“Why offer herds their liberation? Their heritage each generation, the yoke with jingles, and the whip.” ~ Alexander Pushkin
Look at our country at this moment. The nation is enduring massive unemployment due to job losses caused by offshoring and the year long lockdown, and the Election Thief, Joe Biden, has opened the borders to drive wages of white people lower while simultaneously building the Democratic Party’s voter base. And it’s damn near impossible to find a hard defense of freedom from any representative in Congress, since the Democrats don’t care and the Republicans are wallowing in a bad case of “sorry, we can’t help you”. Neither party seems to represent the white American people who built the country and secured its civil liberty.
The American people can’t succumb to this demonization of everything it means to be a real American, in the traditional sense of America, and we mustn’t allow the Democratic Party Communists to succeed in pushing them into a self-loathing destruction of their sense of self. Any failure in this regard means our demise as a people.
One certainly cannot help but wonder just how long the nation will go under such a regime, that goes out of its way to paint conservatives and Christians as “domestic terrorists” and “white supremacists”. Every policy Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Marx Inc are currently implementing are aimed at weakening us, making us ashamed and afraid to take a stand and destroying the core of our spiritual heart and resolve, making the masses huddle like sheep, ceding their humanity, afraid they might be ostracized and deprived of the government largesse, or a nice new Party membership card and a D.C. driver’s license.
One massive lie remains in Biden’s continued assertion the 2020 Election was fair and honest and he actually won it, and that our current election system is honest. Oh sure, some conservatives might win a few local elections in the coming four years, but as long as the same mechanisms remain in place that allowed the Biden campaign to steal the 2020 election in numerous states, with millions of invalid mail-in ballots and unverifiable signatures and identities, a conservative will virtually never be elected President of the United States [these Disunited States] for many decades to come, possibly the rest of the century.
Uncle Joe and his main radical squeeze, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and their bagman, Climate Czar John Kerry, want Americans in fear of a mythical climate catastrophe that they claim will destroy America over the next twelve years or so, when, in truth, everything about their Climate Change Policy is simply one huge Communist redistribution of wealth scheme that hands U.S. funds to the poor of the world, to the detriment of all Americans. And in the process, they also are moving aggressively to place punitive handicaps on our own economy and our freedom, as we have already witnessed Biden arbitrarily, unilaterally and illegally mandate the end of the Keystone Pipeline.
And, as if Trump’s $4.8 trillion Budget Bill wasn’t bad enough, in its structure to balance by 2035, this will never happen now that the Democrats control the reins of government, since these Marxists deceptively profess to believe massive spending and debt causes no short or long term damage to a nation, as they suggest it is irrelevant because we owe it to ourselves. They are disciples of the Modern Monetary Theory and a spend ’til you drop philosophy, which explains the recent push by the Biden regime for both a $1,2 trillion “infrastructure” bill and a $6 trillion Budget Bill, as the nation already witnesses rising costs and retail prices and inflation, largely due to many trillions of Stimulus already spent from 2008 to the present. With America spending more than at any other time in history and a $30 trillion national debt, people should be preparing for the next economic collapse in the near future.
Everything about Biden Economics is built on a Marxist and Keynesian Lie and it’s certain to do great damage to America in the not too distant future.
More deception is seen in the Biden regime’s advocacy and facilitation of a hard push for all Americans to take the Covid Vaccine, that they call “safe”, even though there are many serious and sometime deadly consequences from spike proteins associated with the experimental medical treatment, that doesn’t meet scientific standards for a real vaccine. While Biden said he wouldn’t try to mandate it, behind the scenes, he and his administration are tacitly approving Corporate America’s mandate of the vaccine, as even U.S. Army commanders, such as Major General Joseph McGee of the 101st Airborne Division, use coercion to make their soldiers take the vaccine; we see federal and state institutions, banks, schools and many left-leaning businesses telling Americans that they can’t do business with them or enter their establishments unless they can prove they have been vaccinated against the Covid virus, with many demanding employees take the Vaccine in order to remain employed.
