It’s been quite some time since I’ve put my proverbial pen to paper, although a lot of folks have been after me to do so. The reason I haven’t is that, although there has been no shortage of topics, the Good Lord has simply not called upon me to do so, but that has changed. Four days ago… Wait a second… When I say what I’m about to say, many of you might say, “Why didn’t you just go see a doctor?” To you, I would say, “Because I refuse to be made into a false statistic.” And no, I don’t trust doctors any more than the government these days; knowin’ what I know about “COVID-19” and its ramifications, I’d be a double-dyed fool if I did. But I digress…
Wednesday mornin’ (4 August 2021), I awoke feelin’ the call to write, but I tried to ignore it. My mind couldn’t put a loop around any single one of the many topics bouncin’ around inside my gourd, so I didn’t write. When I woke up Thursday mornin’, the call to write was even stronger. Even so, I did not write.
Then, Friday mornin’ arrived, and I woke up not only feeling the call to write even stronger, but also with a sick feelin’ in the pit of my stomach and my equilibrium all screwed up; I couldn’t stand without help ‘til it was late afternoon, at which point the sick feelin’ began to subside. Still, I did not write. Saturday mornin’ was no different; the call to write was very strong, my equilibrium was shot, and I felt queasy and weak. Same as on Friday, it all cleared up late in the afternoon. I was beginnin’ to think I’d had another TIA, but then it hit me that I might be feelin’ so bad because I was ignorin’ God’s call to write. So, Saturday night I had me a long conversation with the Almighty, and while I prayed, one topic began to stand out from all the others, and suddenly I knew which topic I was supposed to write about. Now, I didn’t try to make a deal with God to not feel so sick anymore; my daddy taught me half a century ago, “… that ain’t how it works, boy; you ask, and then you leave it to God’s will.” My daddy is the wisest man I know… So, no, I didn’t try to deal, I just said, “Okay, Lord. I just need to get a little sleep, and tomorrow, I’ll write; so long as you give me the words, I’ll write.” And I went to bed. Lo and behold, when I woke up Sunday mornin’, I felt like an almost new man; didn’t feel sick at all, nothin’ wrong with my balance, and that old break in my back didn’t hurt quite so bad as normal; praise God! Do his will, and he will give you what you need to succeed. So, here I am, writin’ like I said I would, although I gotta tell y’all, I don’t see how I’m gonna manage more’n a coupla paragraphs about this particular topic, so I reckon I’m just gonna start writin’ and see where the Lord leads it.
I’m supposed to talk about athletes (and anybody else) that “take a knee” for the flag and/or the national anthem of the United States of America in “protest” of the oppression (some real, some imaginary) that they, their ancestors, and other peoples of color have suffered under the “fascist white regime” of the Federal Government and those of European descent in general throughout the history of our great republic. You see, kneeling in “protest” is, well, a deception. In point of fact, “taking a knee” is kneeling. Kneeling. Defined as “to be in or to assume a position in which the body is supported by a knee or the knees, as when praying or showing submission.” To kneel before something or someone, anything or anyone, is, and has been for time immemorial, a sign of submission and subservience among every culture the world has ever known. What we have here is not people in the public eye (athletes, celebrities, politicians, etc.) protesting something they claim has oppressed them and theirs for over 200 years. No, what we actually have here is those same people making public displays of fealty to the very thing they say oppresses them; showing submission to the masters, if you will, and offering their backs as a sign of subservience.
Now, a lot of people may believe, or want to believe, that they do this because they are imbeciles (I know I’d like to), and this is a distinct possibility, one which I could (and would) buy into if not for three things; the timing compared with that of other recent (within the last five years) events, the provocative overexposure by mainstream media, and the number of people that followed suit and did the same thing and/or supported the action. But suppose…
Suppose it was just a precursor. Suppose it was an experiment; a social experiment to determine if certain demographics in the United States could be emotionally and intellectually manipulated by persons of public influence, regardless of the obvious irony, tragic as it may be, of the actions and words that are being used to manipulate them. Suppose it was the first overt action by the DRPCBs (Dirty Rotten Pinko Commie Bastards) in the escalation of the communist takeover of our country. Just suppose that when Colin Kaepernick walked out on that field on 1 September 2016, and knelt for the national anthem, it wasn’t done in order protest the oppression of peoples of color in the United States, but instead was done in order to see if the masses would follow suit and be good little sheep. And they did; one after the other, individually and in groups like ANTIFA (whose every goal reeks of fascism) and Black Lives Matter (unless, apparently, they’re still in the womb), they jumped on the band-wagon supporting those in the public eye that began taking a knee for the national anthem in protest, all the time unwittingly supporting submission and subservience to that which they were protesting; a classic case of tragic irony.
