Get RID of the Son-of-Bitch

Get rid of the son of a bitch
He’s driven us into a ditch
How could a chump like this beat Trump?
He had the help of a witch

The wicked witch of the west
She oughta be under arrest
When Nasty speaks her rattling teeth
Set off a pain in my chest

A coronary arrest
If wicked is good she’s the best
Blame the witch and the son of a bitch
And the Shumer the Tumor express

Along w/the slippery press
For getting us into this mess
They zipped our lips and then they flipped
The votes here in the US

They sold us a bill of goods
Now look at our neighborhoods
The shattered shelves speak for themselves
We’re movin’ up into the woods

So ditch the son of a bitch
And others we’re itchin’ to switch
Lob the mob with stinking globs
That come off a piece of Schiff

Lob it right back on the press
Half of us never said YES
We did not not swap this load of slop
For a president who was the best!

James Reeves
April 13, 2021

7 thoughts on “Get RID of the Son-of-Bitch

  1. Justin O Smith

    Thank You, Mr Reeves! You’ve once again delivered another fine piece for our consideration, as we all search our hearts and our conscience for how best we can proceed from this point on. Keep Fighting the Good Fight and Keep the Faith!

    I’m standing right there along with You and millions of other fine, good and decent Americans who are fighting to preserve freedom and liberty in America for generations yet to come, because the alternative is no option whatsoever and I love my family and this country too much to do otherwise.

    God Bless You and Your Family and God Bless This America We Love So Well. May He Keep Her Free For All Eternity.

    I am adding some thoughts on our current situation that I wrote yesterday.

    ~ Justin O Smith

    “There is nothing worse than an American, an American mind you, that would shrink from his or her duty and obligation to preserve, protect and defend freedom and the Constitution of the United States. There is nothing worse than an American who refuses to acknowledge the approaching danger and does nothing to protect his or her spouse and children from that danger. Why do Americans look the other way when their own freedom hangs in the balance?” ~ Ron Ewart, April 4th 2021

    The American mind has been largely turned into a maladjusted thing over the past century, in too many segments of society, the halls of all levels of government and our education system, by the communists and radicals of America, who offered a failed set of ideas from the Marxist and Maoist Cancel Culture ideologies, that far too many Americans have bought, to the detriment of America on the whole. They’ve bought the Communists’ lies that government and Congressional figures, faithless to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution itself, have the right to take their property and liberty, in exchange for providing them “government care” from cradle to grave. And as such, the American mind has set the country spiraling towards its own extinction.

    In this country, our freedoms and liberties have always allowed for the inspection and study of all ideas, even such evil propositions as found in the likes of Marx, Mao and Mohammed, and that is as it should be. However, the mechanisms set forth within our Constitution were never intended to be used for our own demise, by evil, immoral men and women who have no respect or love of liberty and would rather take power to press their will upon all, to bring forth a new era of tyranny in America and across the globe, and yet, we find ourselves within the ever-tightening grip of Communists who are literally reshaping the Constitution to support whatever evil they seek to impose, essentially ignoring its original form and intent and completely eradicating it.

    The Cancel Culture Communists within the Biden Regime are breaking U.S. law with impunity, in any area one cares to review, and when called to account for their actions, they just deny any wrong doing. And remarkably, nothing is done; no one is charged or prosecuted and justice goes unserved, as the rule of law in America is undone.

    One need only look at the current border crisis that Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Alejandros Mayorkas call a simple “challenge”. They are willfully allowing the border to be flooded with illegal aliens, as they speak out of the other side of their mouths to suggest they are actively and successfully controlling and safeguarding the border, a despicable and damned outright lie.

    Or look at Hillary Clinton and Benghazi and the pay for play schemes of the Clinton Foundation and her numerous acts of sedition and treason; and look at Obama and his administration’s sedition, espionage, and treason against President Trump and his administration. And, take an especially hard look at the 2020 Stolen Election and the absolute known criminal acts committed by election officials and supported later by activist judges who advocate for the Democratic Party Communist agenda, despite all the evidence on hand; they smoothly call their lies “the Truth”, and the destruction of America proceeds.

    Just look at Hunter Biden and Ol Uncle Joe’s own numerous pay for play schemes that are set and ready to sell America out and betray Her further to the Communist Chinese, to Chairman Xi’s delight.

    Biden and the Democratic Party Communists are waging a cultural war against all that it means to be an American, with the white-hot intensity of a Pittsburgh steel furnace, that hits at every institution of society, in their supposed efforts to ensure “equity and equality” for all, through measures that are completely antithetical to the ideas of freedom and liberty, and in far too many regards, measures that are immoral in their construct and intent. In the name of equity and equality, they have moved with intent and purpose over the past fifty years — over a hundred years if considering only the Democratic Party — to complete the destruction of our current social compact, “by any means necessary”.