Even worse, what if the Covid Virus was absolutely a Chinese biological attack and the real lethal attack vector is the mRNA technology used in America’s vaccines? What if the real attack is being delivered through the vaccine? More importantly — Most Importantly — Why, in fact, are the Chinese and Russians not using mRNA vaccines? None of America’s current enemies are using the mRNA technology at home to fight this Covid virus, that has largely been made to appear much more deadly than it actually is. I have what I believe to be the answers, but I ask these questions to make the reader search for them on their own, just so they can see it for themselves.
We also see all white people depicted as “racists” and “white supremacists” — whether they know it or not — as a justification for attacking conservatives and Christians in the education system and the U.S. military. All America is being depicted as a “racist nation” and “systemic racism” supposedly runs rampant throughout every U.S. police department. And yet, the white Marxists present themselves to be incorruptible and above the same prejudices they claim are inescapable by others, as they use any dubious justification to attack America’s heritage and founding.
In February of this year, Paul Craig Roberts observed:
“The United States has had its own Kristallnacht with lootings and burnings of businesses in many American cities [by most people of color, under the guise of Black Lives Matter] encouraged and forgiven by Democratic administrations that instead of punishing the criminals defunded the police and brought prosecutions against white people who defended their property. White Americans are so intimidated that it is not only the South that permits monuments to Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson to be removed, but also the entire country where all monuments even to Lincoln, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson are obliterated.”
Furthermore, at the heart of the Black Lives Matter organization responsible for much of the destruction of America over the past five years is a Marxist core, as evidenced by the June 5th 2020 Movement for Black Lives statement:
“We are anti-capitalist. We believe and understand that Black people will never achieve liberation under the current global racialized capitalist system.”
And this from Black Lives Matter co-founder, Patrisse Cullors, on July 22nd 2015, who stated:
“We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia [Garza] in particular, we’re trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super versed on ideological theories.”
All across America’s institutions and the corporate board rooms Marxism and Maoist Cancel Culture hides behind the manipulations and bastardization of the English language and words such as “Inclusion” and “anti-racism”, to build a platform to pursue the agenda that attacks the “toxic masculinity” of white men as it also works to silence or censor Christians as “homophobes”. And the Communist inspired 1619 Project further serves as a weapon in the hands of America’s enemies to facilitate racial hatred of America’s white majority and dismantle and destroy America’s founding and the republic, through a detailed plan to destroy the independence of the federal and state legislatures, the Supreme Court, all police organizations and transfer the loyalty of the Army from the Constitution to Uncle Joe and his tyrannical regime.
This anti-American crap has actually found its way into our military academies, through the hiring of so-called “professors” who embrace Marxism like a long-lost lover and then spread their mental delusions and deceptions to the young cadets, as witnessed in a forty page policy proposal to West Point entitled ‘West Point Fails to Teach Anti-Racism’, that was written last year by fairly recent West Point graduates. They essentially stated there is no such thing as non-racist whites, and they demanded West Point “normalize anti-racism” and “radical inclusion”.
And further illustrating the dangers this sort of mentally deficient thinking carries with it, one young fool, Joy Schaeffer, the white 2018 Valedictorian of her 950 member West Point class, wrote the following in her portion of the letter:
“I graduated without an understanding of how I could still be a racist, despite my best intentions and the fact that I have always espoused equality of all people.”
Schaeffer bemoaned her failure “to identify and call out microaggressions [which] enables greater acts of racism”. What a disgusting display of self-loathing and the demonization of white people this radical gutter trap represented, and in such an esteemed institution as West Point.
Rather than instilling pride in serving America, members of the U.S. Armed Forces are now being taught that America is founded and rooted in racism and evil and that its entire history amounts to nothing more than a long series of crimes. Even the Geneva Convention prohibits the use of brainwashing techniques and intimidation against prisoners of war, and yet, our own Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is subjecting them to intense scrutiny and investigations for “right wing” or “white supremacist” leanings and intimidating them through Marxist propaganda themes everyday.
One lie after another, with each larger than the previous lie, all designed to ultimately destroy and erase America’s principles and virtues to make way for a monstrosity that will be unrecognizable to older Americans, and without proper guidance and information, along the lines of a true and factual historical account of America’s past failings and numerous triumphs, from those who know the truth, our youth will be left to the mercy of those who mean to enslave them forever.
