It’s pretty hard to be positive about America’s chances, when we see so many anti-American people in all walks of life in every major region of the country, doing their dead level best to usher in full blown socialism, if not a totalitarian form of communism, regardless of what it will cost our freedom and liberty.
We’re in a whole heap of trouble, yessirree we are.
You and others may see a ray of hope, but I see the nation descending into a great civil upheaval, more than likely a full blown hot civil war, at any point between now and 2028, possibly 2035 when I suspect the economic situation will rapidly facilitate such a war. All that’s missing is the right spark, but America is sitting on the edge of the abyss peering into the darkness.
Can America pull back from certain disaster. I’m thinking we may already be past the point of no return, but perhaps a major event and some Dark Horse will emerge to change the tide. It’s anyone’s guess at this point.
Waiting for a Fateful Day
America, as a nation, is facing some of the most serious and extremely dangerous existential threats to Her very existence and the continuation of freedom and liberty for Her people, that I have ever witnessed during my lifetime. Although the land will remain for many centuries forward, America cannot and will not exist as the free nation it once was so many long years ago. She cannot survive when half Her people, or more, are fools and traitors, who love not America or the principles upon which She was built.
America cannot survive a “president” and a Congress intent on giving away the bank and spending money just as fast as they can print and borrow it, and a Federal Reserve Bank that’s more than willing to keep the Ponzi scheme going, until it can go no longer and the entire House of Cards comes tumbling down around everybody. The Democratic Party Communists believe the sky is the limit, when it comes to spending, and in recent years, approximately two-thirds of the Republican Party, globalists and statists one and all, have taken to spending outrageous sums in the trillions, like a baby seal takes to water.
Oh yes. We occasionally see a conscientious endeavor made to put the brakes on spending, as witnessed with Senator Joe Manchin bucking the Democratic Party Communists. However, even he and most Republicans were still willing to spend trillions more for Biden’s “Build Back Better” bullshit; it simply came down to a matter between nearly $2 trillion and $5 trillion or so dollars.
But whose keeping count when it’s just a trillion here and a trillion there and just another day of driving the American taxpayer into the ground, taking their wealth and borrowing from Peter to pay Paul in order to keep the gravy-train rolling for the ne’er do-wells and the takers and looters? Who is keeping track when extreme government spending is creating a backdoor tax on all Americans through inflation that is more permanent than transitory? And in the meantime the debt ceiling keeps right on rising, adding more terrible limitations on the future of many generations to come.
America cannot survive Her fools and traitors who are actively pursuing an anti-American, sovereignty killing Open Borders policy, in the manner of the Biden Regime, that gives lip-service to securing the border, while simultaneously continuing to allow ILLEGAL ALIENS to flood across the border. In a related matter, we have just witnessed the Mayor of New York sign a bill into law that allows Non-Citizen foreign nationals residing in the U.S., to vote in all future elections. One can make a logical assumption that this will include Illegal Aliens.
See the plan? These foreigners are being helped by the U.S. government in far too many instances through welfare programs, and it is the Democratic Party that continuously promotes this destructive policy, in order to build its base with more people who are previously inclined to vote for more socialism and Big Centralized Government, that typically takes its pound of flesh and an extremely heavy cost to individual liberty.
Furthering the destruction of America, one must surely wonder how America will survive in the face of so many outside threats from China, Russia and a good portion of the Middle East, when Ol’ Uncle Joe and his Communist-driven, Communist-led regime are doing everything possible to hamstring America’s ability to respond in any effective manner, by destroying our energy independence – halting fracking and the building of pipelines in America and closing down oil exploration permits — without having any real or efficient alternative in place. And as if this isn’t bad enough, his regime is all too willing to engage in the appeasement of Islamofascists in Iran – begging for the return of the deeply flawed Iranian Nuclear Deal — as he warns China and Russia that he will hit them with “tough sanctions” if they move against Taiwan and Ukraine.
Ooowww. Tough sanctions after the fact. Biden has already hit China with sanctions over its abuse of the Uyghur Muslims in its domain, and yet, the Uyghur genocide is ongoing, just as it’s saber-rattling over international waterways in the South China Sea continues. Biden and Marx Inc are turning America into a weak, feckless paper tiger who has been declawed and defanged, and this is certain to invite a terrible attack on America in the not too distant future.
