It ALL Gets Worse… by the DAY!

Jen-Sucki Buttugly
BREAKING: White House Just Confirmed Facebook Works as a Government Censorship Tool
Speaking to reporters at the White House Thursday afternoon, Press Secretary Jen Psaki explained how the White House and the federal government are working to flag posts on Facebook which they see as “problematic.”
“We’re flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation,” Psaki said, referring to information about the Wuhan coronavirus vaccine. … (Continue to full article)
The Biden Administration Says Cubans Are Not Welcome. Where’s the Outrage?
In November of 2020, Joe Biden’s Havana-born nominee for Department of Homeland Security secretary, Ali Mayorkas, promised to “oversee the protection of all Americans and those who flee persecution in search of a better life for themselves and their loved ones.”
Less than a year later, amid a popular uprising in Cuba, Mayorkas made a volte-face, telling those seeking refuge from Haiti and the communist nation, “You will not come to the United States. . . . Again, I repeat, do not risk your life attempting to enter the United States illegally. You will not come to the United States.”… (Continue to full article)
Cuban Solidarity Resolution Garners No Dem Support
House Republicans officially voice their support for Cuban protestors calling for freedom.
On Tuesday, Florida Republican Representative Mario Diaz-Balart introduced a resolution to explicitly support the Cuban people and their demand for freedom from “the brutal oppression of the Communist dictatorship in Cuba.”
In introducing his resolution, Diaz-Balart notes that “for 62 years, the Cuban people have struggled for freedom and human rights under a brutal, repressive dictatorship.” The resolution… (Continue to full article)
Cubans who braved beatings witnessing ‘wink and a nod’
Cubans risked beatings and arrest to march in the streets for freedom only to witness the Biden administration mostly shrug in response, and a Hispanic pastor suspects why: Cubans are persona non grata to the far-left Democratic Party.
Since protests broke out Saturday, Americans have witnessed thousands of Cubans flood the streets of Havana and other cities to demand an end to a Communist regime that has enriched itself while most Cubans scrounge for food and medicine, and many days can’t find either, in their authoritarian and poor island nation… (Continue to full article)
Biden Admin Invites UN to Fix ‘Systemic Racism’ in U.S.
On Tuesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that the Biden administration had invited the United Nations to send in so-called experts to investigate “systemic racism” here.
“The United States intends to issue a formal, standing invitation to all UN experts who report and advise on thematic human rights issues,” Blinken stated. “As a first step, we have reached out to offer an official visit by the UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism and the UN Special Rapporteur on minority issues.”… (Continue to full article)

Mo’ Money
Biden to send child tax credits to 39million families starting TODAY!
The boost will see individuals who make under $75,000 and couples earning under $150,000 with children under six-years-old receive $3,600 per child, with monthly $300 checks starting to go out July 15.
The tax credits were part of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, which was passed by Congress in March with no Republican support. Republicans have argued that the child tax credit boost amounts to an expansion of the welfare state… (Continue to full article)
Surviving In A World Gone Mad
How to survive in a world gone mad? It starts with refusing to be duped by governments, their bureaucracies and the media. A virus, hyped as a pandemic—with a 99 percent recovery rate—isn’t going to kill off the world—no matter what ‘scientists’ a la Dr. Anthony Fauci predict.
Fauci, his pal Bill Gates and their ilk need to spray lots of Windex on their smoggy crystal balls.
The world that has long been home to the masses was not created as their play toy, or there for their sundry get-rich-quick schemes… (Continue to full article)
Calif. lawmakers don’t trust parents
Parents in The Golden State may soon find the government is accommodating children at their expense.
AB 1184 is sponsored by Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California. If enacted, the bill would require insurance companies to hide “sensitive” information regarding children’s abortions, gender transitioning, and other sex-related treatments from the policyholders.
California Family Council, one of the traditional values groups opposing AB 1184, has written that the legislation “seeks to hide from the policy owners, many times the parents, billing details when it comes to the minors on their policy.” CFC also accuses the bill of attempting to “fracture” the child-parent relationship… (Continue to full article)
Meet Jigsaw: Google’s Intelligence Agency Last Chance for Us to Reform the Corrupt Election System
Globalist’s dirty work subcontracted to Google.
What they learned doing it to foreign countries was applied to manipulating US Election climate and demonizing those who question the authority and policies of the USA Deep State… (Continue to full article)
Stunning report: Vote recount in 1 county had 60% error rate
There were 100 lawsuits over the vote count for the 2020 presidential election, and essentially none was considered on merits as court after court cited technicalities in letting stand the suspicious results of Joe Biden’s victory.
But now investigations and audits may be showing what actually happened, and whether, in fact, Biden was elected… (Continue to full article)
They’re Coming for Your Text Messages
The Democrats are intent on going to extraordinary lengths to keep you from spreading “misinformation.”
If leftists weren’t afraid of losing the arguments, they wouldn’t feel that irrepressible need to censor us. But they are, so they do.
Big Tech, being the Left’s favorite speech suppressor, is their weapon of choice. They’ve censored regular folks on social media, they’ve censored leading newspapers, and they’ve censored a U.S. president. And now, if you’re engaged in wrongthink about the COVID-19 vaccine, they’re gunning for you.
As Politico reports, “Biden allied groups, including the Democratic National Committee, are also planning to engage fact-checkers more aggressively and work with SMS carriers to dispel misinformation about vaccines that is sent over social media and text messages.”… (Continue to full article)
Federal Reserve chair: Inflation ‘will likely remain elevated’
In the latest sign of intensified inflation pressure, the government reported Tuesday that prices paid by U.S. consumers surged in June by the most in 13 years. It was the third straight month that inflation has jumped.
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell addressed the concerns on inflation, which has been rising in in recent months as the recovery from the pandemic recession strengthens. He suggested in testimony to a U.S. House committee Wednesday that inflation “will likely remain elevated” in coming months before “moderating.” At the same time, Powell signaled no imminent change in the Fed’s ultra-low interest rate policies… (Continue to full article)
New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020 Results
In Georgia, there was both an audit and a statewide recount confirming Biden’s victory, but ignored in the process was evidence that nearly 35,000 Georgians had potentially voted illegally.
When Davis ran the data, he found that, of the approximately 35,000 Georgians who indicated they had moved from one county to another county more than 30 days before the November general election, as of May, more than 10,300 had updated their voter registration information, providing the secretary of state the exact address they had previously provided to the USPS. Those same 10,000-plus individuals all also cast ballots in the county in which they had previously lived … (Continue to full article)
edward snowden warned us of governmant spying on us. now we are seeing the truth.
we are seeing the election fraud audits also, all are fraudulent. there is action that is trying to fix this fraud but the dems call it voter suppression. i read the bill and it protects our vote against fraud. that is why the dems are fighting it so hard.
it’s time to call and write your rep and raise hell about all of this.