The elite oligarchs behind the Democratic Party Communists are intensely and extremely aggressively demanding all Americans submit to their New World Order and their Marxist/Maoist inspired Cancel Culture program and mechanisms that are certain to end the republic and complete America’s fundamental transformation into something foreign and repugnant to all freedom-loving people, and we are on the front lines of a war to save our civil society based on our Inalienable God-given Rights, the rule of law and individual liberty.
America’s soul is under attack by an evil, godless ideology and its foot soldiers and generals are currently holding the seats of government hostage, representing a very real and existential threat to freedom and liberty and threatening to take our children and future generations, while too many sit by complacent and apathetic and afraid to choose between the truth and the lies in their servility to the rising Marxist/Maoist Cancel Culture, lacking the courage to save their own souls. For all practical intents and purposes, they may as well be holding signs that read, “I am a coward and a serf waiting to be fed by Uncle Joe”.
Freedom-loving Americans can stop a large part of this anti-American agenda by refusing to live the lie and by shouting the truth to the skies in every public arena they can find, as millions of us join, hand-in-hand, to expose the Biden regime’s lies and to reject them outright and refuse to give them space or support to grow. Refuse to allow the lie to replace the truth and solidify the Communists’ illegitimate power within the halls of our federal government, as everyone reaches deep within one’s self to renew their individual spiritual and physical independence and find the courage necessary to fight as hard as they can to stop this egregious assault against America, Her traditions and principles and Her founding, saving themselves and their families and America from a complete Communist takeover.
And should the worse come to pass, as seen in former authoritarian and totalitarian Communist regimes, it’s better to win the day or die on one’s feet, a brave American fighting for freedom and liberty, than die on ones knees, a worthless, spineless coward pleading for mercy from “amerikkans” worth nothing more than a bit of spittle in one’s mouth and the weight of a bullet.
Refuse to Live the Lie!
June 28, 2021

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.
KEEP PUSHING BACK, Mr. Smith – you didn’t “go to Washington” – but your powerful words will SHINE LIGHT on the EVIL DEEDS of the swampmeisters – jut as Jimmy Stewart’s “Mr. Smith” character did in the U . S. Congress 80 years ago!!
the game remains the same. all tyrant take overs in history have started in the same manner.
their plan starts with a crisis (one they created) then it’s blame someone else, deception and lie’s. then it’s a promise that they will take care of the people. then eventually collapse.
we see this happening today all over.
you can read more in saul alinsky’s book “rules for radicals” this is followed up my the “cloward piven strategy” that obama and the clintons embraced. these are the foundations for the world economic council and the new world order. read the agenda 21 and 2030.
if the power elite thinks they will be masters of the world. they are fooling themselves as they have depraved minds. they are setting a trap for the people but will themselves fall into a bottomless pit that they have created.
there is a stern warning for rich oppressors in james 5, read it !
history has proven that there is nothing new in what we see today. it has happened to people and nations that have rejected God in their lives.
God will simply let people have what they want, that is their pride, power, money and pleasure. all is sin.
grace is removed and the people will fall into their own trap.
what a sad story of mankind.
Thank You So Very Much, S. E. Zartman. I take Your words as a fine compliment, and I can assure You, that I will remain fighting the good fight for as long as breath remains in my body, by way of the pen or rifle and bullets once the American patriots rise as one to finally put an end to this Marxist/Maoist assault on everything good and decent we hold true and dear, our traditions and our republic.
We simply cannot fail, we must not fail, for all we love and all we revere and hold sacrosanct, and that future generations may experience the best that life and God’s magnificent world has to offer, rather than be pushed down by way of the Communists’ vision “equality and equity” into the lowest common denominator of “equality” in poverty and being seen and treated as less than humans with Inalienable God-given Rights.
I will die with my rifle in hand, before I allow such an environment to grow in this America I love so well.
God Bless You and Your Family, S.E., and God Bless Our Beloved America. May He Keep Her Free for All Eternity and Damn Her Enemies Both Foreign and Domestic to the Hell They Have Earned and So Richly Deserve.
~ Justin