I often wonder what the overall mindset of the average American might be and just how the people on the whole could have allowed America to sink to such destructive depths, in the name of being “good people” and to implement programs “for the Greater Good”, without seeing the harm they inflicted to their own freedoms and liberties, sooner than so late as the present day when it’s very nearly too late to correct quickly and effectively.
It’s hard to believe that nearly half of America’s society has forgotten that the individual’s Inalienable God-given Rights supersede the power of the federal government, at least in theory if not today’s real politik. But they better get to remembering and making it the new reality, unless they are comfortable becoming serfs enslaved at the altar of the Super-State, the Leviathan in the making as we speak.
Americans must call out the corrupt, utter evil communist machinations of the Biden regime, loudly, fiercely and constantly and refuse to comply with any of its tyrannical, unconstitutional edicts. We must halt America’s journey towards more statism and all of the abuses against individuals that are associated with such governments.
While America’s experiment has been imperfect to date, it has still offered more hope to mankind than any other system in the entire history of mankind. And in order to continue on this journey in any logical manner, we must continue to seek to perfect a land of liberty by making our society one in which government is primarily and completely focused on protecting the rights of all Americans equally, preventing the use of violence and physical force in social relationships as seen in robberies, rapes and murders, as well as regulating and banning itself from using coercion through corporations to control people against their will and against their conscience. Government force must never be used except in retaliation for only such aforementioned circumstances. ~ J. O. Smith
America’s Soul Dragged Through the Dirt
“A drab of state, a cloth-o’-silver slut, to have her train borne up, and her soul trail in the dirt.” ~ Henry David Thoreau
Free Born Americans must attack the Biden regime’s fascism and state sponsored authoritarianism at every turn in the road and each time he and his handlers move against traditional America, freedom and liberty, and we must reject and refuse to comply with any illegal diktat presented to us under the color of “law” that places some intolerable limit on our personal freedoms and liberties, in the name of “for the Greater Good”, that inevitably and ultimately limits the freedom of all American society, for no other reason than the Biden regime’s psychopathic need to control everybody and everything and to break the nation to its knees under authoritarian socialism. Fight back against the Biden regime and a Democratic Party that equates the ideas of Marx and Mao with truth, justice and liberty.
Who are party to “the Greater Good” and who actually benefits? Certainly not the hardworking, freedom-loving individuals of America, in the context of how the phrase is currently understood within American society.
Too many in this country have suggested that America’s greatest achievements would never have materialized without “the collective”, as they have fallen prey to the fallacious conflation of results from individuals cooperating of their own free will and those of forced compliance by the government. Forced compliance and government intrusion has caused every single problem ever witnessed in this country. It was the unleashed power of individual creativity found through individual liberty that gave us technological advancements, like the cotton-gin, the automobile and the airplane, that made America’s economy thrive more than anyone could imagine, thus opening the door for greater individual prosperity and liberty.
A proponent of Marx and Mao see humanity as a whole, much like a massive thunderstorm, to be handled as an entire single unit, in unison under Communist and collectivist dogma, while advocates of Adam Smith Capitalism and freedom and liberty look at that same storm of humanity and see each the uniqueness of each individual, each raindrop. And it is that distinction that results in extreme and vastly different results.
Every important policy decision made today under Biden has virtually no real basis in actual prescribed law and very often goes against our U.S. codes, whether we speak of Biden’s disregard of contract law in association with the Keystone Pipeline, his disregard for property rights through the Eviction Moratorium, his disregard for sound economics through his Spending Bills, his disregard for science associated with both Covid and Climate change, and his complete disregard for U.S. Border and Immigration Law. Biden’s policies are aimed at compelling all Americans to submit to the collective and forego all sense of self, family, God and Country and the relinquishing of all one’s liberty at the expense of one’s own conscience.