Day after day, America receives one shock after another, as the Biden Regime no longer even attempts any pretense of following any law or the Constitution. Biden and his Communist apparatchik bureaucratic holdovers infiltrating all the federal institutions are altering and manipulating the law in numerous illegal and illegitimate manners for their personal benefit and to grow and consolidate their power. They are utilizing and misusing regulatory authority and executive orders, in conjunction with outright illegal edicts and diktats in the form of “mandates” to effect a complete and full change to a socialist authoritarian/ totalitarian system, whereby America’s republic is totally destroyed and eradicated.
Not to be outdone by Biden, Communist cronies sitting on the Supreme Court are inserting blatant, outright lies into the record in an attempt to ensure Biden policies and mandates win the day in any and all upcoming cases, especially where it concerns his Covid Vaccine mandate. Although America has only approximately 330 million people living here, Justice Stephen Breyer recently asserted that 750 million new cases of Covid had been reported in a single day. Trying to keep up, Justice Sonia Sotomayor falsely claimed that “more than 100,000 children [were] hospitalized because of Covid and ‘many of them’ on ventilators”, and then she rushed on out from behind her computer and the virtual address to have dinner in DC that evening, with the Democratic Senators Amy Klobuchar and Dick Durbin.
Just how does America survive such idiots, buffoons, liars and evil Machiavellian traitors from within all of Her institutions, including the Highest Court in the land?
How does America survive complete and total lawlessness supported by hundreds of District Attorneys and assistant DAs that were helped into office by Soros and Zuckerberg millions? How do we survive as a nation when so many inner-city blacks see absolutely nothing at all wrong with rioting, murder and mayhem, so long as they are getting whatever they want from the stores they trash? An entire massive segment of our population is completely and utterly immoral, reveling in their evil, and in many instances, presented as the “victims” of “oppression” by White America, when the exact opposite is true and they have been handed opportunity upon opportunity, that has far exceeded any right they had, becoming privilege and validation of their twisted view of American history.
Many dispute the following quote, asserting that George Orwell never said it. Wherever it actually originated, these words represent a hard and absolute truth:
“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims but accomplices.”
America cannot survive unless good, decent and righteous liberty-minded men and women are placed in high offices such as Congress, the Oval Office and the Governor’s Office of our states and a true and real opposition party arises to stop this Marxist/Maoist Cancel-Culture assault on our nation. But the ready trouble America faces becomes all too apparent once one understands that far too many in the Republican Party are Big Centralized Government, globalist, statists incredibly closely aligned to Marxists, such as John Katko of New York and Liz Cheney, allegedly of Wyoming [what a joke], with all her appalling decisions such as siding with the Democrats in their Illegal January 6th Commission, especially in light of the fact that Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ill) should have been the ranking Republican on this “commission”.
And then of course, who can ever forget all the previous and current turncoats and traitors to America’s Founding Principles, such as former Speaker John Boehner, former Speaker Paul Ryan and Senator Mitch McConnel who is still “serving” – Eerrr – subverting the rule of law and freedom and liberty in America.
How can America survive, when the very same mechanisms that allowed so much voter fraud to occur in the 2020 election in so many states are still in effect as ILLEGITIMATE, De Facto Law? Every future election will be suspect so long as this remains the status quo.
Traditional America has very nearly had the last few nails driven in Her coffin, but She most assuredly cannot and will not survive, until Americans fix the election fraud problem of their nation and start charging, convicting and placing people in some hard time breaking big rocks into little rocks for engaging in such criminal activity and return to a righteous moral standard that rejects the current double standard of “law” and embraces the idea of the equality of each man and woman under the law, with a truly blind Lady Justice. In conjunction with this, we as a society and a people must nominate only the best, most decent, good and honorable men and women to government positions across the spectrum, who are most interested in promoting and ensuring honest elections and freedom and individual liberty over any other interests they may have — men and women who are above reproach and any hint of corruption, and unless we do this soon, America will remain on this lightening quick road to Her own ultimate destruction and demise.
America will be hard-pressed to survive this new wave of red, radical commies and Her “Emperor who has no clothes”, this wretched Biden, who is dumb as a rock but boasts of his own wisdom constantly, a man far out of touch with the average American who regularly ignores the counsel of men and women far more wise and knowledgeable than he has ever thought of being. Biden, a rude and uncouth manipulator who regularly insults ordinary conservative and independent Americans while basking in the phony praise of sycophants and con-men, mistaking sophists and harsh critics of conservatives for wise and loyal counselors. This is the despot who regularly slights worthy and honorable Americans and puts them in the cross-hairs of the weaponized FBI and DOJ still to this day. The behavior of the Biden regime more closely resembles that of a Third World banana republic and a doomed state than an advocate for freedom and liberty and those principles of yesteryear that made and kept America great.
