This country isn’t united on a damned thing any longer, and every like-minded Free Born American had better be staking off their claim now and preparing to defend it with their friends and family at their sides … all the while watching and waiting to see which side their neighbors fall on. The coming battle for the heart and soul of this nation will be fought one day, block by block and street by street and acre by acre…
America may enter this fire to emerge never the same, but a people intent on remaining free can most certainly see Her emerge renewed and cleansed of Her sickness, if only they come together to do what must be done.
Any nation that requires armed soldiers and police, fences and barriers surrounding its Capitol, in the manner the Biden regime has now placed around America’s Capitol in Washington, D.C., is no longer a nation. It is simply a geographical location controlled by men and women of a particular party, in this case, the Democratic Party, that are so immoral, corrupt and tyrannical in nature, that it does not trust the people, who supposedly elected its people by a landslide, and it is not trusted by the people.
Any nation throwing its borders wide open to all arrivals regardless of who they are, without demanding documentation of who these people are, is no longer a nation. Instead, it is just another cosmopolitan gathering spot for the dregs and castoffs of the world, and in the case of the relatively wealthy country of America, more wealthy than most of the world only because it prints the dollar as if there’s no tomorrow, it is simply a massive spigot for the delivery of money, resources and welfare benefits to be stolen by those who have no right to them.
Any nation under the control of a party that so obviously stole the last election is no longer a nation, not when half the nation view those in control, as being illegitimate, treasonous usurpers and traitors to the country. Something so vile as what we see ruling by fiat in our country today is tantamount to what one might expect to see in a Third World country ruled by a military junta, from a fenced in military compound called the Capitol.
Any nation that has a party acting against the nation’s founding principles and founding documents and towards its stated goal of transforming the government into something antithetical to its original constitutional republican form of government is not a nation, not when this party completely upends, ignores and violates the existing Constitution of that nation at will — when it violates the Supreme Law of the Land — to effect the destruction of what came before. It is an occupied area under the control of its enemies from within and abroad, especially when the people once known as “citizens” are being told that they must pay $15,000 to each illegal alien invader crossing the southern border, in effect paying to ensure that the current dictatorship maintains plenty of support in any number of future rigged elections.
Any nation that has men and women running it, who have not a bit of compunction or twinge of conscience over violating every single basic human right — each inalienable God-given right — is not a nation of the people, for the people and by the people, rather it is an emerging new totalitarian regime and hellhole in the making that loves itself, it’s psychopathic dictators and taking all the power that it can simply for the sake of having such enormous power. And it is not anyplace that fine, good and decent normal people wish to inhabit, not for long at any rate.
Any nation that seeks to disarm its law-abiding citizens, in order to more easily subjugate them, as it continues to murder babies by the thousands each day, moves to make an unproven Covid “Vaccine” mandatory and moves each day to eradicate the core nuclear family and God Almighty Himself from the public arena is not a nation. It is one unbelievably massive armed prison camp awaiting orders from on high to round up its dissenters and murder them very similarly to anything one wishes to name from past fascist regimes, whether we speak of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Ho or Pol Pot.
The United States of America might have been a nation, once upon a time, but now its monuments are being destroyed and its history is being erased and revised, so that America’s true history is read by our Communist Controllers, sitting within the D.C. Military Command Center, as if it is a new Fairy Tale, and what is presented for the Truth by these foul despicable denizens of the lowest levels of Hell sounds like something that only Satan himself could devise. The once proud nation of the United States of America is now a region open to its enemies from all across the globe, while its indigenous and native born natural and legal citizens are waiting for the final shoe to drop and the curtain to close on the last remnants of the U.S. of A; it is a geographical region that is being divided and subdivided among competing tribes, no matter their origination or length of residency, and no matter their loyalties.
Any nation that is comprised of a population that actively, willingly and gleefully works to destroy everything good and decent, the righteous and virtuous principles, that it was built upon is no longer a nation, but rather, it is something fetid and foul and unrecognizable by righteous freedom and liberty-loving individuals. It is an area packed with however many millions of people who are all working against one another and rushing headlong into disaster, and in America’s case, the death of a once glorious and exceptional nation — rushing headlong into the awaiting embrace of their own cold chains of tyranny that they themselves forged by way of their own corrupt and immoral path, either through ignorance or willful obeyance to illegal and unconstitutional diktats, soon to be forced to cow and bow in Serfdom at the altar of the Super-State ___ the Leviathan, with freedom and liberty passing to their deaths.

It is PAST time!