Our system was never intended to be a democratic tyranny, and given all that has occurred since 2008 to the present, the tyranny we now experience is a result of the American people being too tolerant over the years in the face of too many manipulations of our rights as enumerated in the Constitution, by way of “democratic” means and by the enemy from within, those communists and anti-Americans, that has always sought the end of our republic, from the first days of the release of Das Kapital. Hundreds of Communist Bureaucrats, such as Obama advisor Valerie Jarret and Biden Director of Domestic Policy Susan Rice, have infiltrated into top positions throughout the federal institutions over the decades, along with thousands more at every level of society who are more than willing to use “any means necessary”, any dirty, immoral act, from arson to murder to ensure a final victory for the Deep State and the end of America’s republic, and all the while the Biden regime uses a weaponized Justice Department and FBI against all America, even the parents of America who are fighting as hard as they can to stop the fascist indoctrination of their children against their express wishes and will.
Everything Biden’s regime is doing is supposedly for the benefit of all Americans, according to Biden and others alongside him, and in essence “for the Greater Good”.
Please tell me how taking away one’s right to choose their own medical treatment is for the benefit of all Americans, or playing God and stealing their wages through asinine taxes that are supposed to prevent drastic climate change as if they can, or flooding the nation with poor, uneducated foreigners bent on taking all they can take from American coffers, or spending us into oblivion and the permanent destruction of the U.S. economy. Please tell America how “social infrastructure” is anything other than money thrown into the pockets of Biden Cronies, Democratic Party Communist apparatchiks and useless, do-nothing, non-productive programs, and how that benefits anyone at all. And please, we all want to know how preventing actual peaceful protest by targeting parents angry over School Board overreaches concerning school curriculum, masks and covid mandates is actually beneficial to all America and “for the Greater Good”.
In Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal [1966], Ayn Rand noted:
“The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.”
Each of us has the absolute right, even now and despite anything Biden and Company say, to live our lives as we please, so long as we do no harm to others and violate their Inalienable God-given Rights in any manner. We have the right to enter into agreements freely and to reject agreements of our own free will. This coming together of our own free will in cooperation to see to our national defense and build a strong military as well as super-highways, a strong thriving economy, and an efficient postal service had more bearing on America’s rapid rise and success than anything forced on us against our will, which has historically always backfired on the government.
Traditionally and in America’s earliest years, the sovereignty of the individual and individual liberty was perfectly understood as not an entity that grants the individual license to do anything they wish to do. It had to be managed within a righteous understanding of righteously formatted law as understood through the Christian and Western principles of the day, and it was most usually considered through everybody’s Inalienable God-given Rights, in regards to mutually advantageous with others and self-interest and the millions of small decisions each of us makes over our lifetimes that taken on the whole effect society.
It’s perfectly reasonable and acceptable to demand equality for everybody, when speaking of equal dignity as individuals and equal treatment under he law, however, each and every time anyone has ever attempted to apply equality to economics and results for individuals, such attempts have dragged economies and entire peoples into an economic malaise and quagmire, failing miserably and resulting in the death of freedom and liberty.
But today it would seem, the Biden regime would tell us what constitutes a family, when and how we can open our businesses, who we can employ, and when we may buy, sell or trade in our markets. They have done everything but seize the means of production to this point and their government intrusions are largely unwelcome to many freedom-minded Americans and they are debilitating and destructive to our society from a holistic perspective.
As noted by Henry David Thoreau in Civil Disobedience [1849]:
“There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all its own power and authority are derived, and treats him accordingly.”
And from a different angle, no truer words were ever spoken than the ones heard in Fountainhead, written by Ayn Rand, who saw the onset and advent of communism in Russia that first year of 1917 and all the horrors that followed:
“Power! What do you think is power? Whips? Guns? Money? You can’t turn men into slaves unless you break their spirit. Kill their capacity to think and act on their own. Tie them together, teach them to conform, to unite, to agree, to obey. That makes one neck ready for one leash. …. Why do you suppose I denounced greatness and praised mediocrities …? Great men can’t be ruled. Why did I preach self-sacrifice? If you kill a man’s sense of personal value, he’ll submit.”
