Blurring The Lines Between Male And Female
The Democratic Party Communists and their “leader,” Joe Biden, are quite similar to past Democrats and other anti-American radicals, except they are even more unhinged, deluded and sick in their feverish goals to destroy America and fundamentally transform Her into something unrecognizable. It’s not enough to simply attack the Bill of Rights, item by item, but now they find mythical “rights”, such as “gay rights” and “transgender rights”, that they’ve fabricated and pulled from some dark nether region of a body orifice, as a part of their attack on everything it means to truly be American and their effort to create a socialist, centralized state. And more than equality under the law, they prefer their Party Members are a protected and privileged class above all others, as seen through the recent passage of the Equality Act on February 25th 2021, that is anything but an act for equality.
Homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals and any other deviant have the same exact rights under the law and the Constitution as anybody else, unless they seek to engage in pedophilia. There already exist numerous Civil Rights protections for men and women, to the degree that nothing more is required or demanded. However, in that the current movement specifically seeks to protect unnatural sexual orientations as a matter of law, in a manner that tramples all over other people’s Inalienable God-Given Rights, what they in fact are demanding is privilege above all others and a forced validation of their immoral lifestyle upon Christians and conservatives, thus violating the conscience of most of Conservative America.
The Equality Act, also known as H.R. 5, would redefine “sex” under federal civil rights laws to encompass “sexual orientation” and “gender identity”. This is about much more than simply protecting these people from discrimination, since a 2020 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court already does so.
Call them “progressive” or anything else. Whatever label they have hid under, since the beginning of their miserable Marxist philosophy in 1848, these socialists have advocated for sexual license, by way of “the community of wives”, “free love”, “sexual freedom” and a host of other immoral pursuits, such as pedophilia, as seen through their numerous associations with the North American Man/ Boy Love Association. They saw this as a way to tear apart the core family unit of a father, mother and their children, breaking down the bonds of kinship, in order to reduce the individual to simply being one more cog in the machine of the state, eroding the family in the name of sexual freedom just like they erode property rights in the name of “social justice” and religion in the name of the myth of “separation of church and state”.
The Equality Act (H.R. 5) passed the House for the second time in two years, by a vote of 224 to 206, supposedly as a needed measure to solidify protections for LGBTQ people in the areas of employment, housing, credit, education and other domains. It was stopped two years ago by the Republican controlled Senate, but things have drastically changed, now that the Democrats control the entire Congress and the office of the president, and this immoral piece of trash actually stands a very good chance of being entered into U.S. law, as one massive insult to our ancestors and all that came before and was put into the making of America, so exceptional in days gone by.
This God-awful bit of legislation follows on the heels of one more misguided Supreme Court decision, in Bostock v, Clayton County, that stated “the protections guaranteed by the 1964 Civil Rights Act on the basis of sex also extend to discrimination against lesbian, gay, and transgender Americans.” And so, the sum of this and H.R 5 amounts to nondiscrimination protections for sexual orientation and gender identity being codified and inserted into U.S. law, rather than providing for protections under the traditional meaning and category of “sex”.
Much as we’ve already witnessed through several past legal cases, regarding one’s religious conscience, this act would also have harsh and significant impacts on retail stores, stadiums and transportation providers, especially if someone chose to refuse service to any transgendered person based on religious beliefs. Essentially, H.R. 5 supersedes and abrogates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which was passed to ensure that “laws” didn’t infringe upon religious freedom.
Throughout all faiths, religious groups and social conservatives are exasperated and worried by this act, that they fear will force people to act in contradiction to their religious beliefs and convictions. They have admonished that faith-based adoption agencies, who hold to the traditional views of what constitutes a “mother and father” may close in large numbers, as they also make note that private schools too may close, rather than submit to hiring staff whose conduct is immoral by their standards and the tenets of their school’s faith.
Many conservatives have broached an array of numerous possible consequences, should H.R. 5 actually pass into law. Some even note that it could very likely be used as justification to eliminate the existing ban on the use of government funds for abortion.
Representative Mike Johnson (R-La) observed: “This is unprecedented. It’s dangerous. It’s an attack on our first freedom, the first freedom listed in the Bill of Rights, religious liberty.”
