America Must Secure Her Borders Soon…
People in border states are going to have to simply say “Damn the Federal Government and Damn Biden” and do what it takes to safeguard their communities and their respective states, as they dare the Biden administration to attempt to stop them. State militias are the answer, if any are left with any real backbone to stand and make themselves heard and understood, in as forceful a manner as proves necessary.
I won’t hold my breath, but at least Governor Abbott is making all the right noises. Now to see just how successful he will be in the coming weeks and months. I’ll be praying for his success, while also hoping the other border states will follow suit, with the obvious exception of California.
Americans have the absolute right to defend themselves, America Herself, their states and their communities from the detrimental effects of illegal immigration and the illegal aliens, who are currently flooding across the border in record numbers. Those of us who love this country have the right and the duty to determine who enters under existing immigration law found in 8 USC 1151, that is currently being mocked and broken by the Biden regime, and as such, Governor Gregg Abbott is one-hundred percent within the purview of federal and state law in his recent declaration that he will build a wall along the border to halt the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens – 180,034 in May alone – who do not have any virtuous right to enter America just because they arrive at the border, especially in light of the Biden regime’s malfeasance on the U.S. Southern Border.
During his recent Border Security Summit Meeting in Del Rio on June 17th, Governor Abbott stated:
“President Biden’s open-border policies have led to a humanitarian crisis at our southern border as record levels of immigrants, drugs, and contraband pour into Texas. While securing the border is the federal government’s responsibility, Texas will not sit idly by as this crisis grows. The state is working collaboratively with communities impacted by the crisis to arrest and detain individuals coming into Texas illegally.
Our efforts will only be effective if we work together to secure the border, make criminal arrests, protect landowners, rid our communities of dangerous drugs, and provide Texans with the support they need and deserve. This is an unprecedented crisis, and Texas is responding with the most robust and comprehensive border plan the nation has ever seen.”
This same statement should be issued by every Governor in the nation who opposes this Open Border Policy of the Biden regime. It is their absolute right as governors of Sovereign States and as understood through the prism of our Tenth Amendment Rights. To date, America has only seen a weak and futile response from twenty GOP Governors in a May 11th 2021 letter to Biden that only “urged” him “to end the humanitarian crisis and secure our southern border immediately”.
Reported by Fox News on June 17th, the State of Texas has documented an eight-hundred percent increase in the quantity of fentanyl confiscated at the border, from January through May. That’s more than enough of the deadly drug to kill over twenty-one million Americans.
Just prior to the election, all the media and all America heard the promises from Biden and Harris both that they would stop Trump’s wall, suspend deportations for 100 days and provide a way for all illegal aliens currently living in America to receive citizenship, and it didn’t take a genius to understand that a Biden or Harris administration would pursue an open border policy. All of Central America was listening too, and the message was heard loud and clear.
Recently, in a meeting with Kamala Harris, America’s new border expert, Guatemala’s President Alejandro Giammattei noted that almost immediately after Biden took office, U.S. immigration policy did a complete turn around from President Trump’s firm stance on the border. Giammattei stated:
“The message changed to ‘We’re going to reunite families, we’re going to reunite children’. The very next day, the coyotes were here organizing groups of children to take them to the United States.”
This makes it all the more difficult for good, decent law-abiding Americans to accept Kamala Harris, the Biden regime’s “Border Czar”, and her words at face value or consider them to be honestly spoken, when she recently stood next to Guatemala’s President Alejandro Giammattei, on June 7th, and abandoned her previously held assertion in 2017 that “an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal”, as she stated:
“If you come to our border, you will be turned back. … Do not come. Do not come. The United States will continue to enforce our laws and secure our border.”
Please note that on February 1st 2021, eleven Iranian citizens were caught at the border, and almost every week the Border Patrol catches a drug cartel member or members, a pedophile or rapist, murderers and even people known to have terrorist ties, along with a large array of Other Than Mexicans, from countries such as Romania, China, Nigeria, Ghana, Yemen and elsewhere.
