Biden Officially Goes After Supreme Court

Has Commissioned Study On Court Packing And Term Limits

Joe Biden ran pretending to be a moderate. But as we’ve seen from just a few months in office, he is anything but, as he seems to be taking his cues from the radical left, who want to completely upend our values and traditions.

During the election, Biden was pressed about the left’s agenda to pack the Supreme Court. As is typical, Biden refused to answer.

But now it looks like he’s taking steps to radically alter the highest court as we know it.

President Joe Biden is set to issue an executive order on Friday forming a bipartisan commission that will perform a 180-day study of potential changes to the Supreme Court, including court packing and setting term limits for justices.

The administration claims that this panel is just going to provide an “analysis of the principal arguments” for or against Supreme Court “reform.”

Biden claims this panel will be “bipartisan.” But let’s be honest, do you think Biden is going to appoint conservative Republicans to this group—or anyone that would oppose such an unconstitutional move as court-packing?

It seems pretty bizarre that a man who claims to respect our traditions appears so eager to mess with the one body that can check his power.

The Supreme Court’s very existence is to put limits on what the president and Congress can do.

Yet we see Democrats are trying to undermine the court’s power—so they can have more power.

This panel might conveniently decide that term limits and adding extra justices is the right thing to do.

But it will only be an uphill battle from there. Expect battles like few we’ve ever seen.

It’s not even clear if Congress can pass a bill altering the court. Even if it tried, the Supreme Court has the power to overrule legislation signed by the president.

Would the current SCOTUS let a law get passed that undermined its authority?

The only sure way to make changes to something established by the Constitution is to pass an amendment. And there is no way a feckless man like Biden can get that done.

So, does Biden really intend to “reform” the court… or is this another distraction meant to anger conservatives and appease radicals?

Key Takeaways:

* Joe Biden is forming a panel to investigate major Supreme Court reforms.

* The panel is meant to be “bipartisan,” but Biden has not explained how it will look.

* Reforming the Supreme Court might be much harder than Biden thinks.

Written by Adam Casalino for Yahoo ~April 9, 2021

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2 thoughts on “Biden Officially Goes After Supreme Court

  1. veteran

    in order for agenda 21 and 2030 to proceed the left needs to destroy states rights and the rights of the people. that is to change the supreme court into a political arm of the left.
    the left will push the court to abolish the bill of rights to fit the globalist agenda 21 and 30.
    they will demolish the 2nd ammendment in the name of public safety, free speech and property rights will be gone.
    if people are awake, they can see what’s going on.
    their agenda is for a new world order, meaning global control over all people. it is stanic in nature !
    God’s word told us that this would come.
    people, what kind of world do you want to live in ? WAKE UP !

  2. A Patriot

    This is not a surprise. He is just following the lead of another socialist/communist President named FDR, He attacked the Supreme Court after they kept ruling all of his acts UNCONSTITUTIONAL. HE STACKED THE COURT BACK THEN. Next, FDR gave us all of the wonderful SOCIALIST PROGRAMS LIKE SOCIAL SECURITY, WELFARE, FOOD STAMPS, ETC. THAT HAVE LEAD TO THE COUNTRY BEING BANKRUPT TODAY. Once you get people hooked on a socialist program, they will riot if you try to take it away. The SOCIALIST TODAY ARE TRYING TO CREATE A WHOLE NEW LIST OF SOCIALISTS PROGRAMS FOR THE MASSES”. The masses can’t see that it is quick sand to the country. All they see is a freebee from the rich to the poor until it destroys the country and all the goodies go bye bye. Then you get revolution of the masses of fools who killed the goose that laid the golden eggs so to speak!! That is why it was so important for the government to take over the education system in order to dumb us down over many, many years just waiting for the final revolution. Will we stop them?

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