    Biden and his handlers are shoving America into dark, deep dangerous waters in order to achieve their flawed understanding of equality, which is far removed from the original intent of the Founders. The Founders used the word “equality” only within the concept of all men being equal before the law, a shining idea that emanated from the Western principles they embraced. But today, equality has been reduced from its pristine early meaning to mean only material equality, an equality of income, property and whatever spoils one can take from society directly or indirectly from the system, whether by way of a government handout or a new pair of Nikes and a color TV taken during a night of rioting, looting and burning an American city to the ground, supposedly justified by any convenient and manufactured wrong.

    America now witnesses the further mangling of the English language and the meaning of “infrastructure” and even “marriage”, as Biden and his Communist Czars change words to mean whatever they wish as they move to expand America’s welfare system to something exponentially far greater than anything ever seen during FDR’s New Deal or Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society. Not only does the Biden regime seek to “care” for all Americans in some fashion or another, unless they are white, they seek to federally mandate paid time off work and to force the Federal Reserve Bank to become involved in the “racial justice” business / scams and grifts, in order to compel local governments to discriminate on the basis of race when disbursing public benefits. They’ve even gone so far as to redefine classic definitions of gender to allow mentally imbalanced and gender dysphoric men, so-called “transgender women”, to compete on girls’ sports teams, even though well documented facts prove the damage this does to biologically female athletes.

    As David Stockman recently noted:

    “‘A crony anti-infrastructure plan’ is, sadly, the best description of the Biden administration’s proposed $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan. It’s insanely expensive and unnecessary, especially coming, as it does, on top of last year’s fiscal insanity. … They’ve driven local, state and federal government spending up to 43.5 percent of GDP, meaning that we’re already in financial trouble. Now they want to top it off with trillions more of wasteful spending, which arguably everyone likes. But once you look at what’s in the bill, you realize that the label is mere marketing for more handouts to politicians’ friends and payments for pet projects.”

    From sea to shining sea, America has constantly and ever more increasingly witnessed the rise of the red, radical communists [progressives] in all fifty states and all of Her territories too. So, in essence, we find a massive subversion of the Judeo-Christian and Western principles, upon which America was founded, even in the thirty Republican majority held states that currently exist, which is part and parcel of any explanation for how we see the Democratic Party advancing, just as they did in Virginia, by way of steady, persistent attacks that eventually flipped Virginia into the hands of the Democratic Party — Virginia, a state that had voted Republican in 11 of 12 presidential elections from 1948 to 2004, and now has gone so far left, due to the squishy, weak “center right” liberal Republicans, who have no problem voting for a supposed “moderate Democrat, even though no such animal exists, that its new Communist inspired leadership has succeeded to some large degree in advancing abortion and Baby Murder to even more incredible extremes, while it has also suppressed Free Speech and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, much as we saw homosexual “marriage” advanced under Obama, for a lack of strong opposition in the ranks of the supposed “conservative” Republican Party, and at times their complicity. And we see the very same plans to destroy the Bill of Rights and suppress Freedom and Liberty unfolding in every state, especially those that primarily swear allegiance to the Democratic Party Communists over any allegiance to America herself.

    The following words are even more true today, than when Robert Lewis Dabney wrote them in 1871, in Southern Magazine:

    “American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. This pretended salt hath utterly lost its savor: wherewith shall it be salted?”

    America is staggering from one blow after the next, blows delivered by the hands of the Enemy From Within — the Democratic Party Communists and all their supporters — and, in response to each blow, liberty-minded conservatives and independents of all creeds and colors have witnessed too little for too long by way of any effective response or counterattack from the Republicans. In fact, we have regularly witnessed Republicans still react as if they can find “compromise” with this evil, from fear of what, one must wonder? Too often, time and again, we find that the Republican Party itself has moved too far left to be responsible guardians of the Freedom and Liberty we, the few or many, conservatives hold most dear.

    The Biden regime stands poised to take whatever it wishes from those liberty-minded conservatives and independents, regardless of their faith or creed, who devoutly value limited government, private property and individual liberty.

    Democrats are free to express any idea they wish and to live as free as anyone else. They are not free to use those ideas as a vehicle for our subjugation and taking of our freedom and liberty under any pretense of providing greater security for the people, whether we speak of Covid or firearms, or any other threat they wish to create. If there is any current real threat to the American way of life and our safety, it is coming from the Democratic Party, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Senators Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and AOC’s Squad of anti-American, anti-God, anti-Liberty Communists.

    It’s important to understand that although the Democratic Party Communists have gained control of the reins of power through the mechanisms of our democratic republic, they will not be so easily unseated through those same mechanisms, not now that they are consolidating power and changing the system to serve their agenda. It will eventually take bullets, rather than the ballot to end what has been started.

    America is being broken to Her knees as this very moment, under Biden’s newly applied tyranny. The Democratic Party Communists and their RINO globalist comrades, at all levels of government today, are acting as if they are occupiers, and this demands a response that would be equal to one Americans might mount, if faced with any foreign enemy.

    Americans will soon have to see the moves of the Democratic Party anti-American radicals and communists for the very real existential threat and all out attack on America, that they are. This is no different than if America were being attacked by the Nazis or Stalin’s Communists of yesteryear, and Americans who still love this country will necessarily need to act accordingly, as their conscience and their will to survive allows and demands.

