It’s unfathomable to me, in some sense, that we are even having to discuss why forced “ANYTHING” in America is really never a good idea. It’s even more troubling to know that so many of my countrymen are so willing to take this “vaccine”, when everything about it, from start to finish, stinks to high heaven.
I could state my case in only a few sentences, but the situation has become such, that I felt the need to go into some depth, hopefully awakening many who as of yet have not thought this development all the way through.
Even so, I have no objection against anyone who really wants to willingly receive it. My main objection, as I believe should be the objection of any reasonable person, is to the government forcing Americans – through any and every means of coercion — to take it against their free will and conscience, especially when many are unable to take it for existing health conditions or object on religious and other grounds, like the science that proves this vaccine has dangerous side-effects for many and the potential to cause long term harm to all who take it.
To be as clear as anyone possibly can be, mask mandates, mandatory COVID vaccinations, and vaccine passports are an all out assault on personal individual freedom and liberty and unconstitutional, despite those who are so fond of quoting Jacobson vs Marshall and an institution that gave us the Dredd Scott decision and has had scores of rulings overturned time and again throughout our history. Others can bow and acquiesce in abeyance and submission to the campaign of fear and these mandates that aren’t even placed in any law anywhere, if they choose, but me and mine will never be forced to act against our conscience and inject this toxic, as of yet unproven, transhumanist waste into our bodies against our will, unless they wish to kill me or die in the trying themselves.
And even if this sort of tyrannical trash were to be successfully legislated and placed into law, one would never find me bending to the will of tyrants when it comes to my own body.
Ironically, abortionists have been so very fond through the years of screaming “My body, my choice” as they ignore the Christian principle that the Unborn Child has rights to its own body, it’s own life, as well as scientific fact that defines it as a separate life from the mother’s — advancing Roe vs Wade as “settled law”, although it is no law whatsoever, and only a ruling. Therefore, activists today conflate issues when saying “My body, my choice” in any comparison between abortion and being force to take the vaccine. In the prior, it’s not their body or their choice, but for dissenters and opponents to the vaccine, when speaking for themselves and themselves alone, it truly is a matter of their body and their choice.
More ironic, during this Covid Event, even though any reading of Jacobson, especially in comparison to subsequent cases pertaining to individual liberty, exhibits the authoritarian Leftist view that all constitutional rights can be restricted to combat any public health emergency, the false “right” to abortion has been the only right exempt from government interference during this hyped COVID event.
Many so-called “legal experts” totally ignore federalism and the mechanisms that would currently prevent any federal mandate for the COVID vaccine, even if it were to be eventually fully approved by the FDA. State’s Rights and the Tenth Amendment constrain Congress from mandating something, including masks, that pertains to public health regulations, especially since the Federal government cannot require state officials to enforce federal directives, as Biden soon found out when Governor Ron Desantis brought him back to reality, and it is in this context that Congress is prevented from passing vaccine mandates as vaccination law, as detailed by the Congressional Research Service in 2019.
Good and decent Americans must stand against any Leftist activist ruling or Marxist advocacy for anything that violates any one of our Inalienable God-given Rights.
The fact remains that the Biden regime cannot at this time legally or legitimately mandate these COVID “vaccines”, since they have not as of yet been approved by the Federal Food and Drug Administration and they are currently being dispensed under an Emergency Use Authorization. Under 21 U.S.C 360bbb-3(e)(1)(A0(ii)(III), in regards to products tied to an EUA, everybody must be advised of their right “to accept or refuse administration of the product, of the consequences, if any, of refusing administration of the product, and of the alternatives to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks.” Having this option under current law suggests that mandates for the COVID “vaccine” are categorically prohibited,
But as we have all seen, the law means nothing to Joe Biden and he regularly breaks it, whether we speak of our immigration, property or HIPPA laws, or any other law for that matter. He and his regime do just as they please with little to no real opposition from this current class of GOP “leaders”, with great exceptions seen however in Governor Ron Desantis, Senator Ted Cruz, Representative Nancy Mace and Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene and a few other strong liberty-minded individuals.
And of course, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is doing her best to do her worse to keep the tyranny on The Hill going, by requiring masks in the House and threatening arrests for violations, even though the CDC’s own studies show masks are worthless in actually stopping the spread of any disease. Her authoritarianism is something one would expect to find in any totalitarian regime, and it’s all the more glaring when one notes that just yards away on the Senate side of the Capitol, there isn’t any mask mandate.
Is there some magic barrier that keeps any virus from moving from the Senate side to the House? A contagion isn’t the problem. The problem remains these Democratic Party Fascists and petty tyrants who seek full control over all the people’s lives in America.