The United States of America is no longer a nation, or a country united in any sense of the word or by any stretch of one’s imagination. It is a GPS spot on the globe facing its own certain destruction at the hands of its own people, who have joined hands with the fascists, socialists and communists of the world. It is a people unprepared to reap what they have sown and a spot on earth that is soon to descend into an unbelievable, unimaginable abattoir and rivers of blood, unless the greatest numbers among them soon turn away from their current love affair with the godless, immoral teachings of Marx, Mao and the Cancel Culture and unite to return to the ways taught to the first American settlers from the great philosophers of Western Civilization and the Books of the Bible and the Word of the One True God, or, at the very least, a moral code that fiercely protects and defends our inalienable God-given rights for all.
America may enter this fire to emerge never the same, but a people intent on remaining free can most certainly see Her emerge renewed and cleansed of Her sickness, if only they come together to do what must be done.
April 14, 2021
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.
I share your profound concerns with the course of this nation.
But how about slightly different hypothesis that may explain the root causes of the decay that we see?
This nation has been infested with an extremely powerful parasite – a transnational cabal that learned how to exploit vulnerabilities of our political system for their advantage. And they do exploit each and every one of them, relentlessly.
When you look at how the seemingly chaotic Democrat Party under the co-“leadership” of a naive individual and an alleged president with visibly limited cognitive function is implementing a coherent strategy in their power grab, with virtually no dissent or hesitation each time when they have even slim majority at the federal level, you can sense a power behind it that like a hidden super-government (Big Brother, if you will) manipulates the political process in order to secure its desired (for the cabal) results.
That happens also when it comes to many federal courts.
If things go the way the cabal wants to, it just does not interfere with anything, but when things go the other way then it assumes its supervisory prerogatives and does a necessary “correction” of the Party’s course or the political process (including elections) that the cabal doesn’t like.
(They do similar things to the Republican Party, but there their control is limited.)
The cabal controls, to a large extent, the American reducation system and most of “mainstream” propaganda oiutlets that hour after hour, day after day, week after week, month after month, and rear after year deceive the American people, particularly those minorities who are statistically less likely to have a strong attachment to the Republic, Constitution, and the core American values that make the American society work so well, into believing that there is something profoundly wrong with how our political system have been designed and that America must be transformed into something else.
Clearly, when this is being done for decades, it is inevitable that national sentiments change.
Add to this malady huge post 1965 immigration (legal and otherwise) from nations that have been at least skeptical about Western political system and culture, and yo get what you get: Chinese will show a propensity towards collectivism, and so will Latinos. Middle-Eastern, although apparently not sold out to Marxian or neo-Marxian socialism, add another dimension of the difficulty of the problem of maintaining national coherence and integrity. And so it goes.
Would it be fair to blame the body of a person with AIDS or Ebola for all the dysfunction that those highly effective viruses cause? I do not believe it would.
America has AIDS and Ebola (figuratively speaking), and all the opportunistic infections and tumors (figuratively speaking) that the former facilitate and invite.
The best we can do is to revive our once strong and effective national immune system and fight the parasite with all we have.
But above all, we must recognize the nature of the problem that we have. It is mostly external, as is the cabal and millions of prospective mercenaries that it keeps importing into America.
P.S. The “reducation” system that we have in place in America incubated two generations of prospective subjects of the cabal’s rule. The policies imposed by the cabal help those less fit (into American merit-based, competitive society loyal to the ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Bil of Rights) multiply faster than others.
So, I suppose, I should add the damaging effects of the Malthus law to the root causes of our present national malady.
all of the above describes what happens when a nation and its people have rejected God.
this downhill slide has been slowly going on since the industrial revalution, getting worse through the 60’s up to this day.
how long do we think God will shed his grace on a people like this ?
the major and minor prophets wrote and warned the people about this very thing. they didnt listen and lost their country for 70 years and later were scattered throughout the known world.
just look around at the evil and sin in our country. it’s sickening.
hopefully in the midst of tribulation, some people will come to their senses and turn to God.
there is no other hope.
hope grows in the garden of adversity !
so so true….i heard you on the r b n radio…..and i am a long time follower…of your show….i feel your pain…not to sound like sleazy bill…but …god must send us help or …the old men ..will be the front line warriors…hell…count me in…not going without a good fight…
Terrifying and heartbreaking to watch history and prophesy meet at the crossroads , knowing America is finished as a sovereign nation. The tide has finally turned toward satanic communism . The seed of communism planted decades ago is finally bearing fruit , albeit “rotten fruit” . Our enemy is now inside the wire , gov’t. , corporations , new age “wokeness” , ignorance , naivety , open borders , the list is endless that the satanic progressive left and ignorant traitorous right utilize to destroy this nation. Battle lines are being drawn , might be too late tho’ , knowing the enemy has immense power and wields it unrelentingly . God help us . Once America falls , so goes the world . Forgive our sins father.