Loosen Technology’s Grip on Your Mind

NOTE: What you are about to READ and STUDY was the basis for my Broadcast on the evening of July 19, 2021. The general read is one thing… but it is loaded with links, a one hour plus video interview (by Catherine Austin Fitts) with the author and an intense complete listing via pdf – ALL of which should be paid close and vital attention to. You will NOT complete this all in one single sitting. Prepare to take control of your privacy, security and your LIFE. ~ Ed.

Isn’t it funny how industry leaders believe that turning off lights, finding a channel on the TV, or turning on the radio constitutes as something being “smart.” Are these difficult tasks for human beings? When did humanity get so lazy? Nowadays, everything is “smart,” except for you of course. They want you to believe you are incapable and need their help, while they turn on the mic, the camera, implant subliminal messaging or frequencies, and spy on you through constant surveillance systems running across the entire grid.

Most people don’t even realize the damage that is being done to them, the mind control they are sipping in, and the constant energy-sucking distractions that are steadily stealing their lives.

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The Infrastructure of Influence Operations
The infrastructure is somewhat boundless and seems to seep in from every crevice, but there are ways to minimize and avoid much of it. It’s important to recognize who and where it’s coming from, in order to begin removing and limiting all of this noise.

The Influencers
* Social and news media
* Entertainment industry
* Education system – schools
* Politicians
* Big corp, big tech, and big pharma
* Agents of influencers who make it seem like there is organic support for the narratives being pushed
* Unknowing individuals who have been manipulated

Applications Used for Mind Control and Tracking
* TV
* Radio
* Internet
* Smartphones and Smartwatches
* Video games
* GPS system in vehicles
* Cell towers
* Smart meters
* Surveillance cameras on every corner
* Satellites and drones
* Transhumanism-related technologies
* AI and robotics
* Smart devices, such as Amazon’s Alexa or Echo, Apple’s HomePod, or Google’s Nest Cam
* Materials received in the mail
* Visual aids such as signs, stickers, and plexiglass walls

Covert Invisible Forms of Mind Control
* Long and short-wave electromagnetic forces emitted in public spaces to induce certain feelings
* Frequency manipulation
* Subliminal programming
* Brainwave manipulation
* Entrainment technology
* Waveform can be transmitted through the entire power grid into our homes

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Minimizing Risks & Maximizing Your Circle
This is one of the most important checklists you will ever complete. Sure, it may take several weeks, but that’s ok, this isn’t a race. It’s important to accomplish these tasks sooner than later, but it will also feel like a bit of a transformation, so pace yourself. Much of these can be done by yourself, but some of them will require a group effort. This is a good way for the Circle to come together and select which tasks to tackle first, while assigning some of the items to individuals most qualified. Continue to full commentary, Video and pdf…

2 thoughts on “Loosen Technology’s Grip on Your Mind

  1. veteran

    i shit canned social media, canned the i phone and got a burner and i feel free.
    there is nothing on social that is worth a dam.
    i see people every day with their phone in their face and they look like zombies. pathetic !
    i do stay informed trough news max and sites like this one, but i don’t stay long.
    people, there is a life to live, so get your butts outside and live for a change.

  2. Nancy "Nasti" Pail O'Shitty

    Proud to not own a “smart” phone, or tv monitor.
    Proud to have been banned from faKebook since about 2010 (thanks Jokebama!)

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