    Although one may hate to sound cliche, nevertheless, it is true that our Founders went to war over much less, and they would quite likely have already been shooting by now and engaging in a very real revolution against all the emerging tyranny we are currently experiencing today. Americans currently suffer the many abuses of a government that serves tyranny over the people’s inalienable rights and regularly engages in criminal acts, as though its officials are above the law, and this, in and of itself, demands rebellion at every level across the land.

    Many millions of Americans, who subscribe to the beliefs, ideas and principles that most jealously guard freedom and liberty in its purest forms, need not be convinced of the truth surrounding the threat posed by the Biden regime to America. We see the current dismal and dire state of affairs within our nation, and we know what must be done to prevent the complete suppression of our inalienable God-Given Rights and the eradication of what is left of the Constitution of the United States of America and the Republic for which it stands; and although many conservative pundits make pleasant little chirping noises offering hope for the restoration of America, one can’t help but to hear them as death dirges for America, unless America’s patriots fiercely rise in a force of arms soon.

  2. A Reader

    Falsified election, false president, false “mandate” for power grab, what else would you expect from this kind of national deception?

    The junta didn’t pull out this soft coup d’etait to please the American people.

    They did it in order to replace us with a new nation that they can perpetually control and parasitize on, while turning us into an oppressed class and, eventually, driving us to extinction.

    But all our disapproval and strong language alone will not free us from junta’s tyranny.

    We need to go after each and every one of them, ultimate parasites that chose our Republic as their host.

    Once we realize our strength, their days are over.

  3. Justin O Smith

    Dear Mr Reeves,

    As I read through Your poem, its structure and rhymes, wondering what is so familiar about it, aside from the obvious facts it presents, it occurs to me that Your style is remarkably similar to one of my most favorite poets, Robert W. Service. My dear Ol’ Pop was ever so fond of reciting Mr Service’s poems to me when I was quite young, and I continue to enjoy them to this day.

    Service’s poems never grow old, and I suspect Yours will be oft repeated for many years ahead too.

    Just from my own curiosity, how did You come about to achieve this talent … natural? or studied and trained? English Lit major? Regardless, it’s a fun and entertaining, as well as enlightening talent and the way of the Bards of old to impart wisdom and witticisms to the people.

    Keep ’em comin’ and I’ll keep reading. ~ Justin

  4. M.A.D.

    To: Justin O Smith

    I just wanted to emphasize a very apt observation in your thorough and thoughtful comment:

    “the mechanisms set forth within our Constitution were never intended to be used for our own demise”

    There is a well-accepted legal doctrine in the Western jurisprudence (some trace it to the Roman law) that one cannot lawfully apply the law against it purpose. That seems so true about our Constitution, the purpose of which has been spelled out in its Preamble:

    “We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

    So, if the Constitution was not intended as a suicide pact for “ourselves”s then it is NOT a suicide pact for “ourselves”, and any legal claims that contradict the latter are invalid and void.

    The parasitic cabal that is gaining control of our country ignores that and uses the law of our land, and all its vulnerabilities, to establish itself as a permanent parasite on the host America that produces annual wealth in excess of $20 trillion.

    It’s time to frontally challenge the cabal and the “legalistic” nonsense that it employs in order to “justify” their power grab. No more abstract absurdities that transform the Constitution onto a handy tool of oppression against the majority of Americans.

    Because whatever goes against the purpose of the Constitution is lawless in America. That is the basic fact that we all need to stick to.

  5. M.A.D.

    P.S. However, I beg to disagree with allowing the Democrat Party do whatever it pleases.

    Please, keep in mind that the purpose of the Constitution was not to facilitate hostile takeover of America. What we need for our and our Republic’s survival is a healthy dose of anti-Democrat discrimination. Our liberty and prosperity is never safe as long as they are around, free to exploit the vulnerabilities of our Republic for their gain, just like the HIV or Ebola viruses exploit vulnerabilities of the human organism.

    Anti-Democrat discrimination is the last line of our American immune system. If we fail to activate it, we may as well lose our country forever.

  6. Justin O Smith

    Dr Mr Dwyer,

    I’m glad You followed my intentions rather well, for the most part, concerning the abuse of the law of the land by the Democrats. However, if You reread what I wrote, You will find that I never suggested allowing them to “do whatever it pleases.” I simply noted that they have the same exact rights as any of us, as citizens, under the law, “to express any idea they wish and to live as free as anyone else.”

    I followed that observation with an immediate qualifier that notes:

    “They are not free to use those ideas as a vehicle for our subjugation and taking of our freedom and liberty under any pretense of providing greater security for the people, whether we speak of Covid or firearms, or any other threat they wish to create.”

    So You see, my Brother … there isn’t any disagreement of what we both intend, in facing this existential threat to the nation. We are on the same page, Brothers in Pen and Arms, and fighting the good fight to save this America we love so well.

    As always, Mr Dwyer, it’s a real pleasure to hear from You. May our side emerge from the fires of the coming chaos victorious and may our God Almighty keep our beloved America free for all eternity.

    ~ Justin

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