Representative Nancy Mace (R-SC) responded in the fine fashion of any true American patriot, stating:
“Madam Speaker, your insane power grab is showing. Today I’m not wearing a mask outside of the chamber [because] I follow science – not Pelosi. Come and get me.”
In the meantime, as Biden and Marx Inc are urging businesses and Corporate America to create rules for their establishments that are tantamount to mandates for masks and vaccines, as many establishments, including restaurants, sports stadiums, airlines, certain retail chains and many other businesses are now asking for proof of vaccination as well as demanding people wear masks into their establishments. We are even seeing nurses fired for refusing to take the vaccination, after working the entirety of the initial Covid outbreak without any real protection from the virus, doing whatever it took to ensure others recovered, in what can only be described as the most overt act of coercion and tyranny one will ever see, similar to what recently occurred at Houston Methodist Hospital.
In part on August 6th 2021, the San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association noted:
“The problem we are faced with now is the strict San Francisco Mandate which is vaccinate or be terminated. If deputy sheriffs are forced to vaccinate a percentage of them will retire or seek employment elsewhere.”
This where all conservative, Christian and independent freedom-loving Americans can stand firm together and fight back, by refusing to do any business with anyone advancing this sort of tyrannical action. We can find good liberty-minded people willing to hire other good people in the very same professions and fields, and wherever a scarce conservative presence is found in any particular field, make it grow and create new related businesses. And for the working class, trade the value of your skill for like value in the things you may require, and if it comes right down to the nitty-gritty, people unwilling to submit or comply to these diktats can resort to simple yet effective barter and trade, as I have been stating from the earliest days of this COVID hoax, just as soon as the handwriting appeared on the wall and it became apparent this was much more about controlling all America, her people, her wealth and resources than it was ever about combatting any “deadly” disease.
Now would be a good time to recall all the endless facts and evidence that prove Covid is not the Super-Killer the Biden regime would have us all believe, when the median death rate for Covid is 0.26 percent. We know that the Deviant Variant is less lethal, if more contagious, and that mandates, masks and the vaccines haven’t stopped any strain of the virus. So in essence, anyone rejecting Covid mandates and vaccine passports isn’t putting anyone at risk, in any way, shape or form, and it’s asinine beyond belief for anyone to suggest otherwise.
For the better part of a year and a half, myself and many others have verified and documented the detrimental effects of both mask mandates and the highly questionable and suspect Covid “vaccines”. If one won’t take my word for it, just research a bit deeper and anyone will find these vaccines hold some extreme risks for everyone, of all ages, and the overall risks, short term and long term, are just not worth any supposed benefit.

Fauci: Phantom of His Own Opera
And through it all, Dr Anthony Fauci, Chief Medical Advisor to Biden and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases – a snake oil salesman extraordinaire – directed the obfuscation and hard censorship of the proven science and the extent of his part in the Gain of Function research at the Wuhan Laboratory in China and the very real likelihood that is the origination of the virus, funded by him and the U.S. National Institute of Health. Unconcerned with any risks to Americans, or any potential health calamity, Fauci and other top scientists involved colluded with Biden’s science adviser, Kelvin Droegemeier and others, to hide the evidence that their global research grants and programs were tied directly to the Wuhan Lab and the COVID outbreak, setting the world on fire and blaming us for refusing to believe their ignoble lies.
America has also seemingly entered a new era that has shifted the scientific method away from exact empirical data, critical thought and objectivity toward a purely elitist, subjective and collectivist type of “science”, in which precise and exact empirical data and independent open criticism normally associated with the scientific method are rarely or no longer utilized. This sets in motion a dynamic where scientific consensus superseded everything else, including reason, and paves the way for previously proven false premises and concepts to wreak havoc with our system, because they become elevated through the acceptance of a majority of “scientists”.
However, on March 2nd 2021, a joint statement from a coalition of four U.S. based medical organizations representing some twenty-thousand medical professionals, including the American College of Pediatricians, emphasized that free citizens should never be mandated to receive the COVID “vaccine”, stating:
“Governing authorities must respect an individual’s right to accept or decline a vaccine” – adding that there is “no justifiable moral obligation to accept vaccination. While the pandemic remains a significant public health crisis, the individual rights of American citizens also remains of paramount importance. The guarantee of ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ includes the right to make health care decisions while taking into account our responsibility for the common good.
If a vaccine has been developed, tested, or produced with technology that an individual deems morally unacceptable, such as the use of abortion-derived fetal cell lines, vaccine refusal is morally acceptable. An individual’s decision to be vaccinated will also depend upon their personal assessment of the medical risks, a choice that should be respected.”
