No one should really be surprised, not when Biden himself said he would be “the most progressive U.S. president in history” and knowing that AOC and Bernie would be pushing him even more Hard Left. But to hear them be so brazen about their violations of our rights is a bit astounding, and it certainly left a bad taste in my mouth and a bad feeling in my stomach to hear Psaki speak of the Biden regime’s push for censorship of “misinformation” through Big Tech.
That these fools are still able to navigate the country freely and keep their teeth is a testament to the goodness of most Americans and their tolerance for opposing worldviews, or their ignorance, apathy and sheer stupidity. Why anyone ever even began giving Marx and Mao a place at the table of ideas in America, when their worldview was diametrically opposed to our Founding Principles is beyond me, especially in the knowledge that they aimed to destroy our system as soon as they were able.
“After two years and nearly 200 episodes of busting up leftist lies, this is my last episode of Here’s the Deal for BlazeTV. My videos once drew millions of views, but thanks to Big Tech’s suppression of conservative voices, my videos are hardly seen at all. My show was fact-based: No conspiracy theories, no calls to action, and frankly nothing to be afraid of other than the truth. I have lost this battle to Mark Zuckerberg, but let me be clear: I am down but not out. You cannot silence me.” ~ Deneen Borelli (final episode of Here’s the Deal, July 9, 2019).
The Biden regime essentially now acknowledges that it has been censoring Americans by using Facebook as an arm of the government and its tool of censorship, exhibiting the growing level of fascism and the weaponization of federal institutions and corporations to target conservative and Christian America, by the Democratic Party Communists and other Far Left agents within the U.S. government today. This is illegal and unconstitutional and it is the act of a tyrant and something most usually seen across the span of history in totalitarian regimes in foreign countries, not in America, no longer the land of the free it would seem.
On July 15th, Press Secretary Jen Psaki admitted to the partnership between the Biden regime and Facebook and other social media companies, during the daily press briefing at the White House, to influence and control the accepted narrative regarding this supposed pandemic and the COVID-19 virus.
Addressing reporters in the room, as she seemed to attempt to justify the collusion, Psaki stated:
“We’ve increased disinformation research and tracking within the Surgeon General’s Office. We’re flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation. It’s important to take faster action against harmful posts … and Facebook needs to move more quickly to remove harmful, violative posts.”
In a twenty-two page “health misinformation” guidance issued by U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, social media platforms were urged to “impose clear consequences for accounts that repeatedly violate policies”, which amounts to illegal pressure and coercion on these platforms, regardless of their willingness to cooperate, in direct contravention of the First Amendment’s free speech guarantee. This is the federal government acting unilaterally to censor speech it labels “problematic” and disinformation” and this marks the Biden regime’s actions as a flagrant violation of the Bill of Rights and a Constitutional matter.
Now, all America knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that Facebook is a agent of the Democratic Party, as well as the Socialist International.
On July 16th, speaking on Fox News, Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) stated:
“The government can’t censor speech. The First Amendment makes that very clear. A private, for-profit corporation can make its own decisions, but when it’s doing that in collusion with the government, that starts to look to me like a First Amendment violation.”
Who gets to decide what is or isn’t “misinformation”? Jen Psaki? Uncle Joe? Kammie? Dr Vivek Murthy, the Surgeon General? How many times have You and millions of others had actual FACTS on many topics flagged as “Disinformation” by Facebook in the past?
Please recall that the very definition of “misinformation” has changed daily, depending on what the administration supported as “fact” and if the public view in general held the real facts on any given moment. In a dystopian fashion during the early months of the supposed “pandemic”, Facebook regularly banned anti-lockdown and mask mandate protest content, because it didn’t want to ruffle the feathers of any Democrat run city or state guidance and public “health” recommendations, not as a matter of any potential violations of any law.
Psaki’s statement was astounding and hypocritical, especially in light of all the disinformation coming out of the Biden regime’s administration regarding Jim Crow and voter laws, white supremacist and racism and Critical race Theory and masks and the Covid Vaccine.