The Destruction of Silent Sam, UNC Chapel Hill, NC
A few months later, in early 2017, not long after Donald Trump was sworn into office as the forty-fifth president of the United States, radicals from the far-left, mainly ANTIFA and BLM, began vandalizing and destroying monuments to the fighting men of the Confederate States of America throughout the South under the guise “social justice.” This caused civil, political, and, most importantly, racial unrest across the country, and the knee-takers got edged out of the driver’s seat of [what we’ll call] mainstream media’s “coverage car” and into the passenger seat, so to speak. The tensions mounted as monument after monument was attacked, and then came the incident in Charlottesville, Virginia, on 12 August, when bunches of radicals from both sides of the spectrum clashed violently, and some unsuspecting non-radicals got caught in the metaphorical crossfire. The number one nationwide news story that night was about a young man who drove his car into a crowd of liberal counter-protesters, killing one young woman (God rest her soul) and injuring quite a few more people. What wasn’t hardly covered was the fact that the young man was in a state of panic and was running for his life after being threatened (this does not excuse his actions, but it does shed some light on them) with being shot with a semi-automatic modern sporting rifle wielded by a very liberal (I’d call him radical) Professor of Anthropology who was, and may still be, employed by one of the most prestigious universities on the southeastern seaboard. This wasn’t widely publicized because it didn’t fit the “murderous white supremacist kills innocent protester” story that the Powers That Be wanted woven; in fact, it was damaging. It was damaging because it proved the dangerous extremist activity of the far-left, especially among those of influence over young minds. The story was woven, however, just as the PTB intended, and more people fell in line, like snakes behind Saint Patrick, believing everything mainstream media told them like it was the word of God himself; no questions asked. The erasure of history had become acceptable, and the band-wagon had to be traded in on an eighteen-wheeler. But… What if, after 2 ½ years, the level of violence and misbegotten rage had not escalated as expected? What if it needed a jump-start to get it going again and keep it fed? Where do you find that kind of voltage? As it turns out, you find it in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
What do you do when you want to instigate violence that is apparently racially motivated? You fix it so that a bunch of white cops have a black suspect die during an arrest due to what appears to be undue force. Then you incite and encourage the local populace, the self-appointed social justice warriors (as they call themselves), and the rest of the DRPCBs to take offense to the “racial injustice” and riot in protest; to loot, to burn, to rob, beat, to possibly even kill. That’s what happened; we all watched it unfold. Then came the elections and the nationwide crime wave being perpetrated by the Leftists subsided, for the most part, as did the outrage. Why? Because they “won” the election; there was no longer the need for the wanton destruction of the previous year or so; it had done its job. Now they were ready for the next step, the biggest step yet: Mass control of the global populace. How do you do that? Simple. You use the same tool you’ve been using thus far… Fear.
As I said, the next step was global in scale, but for now, I’m only concerned with the United States of America. On 4 January 2020, the World Health Organization, through social media, advised the world of what turned out to be an outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China. Seventeen days later, on 21 January, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed the first case of COVID-19 in the United States. What followed was a kind of mass-hysteria; mandates requiring the populace to wear masks in public (masks that are absolutely USELESS against viral infections) and the mandated closing of churches, restaurants, and bars (the very types of places where the American Revolution was planned), and millions complied out of fear. “Be afraid; be VERY afraid.” That was what the media and the government told us, and millions still made the terrible mistake of trusting the government and mainstream media. Official Death Tolls skyrocketed; a disease with a survival rate of over 99% was being made out to be much worse than it was; in truth, just as many people die from complications of the common cold as from COVID-19, and influenza kills more. The government also banned the use of Hydroxychloroquine (a drug proven and long used to treat malaria, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis) for the treatment of COVID-19, knowing full-well that it was safe and that it worked. The reason? Here is an excerpt from the Food and Drug Administration’s Official statement: “Based on ongoing analysis and emerging scientific data, FDA has revoked the emergency use authorization (EUA) to use hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to treat COVID-19 in certain hospitalized patients when a clinical trial is unavailable or participation is not feasible.” Then they turn right around and lay lips upon the back-side of big pharma and say to take the new, untested vaccines, regardless of the fact that they have not even been tested on lab-rats, let alone passed a clinical trial. And the people started lining up. Even though they now say that boosters are required (to me, an alarm bell) and that there are new variants of the alleged virus showing up that are supposedly immune to the vaccine, people are STILL lining up.
