The following is the basis for my nightly broadcast from this date. ~ Ed.
~ Opening Commentary ~
As I put on my makeup I see a dent, yes a literal dent in my forehead. I’m puzzled then I realize, months of N95 masks, I look down at my hands, they are so worn, old looking. I think of my dreams, all the death in the past year. More than a career for most.
I recall being told I had to take the flu vaccine, or I was fired. Giving in because I couldn’t loose my job, but that feeling of not being able to breath after a severe allergic reaction is in the back of my mind.
The facts are this:
* This is America we have a choice, or we are supposed to.
* Don’t anyone lecture me on Covid, don’t you dare. If you have worked in it I’ll listen – but if you have not seen it first hand then I respectfully decline your advice.
* I am not anti-vax never have been. But let’s not pretend this is the same type vaccine as a flu shot or others. It is one of a kind that is new. No long term studies.
* Don’t tell me I’m not educated, I can assure you I am, however when people post things about people being ignorant for not taking it, maybe they have done their own research. There are many many educated people that are ignorant.
* It should be a personal choice, if you want to take it, go for it!
If you don’t that should be ok also.
But how dare anyone Force healthcare workers to take it! After the trauma, death, depression and things we have dealt with the past year. You sit at desks and site literature, numbers and statistics, doctor the results, and try to require people to blindly follow and trust you ? When most of you making the rules have never laid one finger on a Covid patient, let alone code them them for hours, clean them up after death, be the only people they see or talk to for days?
* How dare you put on the news that people vaccinated aren’t getting sick or dieing ! That is a lie! and the problem is that the nurses and healthcare workers know that. But the general public for some reason believe the news and social media.
Let me be clear – I am not against the vaccine, I just think it’s a personal choice. From the perspective of someone forced to take a vaccine in the past, and spending a week in ICU from it, it’s a choice!!
We all deserve the freedom to make that choice!
Lisa Mathis FNP
Healthcare Heroes for FREEDOM
July 29, 2021
NOTE: As of today – Facebook SHUT DOWN Healthcare Heroes for FREEDOM. – BASTARDS!
~ Program Commentary ~

Fauci: Phantom of His Own Opera
Johns Hopkins Doctor Shreds Latest COVID Madness Peddled by CDC and Fauci
Fear is contagious. It’s almost as bad as the Delta variant. Again, is the new variant more transmissible? Yes. Is it deadlier? No. Does it make you sicker? No. Are those being impacted primarily the unvaccinated? Most definitely. So, when you want to increase vaccination rates, the government did what it did best: screw things up.
Fully vaccinated people now must wear masks again in high-case areas. What constitutes a highly infectious area? Well, that’s not clear yet, but I’m sure the CDC and Dr. Anthony Fauci will make up some science fiction to justify this new mask mandate. The mandates are coming too. Not nationwide, Biden can’t do that yet due to the midterms, but federal agencies are one-by-one mandating it for workers who risk the loss of pay or their jobs if they refuse… (Continue to full article)

A city-operated mobile pharmacy advertises the COVID-19 vaccine in Brooklyn. Source Spencer Platt / Getty
A Tool for Opposing Employers’ Covid-Jab Mandates: “Section 7” Protections of the National Labor Relations Act
All COVID-19 vaccines are merely authorized, not approved or licensed, by the federal government; they are Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) only …
EUA products are by definition experimental and thus require the right to refuse. Under the Nuremberg Code, the foundation of ethical medicine, no one may be coerced to participate in a medical experiment. Consent of the individual is “absolutely essential.” A federal court held that the U.S. military could not mandate EUA vaccines to soldiers. Doe #1 v. Rumsfeld, 297 F.Supp.2d 119 (2003). The court held: “…the United States cannot demand that members of the armed forces also serve as guinea pigs for experimental drugs.” Id. at 135. No court has ever upheld a mandate for an EUA vaccine.
The liability for forced participation in a medical experiment, including injury or death, may be incalculable. Medical and religious exemptions will be insufficient to overcome the illegality of EUA vaccine mandates…. (Continue to full article)
The Right to Be Let Alone: What to Do When COVID Strike Force Teams Come Knocking
“Experience teaches us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government’s purposes are beneficent.” ~ Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis
A federal COVID-19 vaccination strike force may soon be knocking on your door, especially if you live in a community with low vaccination rates. Will you let them in?
Indeed, you don’t even need to answer or open the door in response to knocking/ringing by a government agent, and if you do answer the knock, you can stop speaking at any time. You also have the right to demand that government agents leave the property once the purpose of the visit is established. Government officials would not be enforcing any law or warrant in this context, and so they don’t have the authority of law to remain on the property after a homeowner or resident specifically revokes the implied license to come onto the property… (Continue to full article)
Keep A-Knockin’ (but You Can’t Come In)
MORE which we did not share…

Source: AP Photo/Mary Altaffer
We’ve Discovered the Real Reason the CDC Is Requiring All Kids Wear Masks in Schools
On Tuesday afternoon the Centers for Disease Control officially recommended vaccinated individuals wear masks indoors. For children under 12, the CDC wants mask worn for hours inside the classroom.
But where is the evidence to justify masking children in schools due to the Delta variant? According to CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, it doesn’t exist… (Continue to full article)
Majority of Physicians Decline COVID Shots
Of the 700 physicians responding to an internet survey by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), nearly 60 percent said they were not “fully vaccinated” against COVID.
This contrasts with the claim by the American Medical Association that 96 percent of practicing physicians are fully vaccinated. This was based on 300 respondents.
Non-physicians were also invited to participate in the survey. Of some 5,300 total participants, 2,548 volunteered comments about associated adverse effects of which they were aware. These included death, amputation, paralysis, stillbirth, menstrual irregularities, blindness, seizures, and heart issues… (Continue to full article)
The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports and Where It’s Headed
Who would have thought just a couple years ago that we would be facing this level of unconstitutional surveillance, whereby your health is on full display and entry into civilization is thwarted by a little thing called “vaccine id passports?” Well, the fact is, many of us saw this coming, and have been warning of it for quite some time.
One big tip off was ID2020, which was launched in 2016 by none other than Bill Gates’ Gavi, Microsoft, The Rockefeller Foundation, Accenture, and How prophetic of them to nail down the year ‘2020’ as a need for a “digital ID solution,” and launch their “certification mark” approval for stakeholders to get to work on technology apps as early as January 2019… ahead of schedule. All of this is part of their overall “Great Reset” agenda, with their full intention of implementing digital IDs that go far beyond the Covid-19 element, and will incorporate additional data on each individual, while tying in their social score, climate score, and finances as well… (Continue to full article)
Tune in to Jeffrey Bennett and experience his 26 years of broadcasting with his daily program, The Edge of Darkness at 8:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), each Monday through Friday on Republic Broadcasting Network. – In addition to educational commentary regarding YOUR financial health and welfare, you will be introduced to a wide variety of subject including YOUR physical well-being and health, your Education (about many topics) … and sometimes just a bit of much needed satire.
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I know that he has been backed up – but one of our writers offers them – but with a white background.