As Ben Domenech, publisher of The Federalist, has noted, Facebook squashed anything regarding a leak at the Wuhan Lab as the origin of the Covid virus as well as the bombshell New York Post story surrounding Hunter Biden’s laptop while promoting and advancing “Russian collusion” and any other story that sought to damage President Trump over the last four years.
Domenech also recently observed that for Biden, Psaki, Murthy or any one else blaming “disinformation” for the decline in vaccination rates, they are simply hiding behind a false excuse. People are hesitant to get in line for the vaccine, because they hold a higher than acceptable risk of harm or death and they simply don’t work, and that’s the reality of the matter.
Some have suggested boycotting and simply dropping off Facebook, and that’s fine to a degree, since so much more of the hard work of politics is actually done in the field and each community; however, for the millions of Conservatives and Christians who regularly use Facebook, to simply abandon such a massive platform for information to the Marxists of America would be leaving a substantial organizing tool in their hands and severely handicapping the Conservative Movement. The answer lies in making Facebook honor and adhere to the Bill of Rights or halt all its operational abilities and functions within America’s domain.
When Facebook began providing Trump supporters’ information and data — including their private messages — to the FBI in January, especially those in the vicinity of the January 6th civil unrest in D.C., they were acting as a de facto intelligence arm of the U.S. government. And it makes all of us wonder just how long prior to January was Facebook acting in such a capacity.
Only one reporter, Peter Doocy [Fox News], had the presence of mind to ask Psaki how long her “Fearless Leader” had “been spying” on Americans through Facebook.
If Facebook and Twitter can censor and ban a sitting U.S. President, they can, and often do, censor anybody.
However, the suggestion that Facebook, as a private company, can censor anything it wishes to censor becomes impossible to defend, once one sees their censorship is far from the act of a private company. Although the First Amendment addresses Congress as the focus of its restraint, the Court has long ruled that its words also apply to the states and any group and all officials and government entities and agencies, legislative executive or judicial, being used by any administration to carry out its bidding and policies.
As an aside, one should also note that Facebook has become so massive and become such an integral part of the public arena, where all ideas should and must be heard, that private or not, at least in America, it should be held to the same standard of law that all businesses in America must follow, when looking at individual human, civil and inalienable God-given rights. No matter the failed “logic” Facebook advances, nothing one can say should warrant censorship in America.
Even so, America’s elitist oligarchs and fat-headed tyrannical-minded high level bureaucrats have found a way to serve their agenda to transform America by ensuring only their approved government propaganda receives the highest degree of public exposure. They have their Party operators, from top regulatory positions, such as Nathaniel Gleicher – former Director for Cybersecurity Policy at the National Security Council under President Obama – installed in positions like Facebook’s Head of Cybersecurity Policy. And so, through such deceptive methods, up ’til now, Facebook has been able to don a facade of privatization while it was helping the Democratic Party throughout President Trump’s first term and acting as marshals for the Biden regime, as both circumvented all constitutional checks in the process.
Speaking on Special Report with Brett Baer [Fox News] on July 15th, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) stated:
“I think it’s really scary to have the federal government of the United States, the White House, compiling lists of people, organizations, whatever, and then going to a private company that, by the way, is a monopoly, Facebook, and saying you need to censor, you need to do something about this, you need to tell these users, these private users on a private company what they can or cannot say. I just think this kind of coordination between big government and the big monopoly corporation, boy, that is scary stuff, and it really is censorship.”
Moving aggressively against Americans, the Biden regime recently put pressure on Big Tech to silence twelve people they charge are responsible for approximately sixty-five percent of the misinformation on Covid; and if nothing else, this illuminates the fact that the First Amendment right to Freedom of Speech is practically dead in America today. This places all of our inalienable God-give rights in imminent danger of being abrogated, suppressed and completely stripped away by this new emerging authoritarian socialist state.
