Jones quivered under his desk.
Louise never missed a beat, as she quickened her stride just a notch and holding her head high, and with Jack at her side, they made it to their “car” that Louise had re-engineered to run on a biofuel made from rotten vegetables that hadn’t sold in the Government operated stores and had been thrown into the local landfills as many millions of people starved. And they simply drove away, smiling at each other in this moment of newfound freedom that felt better than anything they had known in too many years.
But then the other side of their situation became Louise’s foremost concern, as her happy thoughts turned to worry and the immediacy of their new predicament. She had Jack give her his phone, and she nonchalantly rolled the window down and threw it forcefully into the curb on the opposite side of the street, smashing it to pieces.
Jack couldn’t understand why she had done this, as he complained he wouldn’t be able to speak with his friends, but his Mom explained that he’d make new friends, as she proceeded to throw her own phone into the street. Jack thought she must be losing her mind, but then she explained that this way the National Security Agency wouldn’t be able to hear what she was about to tell him.
She drove for about three hours, before a torrential downpour of rain patted out a staccato rhythm beat down of the car’s rooftop and she pulled to the side of the old country road, cutting the engine and lighting a cigarette. Only then did she allow a few tears to streak her cheeks.
Looking back on it now, in his old age, it all seems so surreal to Jack, as he remembers the rest of what happened after that day. He remembers asking his Mom, “What’s wrong? Why are You crying, Mom?”
His old heart grows warmer as he remembers her leaning across the seat to hug him again, squeezing him so tight he could hardly breathe and running her fingers through his hair as she kissed him on his temple, saying, “It takes courage to do what you did, standing up for yourself and speaking your mind. I’ve never been more proud of you than I am right now.”
His Mom had pulled two books from under the seat. One had a homemade canvas book cover protecting it and the other one Jack immediately recognized as the leather-bound family Bible listing all his ancestors. She handed them to him. She told him that she had wanted to wait until he was older to give them to him, but events and fate had changed their plans. And then she had retrieved a bundle of cash from her big, black purse that more closely resembles a satchel and handed it to him.
“At the end of that dirt road you’ll find your Uncle Sam and his Free-Hold, up on Bear Mountain. I want you to go there now, and don’t stop walking ’til you get there. You’ll know his place by the mountain of bleached bones off the the side of his porch. But Baby, most of all I want you to read the book I gave you, and never let anyone convince you that good is evil and evil is good.”
Jack had always hated it when his Mom called him “Baby”, but he tolerated it, because he knew those were the times it was most important to pay attention to her words.
For the first time in more years than he knew, Ol’ Augustine let tears streak his own face, thinking back to “Why can’t I go with you, Mom?” He sure did love her.
His Mom had told him that what had just happened wouldn’t be tolerated by the Wilson regime, and a “shoot to kill” order had probably already been issued. She was afraid they were already triangulating on their location with the Super-Surveillance Satellites they were known to have in operation, and if she could prevent it, she wasn’t about to be goose-stepped into submission by the jack-booted Office of Equity and Social Justice thugs. She knew that eventually some tell-tell sign or the slightest of seemingly innocent acts could quite likely place her and him in their sights, if they didn’t separate here.
His Mom had said, “You’ll be safe with Sam. He’ll make certain you’re not harmed by anyone. I’m headed to Tennessee to join your Dad, but one way or another, and one day soon, we’re both going to come back to get you, or we’ll join your Uncle here to make our last stand, whenever it comes.”
She couldn’t stay and put them both at risk, since it was she who planned the assassination of Re-Education Officer Obama and Principal Jones. She knew the Mao-Maos wanted her infinitely more badly than her son, and trouble would be following her for innumerable days, months and perhaps years.
As tears streamed down both their faces as she prepared to leave by herself, Louise had said, “There, there now, my Baby … we don’t cry [thinking to herself “until we do”]. You’re my Lil Man now and you’ll always be on my mind and in my heart, no matter what. And we can still talk on your Uncle’s ham radio. I love You, my boy.”
Jack had watched her drive away slowly, the tears still flowing down her face and her looking into the rearview mirror as if to turn back. But still she drove, and Jack started up the long and winding rutted trail that passed for a road these days in these parts of the country, resting and moving along at will, making his final stop before nightfall near the old trunk of an oak that had been struck by lightening.
The memory of that fateful day came back to Augustine more clear than all others. He had eaten and drank from the meager supplies his Mom had placed in a backpack for him, and as the warm rays had hit him with the end of the rain and the sun began its descent below the horizon in all its fiery glory, young Jack had lovingly thought of his Mom.
Jack pulled out the family Bible, from his backpack, and it flopped open on the bookmark his Mom had placed, reading “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” He reached back into the backpack and pulled out the canvas covered book and opened it to the title page where he saw the numbers … 1984.
I Don’t Give a Good Damn What Anyone Says. As far as I’m concerned, the LGBTQ Community and all it represents is still an abomination to mankind.
March 26, 2022

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.