We’re in deep trouble as a nation and a people, and even tho’ so many of us see it and understand the numerous crises we’re currently experiencing, our chances of saving the nation grow slimmer by the day, due to the fact that millions of foreign green card holders and illegal aliens with no love for America, who hate our Western civilization and the principles that built it, are acting as the enemy-from-within and traitors to America. Take this along with serious issues in the offing now, as they are resulting from past actions by anti-American administrations from Wilson to Obama and on to Biden, and the true patriotic Americans and traditional America will find themselves in even more dire straits fighting the best they can just to survive in the coming years.
Incredible as it appears to me, we already find America’s enemies all through Congress. Look at Rep. Ilhan Omar who regularly and consistently rails against America and has never seen an Islamic terrorist she didn’t want to take home to Mom and send out into the streets of America with a care package, along with the bombs he’s carrying.
If America does manage to survive in some form or fashion, in any way that remotely resembles what She once was, it more than likely won’t be done through the ballot or the corrupt Court.
Traditional America and Her real American populace survive the next few years by resisting, refusing to comply and fighting tooth and nail against the Biden Regime Commies and all future globalist, statist, Marxist/Maoist regimes that oppose U.S. sovereignty and individual liberty. We survive by saying absolutely “HELL NO” to any and all edicts and diktats that contravene and seek to eradicate our individual liberty and Inalienable God-given Rights, standing together with other freedom-loving Americans who also reject the Biden Regime’s despotism and tyranny in what will essentially amount to parallel societies of good, decent conservatives and independents.
And in the end, even this will probably not be enough, given the size of our federal government — this Leviathan — and the more than a hundred years of communist infiltration it has experienced. Our institutions now seem to live to grow their own power, much more so than to serve ‘We the People’, and very little they do today actually benefits the average American, but always benefits Corporate America and the fat-ass do-nothing bureaucrats who love themselves and their power far more than America, in the style of Rep. Maxine Waters, Rep. Ilhan Ohmar, Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Speaker Pelosi. America will not be saved unless Her knowledgeable, intelligent, righteous men and women – hard men and women with backbone and resolve and willing to do the hard tasks – take up arms and run America’s enemies out of the country, letting events fall however they may on that fateful day as they hope, pray and fight to ensure that the forces of truth, life and freedom and liberty finally emerge victorious on the other side of the chaos that will ensue.
Hang on tight and ride this madness out to the end. We’re far past the point of no return.
January 20, 2022

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.
very fine article and to the point.
our country started as a result of tyranny and struggle. we moved on up to the industrial revalution and the nation became prosperous. in the 60’s we saw the “peace, love,dope” era where people began to think differently than our forefathers did. professors like saul alyinski and others were teaching communism doctrine in our colleges, and whammo–here comes the clintons and obama preaching a better thing.
as we went along, the influx of pornography, homosexuality, drug use, welfare, etc. started to grow.
the churches began to stagnate and today they are shrinking.
is it any suprise that we are in moral decline today ?
people here in this country and around the world have rejected God and we are suffering wrath because of love of self above all else. does anyone have a better answere?
without going on and on. i urge people to read romans chapter 1 vs. 18–32 as it explains it very clearly.
Great article, thank you.
Even if we save the Republic from today’s parasites and predators, it is the America’s population that will define the future our country.
Four guiding principles might help us in this respect.
1. Don’t allow wrong people to immigrate (legally or otherwise).
2. Don’t allow immigrants who
– proved themselves unfit to prosper in our society, or
– showed disloyalty to this nation or disrespect to its laws and norms of Western ethics, or
– exploited vulnerabilities of our socio-political system for their own advantage to the detriment of the nation as a whole,
to permanently settle in our country, and encourage them and their children emigrate back to their countries of origin, instead.
3. Don’t help wrong people multiply.
4. Encourage emigration of wrong people.
A lack of significant emigration from today’s America is a critical flaw of our immigration system.
(By “wrong” I meant those whose presence hereor their activities is/are detrimental to the nation as a whole.)