Americans must understand that one doesn’t secure more freedom and liberty through arbitrary regulations on existing freedom, liberty and inalienable rights, and, if anything, we need more speech, not less; and we must break the current incestuous union between Big Government and Big Tech, while halting the tandem formation of policy by staffers of both and the resulting unconstitutional behavior. The country’s patriots, on the whole, must stop allowing this authoritarian socialist regime and a handful of corporations in charge of nearly all U.S. communications to continue silencing all who oppose them, and we must demand that Congress immediately eradicates this policy, if we are to safeguard our civil liberties, Free Speech and all other Inalienable God-Given Rights.
The truth will eventually emerge on any given issue of the day, when all points of views and facts are presented, rather than silencing a segment of the country to promote and ensure the rise of an administration’s preferences. But today’s totalitarians of the Biden regime aren’t searching for the truth, and this one facet of their policy agenda reveals an aspect of the tyrannical fascism being forced upon America, that should demand the harshest criminal penalties, including long prison terms for elected officials who engage in the subversion of the Bill of Rights in the slightest, no matter their justification.
A fascist regime is attacking the free people of America, in the name of forcing more Americans to comply with “requests” to accept a highly questionable experimental “vaccine” operating under an “emergency authorization” and fighting their version of “disinformation” – the Truth for the rest of us. This should be seen as a Constitutional crisis for America.
American conservatives, independents, Christians and any honorable freedom-loving American outside the normal party channels must use every means available to them to halt the Biden regime’s back-channel collusion with Big Tech and any further vile, dangerous and brazenly evil violation of Americans’ fundamental rights and this descent into the dark abyss of fascism. Biden and Big Tech aren’t the arbiters of truth, by a long shot, and our Free Speech Rights aren’t decided on their terms.
And now that day is upon us and many Americans are realizing a bit too late that rather than jealously safeguard those ideas and principles that best facilitated and preserved freedom and liberty, the country through the ages allowed them to be eroded and subverted by a foreign ideology, in a manner that bespeaks more as though they had entered a suicide pact. What a shame to bear witness to the events of today, given the millions of Americans who sacrificed so much through the ages, in order to win our freedom and liberty.
Although one might think there doesn’t exist any circumstance that justifies or makes it acceptable for Biden and Marx Inc to be providing lists to Facebook of “problematic” content it wants removed, millions of Democrats seem to think this should be the new wave of the world. They would have us emulate the European Union and its “hate speech laws” that make it a crime to criticize Islam or preach the Christian Gospel on a street corner, among other tyrannical diktats.
It’s not hyperbole to suggest that the next five years will be some of the most critical years we will ever face in America in our lifetime, and those few years will pretty much dictate the direction of America for the rest of the century. The million dollar question burning in the Patriot’s mind – Will America Choose Tyranny Or Will She Choose Liberty? May our Countrymen choose wisely.
We’re on the Biggest Stage of our Lifetimes and the Final Act is just about to be played out.
When the curtains close, pray the only darkness we see is that from the death of the communists in this nation, figuratively, politically and in reality if they push it to that point.
July 20, 2021

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.
The Lord Jesus Christ said that a “House divided against itself cannot stand” and looking in at the US from Australia I see that you are now at the end of your reign. It is time for every Christian to look up because our salvation draws nigh.
Good article. It is so amazing I think is that people like Traitor Joe are the ones selling the country out the whole democrat party has died there is NO democrat party anymore every last one of them are communist. Nikita said years ago that the communists would take the US over with out a shot being fired . Why in Gods name do they think communism is so great it has never worked only for the rulers they live high on the hog.The rest of the people go without almost every thing starving working for hardly any wages and if they don’t they are shot.How can that be what the dem/communists want ? I just don’t understand all the wars this country has fought all in vain . This country if a person can be completely honest with themselves has done more good than any country in history sur we have made mistakes but at least we tried to make things better look at slavery we fought a war to stop that. Talk about slavery what do they think communism is?
great article.
i believe that we are as in the days of noah. the people have rejected God and are given over to a debased mind. sin and evil will abound into the tribulation, that is seven years of hell on earth.
the faithful will be delivered into safety.
i feel sorry for all the people that will suffer God’s judgement.
i believe the history of man on this earth is coming to a close soon.
for those with a brain. be ready.