Many Americans, much like myself, are willing to fight for our freedom and liberty, hopefully to see many new sunrises and ultimate freedom for all, but ever more willing to die in the fight, so our children may live free. But insanely, many more amerikkans seem almost as willing to die in their fight to build a Super-State that takes all the nation’s wealth for redistribution to their communist and fascist ilk, seen in the ranks of Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Solidarity, Pueblo Sin Fronteras, LaRaza and Open Society, no matter it comes at the cost of the loss of all liberty and total submission to an authoritarian socialist state.
America sees corporate heads, desperate to protect their niche of the market economy, willing to enforce illiberal, tyrannical diktats emanating from the Biden regime and even regular American citizens all too willing to act as informants and enforcers against the liberty-minded Americans of our country, just as Nazi Germany witnessed many of their own set upon, imprisoned, tortured and murdered by other German citizens — not all Nazi soldiers — who were “simply doing our jobs”. We are seeing the attempt to recruit and morph the bulk of our society into a mass of barbaric psychopaths who will be more than happy to attack freedom-minded Americans in any manner so ordered by the Biden regime.
If they are so willing to die trying to control everything and take freedom and liberty from me and mine, doing the Democratic Party Communists’ dirty work and enforcing this New World Order-type tyranny, so be it. At this point, I have grown more than willing to oblige them.
An amicable spit of the states as suggested by many, along the lines of Mike Nichols in a recent article, isn’t remotely feasible with very nearly half the nation currently supporting the looters and takers — the Marxists and Cancel Culture Maoists — of America. We have long since passed the point of no return, and with election mechanisms still steeped in fraud and the same Bad Actors in place currently consolidating power and continuing to weaponize the federal government against all Conservative and Christian America, the likelihood of a peaceful resolution between two antithetical ideologies is slim to none today, especially when one considers that even so-called “Red States” have large segments of socialists, communists and other radicals in all their most significant cities.
And in the meantime, stop enabling America’s tyrants, by listening well to the advocates of individual liberty, living courageously and logically, and refuse to be silenced or blinded by fascistic propaganda and absurd, poisonous lies and policies, while embracing the potential of one’s future self and saving society from the current dystopian phantasmagorias and Cancel Culture idiocy. One’s failure to do anything less in today’s political environment serves only to stain one’s own conscience and permanently scars one’s soul.
Fight for truth, real justice and true freedom and liberty for all men and women, in every public hall and government institution and courtroom, but stand ready, strong and prepared to take up arms and fight all across America if and when it ultimately becomes our last resort, and do everything humanly possible to stop the inhuman ideologies that seek to enslave all humanity.
Fight back against the Biden regime’s advocacy for Marx and Mao and the totalitarian ideologies that have historically represented the greatest threat to mankind anyone has ever witnessed, and fight for our rights to our own life and liberty and the right to one’s own personal and private possessions and property that is sanctioned merely by the fact of our birth, in order to pursue one’s own happiness as he sees fit and to enter a new age of civilization whereby our society sets man free from the tyrannical edicts and diktats of little, small-minded, ignorant men.
Fight back against a Communist ideology and collectivism, that is far from any new order for the world, and the evil dark yesterday that Biden and Marx Inc would impose on all of our tomorrows, for it is only the Individual Self and Individual Liberty that has ever wrought the best, most benevolent and brightest initiatives and innovations forth over the entire history of mankind.
October 12, 2021

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.
in my small realm in this world, i’m seeing more people begin to resist the so called mandates and social experiments being pushed upon us.
we had over 100 people who spoke at the local school board and city council meetings the other night.
there was a large rally at sacramento recently. people are not complying and are getting very vocal.
i was wondering if this would ever happen and it is.
let’s just hope the criminal bastards will back off before things start to get hot.
i’m with you brother.
i have been very vocal and passing out accurate information hoping to wake people up. i’m seeing the effort start to pay off.
i’ll keep doing this as long as it takes.
hang in there justin.