If a state cannot defend itself and its people against foreign violence, just what can it do and what good is it?
Although states and States’ Rights bring a certain amount of decentralization to the federation, the Founders and most Americans, until recent times, understood we had to share a common cause and goals regarding our national security and borders, and that not everybody could be welcomed into our domain with open arms, for any number of reasons centered on crime and subversion from within and abroad. As such, it has been incumbent upon every U.S. president to faithfully execute and uphold U.S. law, as noted in Article 2, Section 3, Clause 5 of the Constitution that states the president “shall take care that the Laws be carefully executed, along with Article 4, Section 4 that supposedly ensures the president and our government will protect us “against Invasion” and “against domestic Violence”.
The devious criminal deception of the Biden regime becomes all the more clearer, once one discovers that Biden’s administration is now actually flying illegal aliens all across America to major population hubs, where they depart and board buses for parts unknown. We recently saw some of this play out right here in Tennessee, as four planes loaded with illegal aliens arrived at Chattanooga’s Wilson Air Center between May 14th and May 19th 2021.
How does any of this make sense to anybody of sound mind? This is the policy of an idiot, a walking, mumbling imbecile, who simply wants to be remembered as the anti-Trump. Nobody other than the Biden regime and the Democratic Party Communists is going around saying, “Hey … let’s bring in plane loads of Romanians, Guatemalans, Yemenis, and Iranians”.
America is not morally bound to take everyone into the country for permanent settlement, and the entire world isn’t entitled to live in America.
In despicable fashion, the Biden regime is refusing to enforce immigration laws as written, taking a page from the Obama administration, leaving States’ borders unprotected against illegal aliens that should not be granted entry at all. And no matter what anyone says or tries to spin the issue, the sovereign States are not at the mercy of the Biden regime’s refusal to enforce United States immigration law. Our Constitution is not a suicide pact.

Justice Joseph Story
In 1833, Justice Joseph Story wrote:
“If aliens might be admitted indiscriminately to enjoy all the rights of citizens at the will of a single state, the Union might itself be endangered by an influx of foreigners, hostile to its institutions, ignorant of its powers, and incapable of a due estimate of its privileges.”
This is the exact current modus operandi of the traitors and criminals in the top echelons of California’s state government, who seek to increase the numbers of those desirous of greater socialist programs while increasing their representation at the expense of the rest of the country; and, in the meantime, these illegals are also left free to travel state to state at will and making Americans suffer from coast to coast.
Many Democrats and other radicals are now trying to say that only the federal government has the right or authority to act in any regard on the border situation, because it is in their interests and aligned with their agenda to grow their voter base and power, to do nothing to stop the current invasion of illegal aliens. Nothing is further from the truth, and many of America’s earliest leaders addressed any conflict between a state’s authority and the federal government’s authority in some great specificity.

Chief Justice John Marshall
During the Virginia State Convention in 1788, John Marshall, who would become the fourth Chief Justice of the United States in 1801, stated the following in regards to the constitutional prohibition on State power, although Alexander Hamilton had previously stated it months earlier in a much lengthier manner:
“The truth is, that when power is given to the general legislature, if it was in the state legislatures before, both shall exercise it, unless there be an incompatibility in the exercise by one to that of the other, or negative words precluding the state governments from it … All the restraints intended to be laid on the state governments (besides where an exclusive power is express given to Congress) are contained in the 10th section of the 1st article.”
The Constitution recognizes the sovereignty of the States and their authority and power to police their own borders. Sovereignty includes the authority to fiercely defend one’s own borders absent any valid federal prohibition; and once one reviews all the constitutional prohibitions on State power in Article 1, Section 10, it is readily apparent that there are absolutely no restraints on States that prevent them from acting decisively to halt illegal aliens from crossing the Southern Border into their State.
Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 (also often referred to as the Compact Clause) states:
“No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, … engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.”
