Dwyer: White Supremacists and Other Right-Wingers Descend on Ottawa

(Or so the “liberal” “mainstream” media want you to believe)

“Just look at the color of their skin. It’s white, with no hint of black or brown. So, they are the oppressors. The Critical Race Theory has clearly established that. But they have guts to claim that they have a reason to complain? Gimme a break. It’s their stereotypical white fragility. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau saw through them. He saw who they were: racists, fascists, and right-wing insurrectionists who want to spread their hatred of people of color and sent them all back to plantations, while pretending that they are fighting for freedom (a right-wing thing, anyway). Fortunately, Mr. Trudeau had courage to confront those truckers-crackers – so used to their white privilege – and their “Freedom Convoy” with decisive force of his police. Way to go, Mr. Trudeau. Let your police, on foot or on horseback, beat those spoiled brats, round them up, tow and confiscate their trucks, and freeze their bank accounts so they know that there is zero tolerance for racism and hatred in North America. Those white supremacists don’t deserve any empathy. They are the ones who deserve to suffer. Their suffering will teach them a lesson that they should be ashamed of their whiteness and stop showing their racist white faces where there are too many of which, already.”

The above made-up quotation from a fictional but quite realistic “liberal” who portrays himself as an inclusive, tolerant, heart bleeding anti-racist, explains why the “liberal” “mainstream” media – that just a year and half ago so wholeheartedly supported BLM and Antifa’s so-called “peaceful” protests that often turned into rioting, looting, vandalizing, destruction, and hurting innocent people – are not offering the same kind of compassion and support to working-class Canadian peaceful protesters fed up with draconian restrictions that their government imposed on them, ostensibly, in order to contain the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.

The “liberal” “mainstream” media are showing us their true colors, which include: hypocrisy, hatred, racism, intolerance, and lust of totalitarian power. That’s right, they are everything that they accuse the “right-wingers” of being – a phenomenon that have been observed and described by psychologists under the name of projection.

One may ask, what else – in addition to projecting – are those “liberal” power-hungry freaks up to? The answer is not difficult to guess. They are conspiring to permanently impose their authoritarian regime upon the West, which includes the U.S. and Canada. But how do we know that they are conspiring? Because they are accusing us of the same. What they call “white supremacy” is an alleged conspiracy to subordinate non-whites to whites. What they call “systemic racism” is an alleged conspiracy to prevent certain races from social, political, and economic advancement. What they call “white privilege” is an alleged conspiracy to favor whites in admissions, hiring, promotions, and access to other benefits that America has to offer to its people.

There is one more observation that supports the thesis of totalitarian power grab in the making. Mr. Trudeau, who looks, walks, and talks like a college-age political agitator in a socialist country rather than a Prime Minister of a major Western nation, appears to be a puppet controlled by a trans-national clique of puppet masters. The hypothesis of existence of the latter explains similarities between his “anti-racist”, “anti-white-supremacy” rhetoric and Joe Biden’s typical lines that the latter often uses to address the white majority in the U.S. Which brings up this question: is Mr. Biden a puppet in hands of the same puppet masters and Mr. Trudeau is? He well may be.

There is one more instance of projection that needs to be mentioned here. What the “liberal” ideologues call “conspiracy theory” is an alleged plot to charge others, frivolously and without evidence, with “conspiracy” while there is no actual conspiracy there. That is exactly what the “liberal” ideologues are doing to whites, Christians, conservatives, and patriots. And that is not surprising. As they conspire and accuse others of what they themselves are doing, they realize that many observant individuals will see through their projective deception and notice all “liberal” conspiracy to grab political power and establish a stable, totalitarian regime, not dissimilar to the one that their precursors and ancestors had established in Soviet Union. So they came up with a defensive canard of “conspiracy theory” that they use to ridicule and silence all those who found any hints of “liberal” conspiracy, although they (the “liberals” that is) are the ones who perpetuate various conspiracy theories. One of many examples of conspiracy theories perpetuated by “liberals” was Hillary Clinton’s absurd claim that some “wide-spread right-wing conspiracy” kept her from getting what she was entitled to due to her gender and political affiliation – the U.S. Presidency.

When one looks from a proper perspective, everything becomes logical and clear.

The “liberal” would-be tyrants who conspire to establish their “liberal” supremacy under control of the emerging trans-national clique of puppet masters are creating a myth of conspiracy theory that, allegedly, their adversaries are falsely propagating as some kind of misinformation. At the same time, they promote a conspiracy theory that falsely accuses white majority –  who are opposed to a “reset” of modern Western capitalism – of conspiracy. This “liberal” conspiracy theory  makes references to other conspiracy theories, one of the most prominent is the Critical Race Theory that accuses those whites of having developed the entire Western civilization as a form of conspiracy the sole purpose of which is discrimination against people of color. And so it goes.

The “liberal” anti-racists, who are full of anti-white hatred and anti-white racism, keep accusing whites of being driven by hate and racism. But if they expressed their anti-white prejudice openly and honestly they would have to say: “We hate all those racists every bit as much as we hate all those whites”.

You see, the “liberal” champions of freedom and tolerance will not tolerate anything that may expose absurdities and evils of “liberalism”. Although they decry harshness of criminal law and its enforcement and show a lot of compassion and empathy for convicted felons and apprehended criminals, they will gladly throw to jail their opponents and feel no mercy for them even if those opponents did not do anything wrong, except for being openly critical of “liberalism”, its absurdities, and dangers to prosperity and freedom.

What we see in Canada these days is what the U.S. is going to look like (or worse) once the “liberals” are done with their power grab and establish their monopoly on political power. The “liberal” totalitarian regime will do to whites, Christians, conservatives, and patriots all the things that the “liberals” are accusing whites, Christians, conservatives, and patriots of doing. So if they tell you that you are oppressor because you are white, they will engineer a system of anti-white oppression. If they tell you that you are a racist, they will reconstruct virtually all means of discrimination based on skin color, this time directed against whites. If they tell you that you are benefiting from your “white privilege”, they will transform their pet minorities onto a privileged class the privileges of which are going to be zealously protected by the law and the state. (Well, we sort of have this in America, already, don’t we?.)  If they tell you that you are a fascist and a supporter of genocide (just because, say, you think highly of Christopher Columbus) then they may, in a not so distant future, start sending whites to concentration camps. After all, they usually do exactly what they accuse their adversaries of. That is in their nature and there is nothing they can do about it. And if you can’s take it anymore and try to peacefully protest against your mistreatment on the streets then a puppet of the trans-national ruling clique will call you a racist, a fascist, and a white supremacist, and will send his armed police, on foot or on horseback, to show you with an iron fist who rules here, followed by threats of prosecution of anyone who might have supported your protest.

The first thing that one can expect from “liberals” when confronted with facts described above is that they will try to falsely dismiss this entire article as yet another “conspiracy theory”. But by now, you should know who the real conspiracy theorists are.

February 20, 2022

~ The Author ~
dwyer_thumbMr. Dwyer has been a continuing contributor to the Federal Observer. Mark Andrew Dwyer’s recent columns are posted at:
Links to his other commentaries can be found here: http://www.oocities.org/readerswrite/List_date.htm

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