People are lining up like lemmings to receive a vaccination against a virus that may not even exist, whose side-effects are completely unknown, the contents of which are dangerous in and of themselves, and for which the recipients themselves are the lab-rats. They are lining up because they don’t realize that they have been lied to and they are scared. They are lining up because they can get one hundred dollars (when the government offers a bribe for taking an experimental drug, it is a BAD SIGN) for “taking the jab.” They are doing exactly as they are told, just like the left wants them to; saying “goodbye” to freedom and “hello” to slavery in the form of communism and fascism (there are those among the PTB who want to make interstate travel illegal without a “vaccination passport” of some kind, and that’s about as fascist as it gets). They are aiding in the destruction of the United States as a free country, whether by complacency or complicity, and aiding in the rise of a single global government (their New World Order) intent on the worldwide abolition of freedom.
Now, I am aware that I sound like a conspiracy theorist NUT, and maybe I am, but remember, these thoughts only come together when I answered God’s call to write. I’m not claiming what I’ve suggested here is fact, nor am I suggesting that God told me it is what has happened; I’m simply saying that he told me that it, and the possible ramifications, are worth considering, for it is indeed a possibility. Our country has been headed downhill for some time now, but lately, things have obviously been escalating. We’ve all seen it, and we all know something has to be done, but I’m gonna be honest; sitting around talking trash on the internet isn’t going to get it done, nor is waiting for former President Trump to come sweeping down from like an angel from Heaven to save us all from evil. I’m sorry, but Donald Trump is not going to save you, me, or this country; if that’s what you’re waiting for, “… it’s a long wait for a train don’t come.” A time will come when a stand has to be made or all hope surrendered. When that time comes, which path will you take? I suggest you make that decision very soon and begin preparing yourself for what is to come.
I have seen the path down which God’s will leads me, I have accepted it and what it could lead to, and I am resigned, and determined, to see it through to the end, come what may. I am descended from the Celts of Scotland and Ireland, American Revolutionary instigators and soldiers, Confederate soldiers, and United States soldiers and sailors. I am descended from men who forged ahead, no matter what, against all odds. I am descended from men who refused to live on their knees under the rule of any man. I am descended from men who were willing to die for their freedom. I am descended from men who feared God, and nothing else. I, like them, kneel before the Lord, God Almighty, and no other; nor shall I ever. This is MY heritage, the legacy of my ancestors, and I am proud of it; how can I be less than they and retain any semblance of honor, let alone live with myself? I am preparing myself for whatever the future might hold; I have followed God’s direction, and I shall continue to do so. How about you?
God’s will be done in all things, great and small.
K. Lance Spivey
10 August 2021
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~ About the Author ~
K. Lance Spivey, amateur historian, pro-Constitutional political activist, and active Three-Percenter is an eighth-generation North Carolinian. Born at the height of the Vietnam War, he is the fifth great-grandson of Harmon “The Regulator” Cox (1723-1812), who along with his brother Solomon, lit the fire of Revolution in colonial Carolina, and his fifth paternal grandfather, Edmond Spivey (1760- 1798), was also a Revolutionary War veteran. He is also a direct descendant of at least two Confederate veterans of the Army of Northern Virginia; Private Franklin Spivey (1844-1916) who served in Company D of the 20th North Carolina Infantry Regiment, and Private James Scott (1825-1926) who served in Company E of the 44th North Carolina Infantry Regiment. Of Scottish and Irish descent, he is fiercely proud of his Celtic heritage as well as his American heritage. Lance grew up in the little community of Belvidere in Perquimans County, North Carolina, where he graduated from Perquimans County High School in 1985. He is the only son of an artist and a United States Navy veteran turned Quaker minister, and has one younger sister. Married thrice and divorced twice (he is, by his own admission, nearly impossible to live with), Lance, now married to the woman God made just for him, has a total of nine children and step-children and more than a dozen grand-children. He now lives in Randolph County, North Carolina, where his family first settled so long ago. Being a preacher’s son, he has, as he will tell you himself, engaged in much more than his own fair share of stupidity in his life, and, by way of the results of said engagements, has developed a very strong distaste for stupidity.
God bless .. amen ..I will die as a human .. not some moron who asks for a death stab .. make your peace with god and lets fight the good fight of life . For god sent Christ to save us .. I think mostly from ourselves..