Currently, not one of the COVID “vaccines” is fully approved by the FDA.
Essentially, America on the whole is being coerced, threatened, intimidated and brow-beat and shamed into accepting the vaccine, because the Biden regime has been unsuccessful at persuading or bribing people to take it. Making it difficult or virtually impossible to maintain one’s gainful employment without proof of vaccination is in fact a de facto Covid vaccine passport.
Individual rights are not eradicated by any immediate crisis, no matter how dangerous the times may be.
Dictator Joe doesn’t give a damn about our Inalienable God-Given Rights, and as far as he and his people are concerned, in any discussion on COVID, the law and science are irrelevant. They are determined to see every American vaccinated, willingly or not, as they force everyone to surrender every constitutional right to personal safety, privacy, employment and free speech until they do so.
More than this, Ol’ Joe and his communist apparatchiks of the Democratic Party are of the same mindset of the globalist, Gideon Lichfield of MIT, who admitted in 2020 that the goal for him and his ilk was to implement vaccine passport restrictions far into the future, possibly forever. Lichfield was quoted, stating:
“Ultimately, however, I predict that we’ll restore the ability to socialize safely by developing more sophisticated ways to identify who is a disease risk and who isn’t, and discriminating – legally – against those who are.”
We’re entering dangerous and dark times as a people.
Many Americans have awakened over the past year to discover that a large portion of what they thought to be true regarding the COVID Event has been a lie, as it has also been known for some time now that inexpensive, effective, readily available, and SAFE medications for the treatment and prevention of COVID have been ruthlessly suppressed from the beginning. The truth of this matter is finally emerging, and Americans are tired and angry over being used as pawns in these fascists’ political power game, who are focused on winning the day and finalizing the “Great Reset” and an authoritarian socialist government in America, minus Her Founding Principles, but, as the truth spreads it will become the instrument of our ultimate freedom.
The tyrants among us are on the move to ensure we submit or bear unreasonable consequences for holding tight to our freedom and liberty, and one would be hard pressed to think of anything much more antithetical to our nation’s traditional virtues and founding principles than draconian mask mandates and vaccine passport mandates. No American should ever be forced to produce papers to be granted “permission” to eat in a public restaurant, attend a movie or a football game or boxing match, and they most certainly should not be coerced and forced via various threats to accept a “vaccine” that is known to have harmed and killed thousands of Americans, in significant enough numbers to warrant stopping and cancelling the vaccine program, no matter how loudly or often the Biden regime asserts that the vaccines are “safe and effective”.
Events being facilitated by the Biden regime and Corporate America today are more akin to what one might expect to find in Communist China. Biden’s Covid policy is unsuitable and unacceptable in the Land of the Free.
No matter how much they advertise that they are acting for “the general well being of the public” or “the good of the people”. it’s good to remember all the murders of the past that were perpetrated by the Marxists and Fascists of the world, For “the Good of the People” – “das Wohl des Volkes“.
Nothing about the Biden regime’s COVID policy is for “the Good of the People” and everything is for the good of Biden and Marx Inc, the Squad and the Democratic Party Communist insiders in order to grow their power and move them steps closer to total control over the entire country, its resources, land, wealth and its people.
This is what a people get when they look upon any Court or elected official as the final arbiter of truth and the last word on their freedom and liberty. This is the start of the sort of tyranny one has seen across history, when a people do nothing each time the “government” takes away the tiniest portion of their liberty and they do nothing. This is what one sees in America, because so many have forgotten that the power rests with us – “We the People” – if only we use it.
No legitimate U.S President, no dictator in training, no governor, mayor or elected official and no private citizen has any right to control anyone’s medical decisions. None of the aforementioned have any right or authority to control one’s Free Speech right, where one can conduct any business, one’s freedom to travel the country freely between states or what one must believe. And no one has any authority to take it upon themselves to control anyone’s Constitutional right to life, liberty and the right to find a path to their own prosperity, but Biden and Marx Inc are determined to disregard all of our rights in the name of “the Greater Good” in so egregious a manner and a strategy used by every modern day totalitarian, that it demands every American who cares for these things to rise and assemble to fight with all their might against this advancing totalitarianism and tyranny, to stop it dead and ensure its ideology and the evil it represents are eradicated from our lands and institutions, from our society forever more, never again to be given a moment’s consideration.
Resist, Disobey. Refuse to Comply. And pick up a rifle, should it eventually prove necessary to do so.
Take Back Your Freedom and Liberty…
Das Wohl des Volkes (For the good of the People)
August 9, 2021

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.
dam fine article. you nailed it across the board !
thank you
the the interest of all
check out — stop world
also check — america’s frontline
you will be enlightened