Equally dangerous, H.R. 5 prioritizes transgender people over women and it endangers women’s safety by erasing sex as a distinct legal category, while demanding that heretofore female-only spaces and opportunities designed to increase representation for girls are now open to biological males, to men. Its text clearly states that “an individual shall not be denied access to a shared facility, including a restroom, a locker room, and a dressing room, that is in accordance with the individual’s gender identity.”
Sounds like a free pass to the ladies’ restrooms and elsewhere for sexual predators, doesn’t it?
There’s nothing “equal” about this act, anymore than it was an equally matched fight in the MMA cage between the transgendered man, now known as Fallon Fox, and his real live lady opponent, Tamikka Brents, when he broke her skull in several places, in 2014. This is the sort of insanity now advanced, advocated and facilitated by the Far Left and the Democratic Party, that is certain to facilitate and entrench transgender youth in girls sports, in high schools across America.
Under the pretense of “fairness”, the “Equality Act” would prohibit policy makers from ever acting in any manner that suggests a real difference exists between men and women or to actually guarantee the safety and equality of the sexes.
Adding jet fuel to the fire, America also recently witnessed a transgendered biological male, posing as female, in Dr “Rachel” Levine, refuse to properly answer a question from Senator Rand Paul, during the confirmation hearing on his suitability for assistant secretary for the Department of Health and Human Services, on February 25th 2021. Paul suggested that current Democratic Party policy favored the government overruling the authority of parents to advance the hormone treatment of children and the “surgical destruction” of their genitalia.
Paul asked: “Dr Levine, do you believe that minors are capable of making such a life-changing decision as changing one’s sex?”
To which came Levine’s non-response: “Transgender medicine is a very complex and nuanced field with robust research”.
Levine also went on to dodge Paul’s questioning, when the Senator asked: “Do you support the government intervening to override a parent’s consent to give a child puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and / or amputation surgery of breasts or genitalia?”
Never failing to exhibit his true foolish and idiotic nature and flawed moral compass, during one October 2020 campaign event, Joe Biden opined: “The idea that an eight year old child or a ten year old child decides, you know, I decided I want to be transgender. That’s what I think I’d like to be. It’d make my life a lot easier. There should be zero discrimination.”
I guess a ten year old should be allowed to decide whether to drink alcohol or not, drive a car or not. Sure, what ten year old isn’t capable of making perfectly rational decisions for himself?
~ References ~
1. (Daily Wire)
2. (Briefing)
For decades, Conservative America has seemed unable to counter the mesmerizing Leftist language of the Democratic Party, because they camouflaged evil agendas in pretty sounding phrases, such as “civil rights”, a woman’s right to choose” and “protecting the children”, making it a hard argument to make, but at its heart, this Equality Act aims to advance the rights of transgender people above everybody else’s rights and to the explicit detriment of everybody else. It clearly violates religious liberty, by way of its subjective “equality”, while it ignores freedom of association and casts aside freedom of religion, in favor of emotionally-driven interpretations of discrimination, regardless of anyone’s actual intent or the reality of the matter.
In general terms, this immoral, junk legislation intentionally blurs the lines between biological sex and gender, something the Marxists have consistently relied upon for decades, regarding their so-called “gender theory”. The Democratic Party Communists want to control us all. They don’t want us working, living or praying freely, and now, they don’t even want us deciding what gender a baby is without their approval. The Equality Act is far removed from anything that barely protects anyone from real discrimination, and it has everything to do with compelling everyone to adhere to their sick, demented, deluded gender ideology.
Don’t be fooled by its name. Reject H.R 5 and every Evil, vile thing it holds. Fight like hell to see it and its lies and false narratives die in the Senate.
March 15, 2021

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.
That is a great article, thank you.
I think it’s not just madness.
I think it is a well-orchestrated and masterfully executed effort to weaken America to the point that it can be easily invaded and taken down. (Remember, they are weakening the military, too.)
After that, the dream of Marxists of 100 years ago to spread communism all over the world – that America stopped single-handedly – will, eventually, come true.
Looting the $20 trillion+ American economy will only ad the the enjoyment of our neo-Bolshevik and culturlally-Marxist predators and parasites.
The war has been launched on America, and we have no choice but to circle the wagons and defend ourselves and our country.
Deut. 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.