If a State has the power to engage in war through independent action when the danger is deemed “imminent”, it should stand to reason that the States also have the civil authority to protect their borders.
The Founders acknowledged the necessity of prohibitions on the States’ ability to wage war, but much like Justice Joseph Story, they also recognized that exceptions certainly needed to be noted, when the safety of all the States were involved and those exceptions were “not justly open to the objection of being dangerous to the Union.” In his commentary on the Compact Clause, Story wrote:
“Still, a state may be so situated, that it may become indispensable to possess forces, to resist an expected invasion, or insurrection. The danger may be too imminent for delay; and under such circumstances, a state will have a right to raise troops, for its own safety, even without the consent of Congress.”
Bearing this very thing in mind, I wrote the following, in an article on June 6th:
“If the Federal Government and the Biden regime are not going to secure our borders, pray tell, just what is wrong with armed America militias within the border states stopping the illegal alien hordes at the border and forcing them back towards Tijuana, Nuevo Laredo or wherever from whence they came?”
Whether these folks have rifles or duffel bags of drugs or toddlers and babies in their arms, if hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens crossing the border each month and on track to hit a total of two million by year’s end doesn’t constitute an invasion, I don’t know what does. Samuel Huntingdon, chair of Harvard Academy of International and Area Studies [1996-2004 ], wrote much the same in The Clash of Civilizations in 1996.
If every, able American, who loves this country and all it has traditionally represented across the ages, should be reaching deep within their pockets to send funds for the construction of the Texas border wall. And if that’s not an option, abled-body men seeking honest employment should be placing their names on the list of candidates for all jobs available in the construction of the Abbott Wall.
It’s quite simple…
Gitcher head out your azz…
Far from a crisis in any normal sense of the word, no one should mistake the situation on America’s southern border for anything other than Biden’s Open Border policy and manufactured “crisis” that is a part of the Democratic Party’s Marxist agenda to complete the “fundamental transformation of America” through aliens who hold no real loyalty to America and Her traditions, to be used to erode and subvert the fabric of democratic mechanisms in local communities, while drawing checks from taxpayer funded welfare programs.
If America doesn’t soon secure Her borders in a sane, logical manner, we won’t have a nation any longer, because, regardless of Joe Biden’s attempt to purge our language of words such as “illegal” and “assimilation”, without a common language and common cultural norms brought forth through picking and choosing good candidates for U.S. citizenship, who will assimilate and uphold and defend America and Her principles, America will be torn apart by increasing tribalism and balkanization, while the nation’s traitors and imbeciles grow in power, and She will fall into ruin and shambles. Biden’s Open Border Policy and unrestrained illegal immigration will change America from the Shining City on the Hill that holds forth a river of hope into a sewer of despair.
June 20, 2021

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.
this is all by the design of the great reset, open boarders (george soros) the world economic council, council of foreign relations, etc. globalism and new world order.
these globalists know that they have to brake our system in order to re construct it into their dream socialist world. depopulation and total control. all satanic in nature.
just look into what other things they are doing like shutting down our oil industry, telling our farmers to destroy crops or loose subsites, black rock is buying up all home forclosures, forcing vaccines and lying daily on a corrupt media. etc.
i have never seen anything like this before.
if we don’t i.d. and eliminate the criminals responsible for this, then we have no hope.
I totally agree with everything that you are saying. I live in Texas and I am very concerned about the people being used in this horror movie. The children, women and men who are being trafficked is a tragedy as monumental as the extremely large amount of immigrants being used to accomplish those globalist lies. These people are being used. Placed into slavery. If they try to run away they; threaten their family’s. Look up what Nemanja has to say about the wall. Were not bigots that’s how those jerks try to justify everything by not doing anything in Washington. I really think that they want the chaos, division, and ultimately the destruction of the USA. Wake Up People get your three second attention back on the ball. Were having our purses emptied by certain people who have control of all the money. While they have us fighting their stealing the silver.