Several prominent physicians, doctors, Sons of Liberty Media Health and Wellness expert Kate Shemirani, her colleague Dr. Kevin Corbett, and I have postulated that the current experimental mRNA injection for coronavirus, aka COVID-19, could alter one’s genetic code or DNA. Bill Gates stated it, which was included in my video “Human Genome 8 and mRNA Vaccine” on It is one reason the term “experimental human genome altering mRNA injection” has been used to describe the jab being foisted onto the mostly unsuspecting public. While many in the media, Dr. Anthony Fauci and his merry band of chronic liars, and “fact checkers” have declared this claim as false, a video of a TEDx Beacon Street talk by Tal Zaks, chief medical officer of Moderna, Inc., one pharmaceutical company manufacturer of the experimental mRNA technology injection, confirms mRNA injection for COVID-19 can change your genetic code or DNA. This TEDx Beacon Street talk occurred in 2017. H/T to YouTube channel Silview Media Backup Channel.
* Ask the Experts: Doctors, Nurses & Health Care Professionals From Around The World: “The COVID Vaccine Is Neither Safe Nor Effective” (Video)
* Ask the Experts II: Medical Professionals Address BBC Panorama Anti-Vaxx Propaganda (Video)
* Ask the Experts: Shemirani, Corbett, Madej & Kaufman – The Vaccine Rollout Has Begun, Here’s What You’re Not Being Told!
* Nurse & Nutritionist Kate Shemirani: Experimental COVID Injection Doesn’t Fulfill Legal Requirement & Definition For A Vaccine, But Does Fulfill Definition Of A “Device” (Video)
Zaks calls it “hacking the software of life”. In the first minute of the video Zaks states, “we’ve been living this phenomenal digital scientific revolution, and I’m here today to tell you, that we are actually hacking the software of life, and that it’s changing the way we think about prevention and treatment of disease.” [Emphasis mine.] He even repeats that they (Moderna) think of it like an operating system, which the Moderna website indicates as “Our Operating System”..
At one minute in, Zaks states, “In every cell there’s this thing called messenger RNA or mRNA for short, that transmits the critical information from the DNA in our genes to the protein, which is really the stuff we’re all made out of. This is the critical information that determines what the cell will do. So we think about it as an operating system. …. So if you could actually change that, … if you could introduce a line of code, or change a line of code, it turns out, that has profound implications for everything, from the flu to cancer.” [Emphasis mine.]
When “changing” a line of code or “introducing” a line of code” (referring to DNA), the “code” or DNA is then altered, meaning the individual or “subject” has now had their genome changed to what the “scientists” have coded. The individual or subject is no longer a creation of God but a creation of man, meaning the individual or subject could be the object of a “patent”. He goes on to say, the mRNA would tell the cells to “code” for the protein of the “virus”. This “viral protein” is foreign to the body. The individual’s body is making a foreign protein the immune system is to attack. When the body makes a protein the immune system then attacks, your immune system is attacking a protein your body is making, meaning what is occurring in an “auto-immune response” or “auto-immune disease”.
This has been repeated a number of times by experts, physicians, nurses and countless others. As readers can see, none of us were “whistling Dixie”. Zaks talks about turning this system on; however, there is no way to turn it off. When do the cells know to stop making this “viral protein”? The cells don’t; therefore, this continues for the duration.
In a normal vaccine, the immune system attacks the limited amount of “particles” in the adjuvant to produce antibodies or immune response that the body can recognize at a later time if the individual comes in contact with the same or similar “particle”.
* Dr. Lee Merritt On Experimental “Operating System” Injections: We’re Going To See A Lot Of Deaths
* Dr Sherri Tenpenny: Dr Sherri Tenpenny: FDA Has Broken The Law At Least Twice Concerning COVID Injections (Video)
* Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: How The Depopulation COVID Vaccines Will Start Working In 3-6 Months
* The Vaccine Interview You Really Should Hear To Educate Yourself With Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
The study Zaks cites at the 3:12 minute mark can be found and read here. The abstract is contained on the NIH Pub Med Library website. In the full test of the study on ResearchGate, the mention of “Luciferase” occurs on page 10. A crucial piece of information in this study is contained on page 4 – “Ferrets immunized with 200 micrograms and challenged [exposed to influenza H7N9 via IN (intranasal)] on day 49 had viral loads below the level of detection”. If a viral load was “below the level of detection”, two questions emerge: 1) did the ferrets even contract H7N9 through intranasal challenge; and, 2) if a viral load is below the level of detection, how do you know the animals even had a viral load? This would bring into question the efficacy of the injection.
Moreover, the studies Zaks cites as occurring in humans only lasted approximately 18 months.
At about the 4:00 minute mark, Zaks begins discussing mRNA vaccines for cancer. Immediately following that, Zaks discusses a children’s condition where a gene or “code” is missing that causes production of a certain enzyme critical for metabolism where the current treatment is to transplant an entire organ – in this case, the liver. Zaks proposes to inject mRNA that codes for the missing gene, a gene contained in DNA on the human genome, it would “correct” the genetic defect.
Ask this question: what causes the cells/body to produce needed enzymes/proteins? Zaks answers that by saying the genetic code or DNA. So, mRNA has to alter a genetic code or the DNA for the body to produce the proteins of COVID-19 for the body to mount an immune response.
* Medical Doctors: “You Are Being Played” – “The SARS-C0v2 Virus Does Not Exist”
* The Virus Lies & What They Are Leading Towards With Dr. Andrew Kaufman
* Dr. Lee Merritt: The Vaxx Is Preparing World For Mass Death Event (Video)
* America’s Frontline Doctor Simone Gold Warns Of Risks In “Experimental COVID Vaccine” (Video)

Fauci: Phantom of His Own Opera
Out of the words of Tal Zaks of Moderna, mRNA can alter the human genome. Whether by design or “unintended consequences”, this technology is being used to do just that. He calls this “information therapy”; although, some would call it “mad science”. In attempts to “rewrite” genetic code to correct defects, studies have shown there were “cascading failures”. In other words, changing one “defective gene” in one genome caused other genes to “fail” or cause problems. And, it was not just one subsequent gene becoming defective, but many. This is more than likely why there are over 400 adverse events surrounding the experimental mRNA injection.
So, the next time someone claims these “vaccines” do not alter the human genome or DNA, you can refer that individual to Tal Zaks of Moderna, Inc. who claims otherwise. Dr. Fauci should be eating some four and twenty blackbird (crow) pie.
Written by Suzanne Hamner for The Sons of Liberty ~ March 12, 2021
Thank you for the warnings.
Below are excerpts form a recent article about the origin of coronavirus. If the origin was a (Chinese) lab and the virus was meant as a bioweapon then quite a lot of puzzling facts about the vaccine make sense. In particular, as CDC maintains, research on mRNA-technology has begun some 10 years before the emergence of the virus that is supposed to respond to a vaccine based on that technology. If one assumes that those who were “enhancing” the virus with gain-of-function engineering saw the virus as a bioweapon then it becomes clear that they wanted to have vaccine before the emergence of the virus. Hence the work on vaccine predated the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.
I have 0 doubts that the “official” version that “concluded” the “natural” origin of Wuhan coronavirus is based on sophistry and not on modern science. (One could say, it’s based on post-modern science.)
What the article below has not discussed is a frightening pattern of efforts of parts of the ruling class to protect China from responsibility (for the pandemic, for pollution, for hostility towards the U.S., etc.) and backlash from the public. Well, with est. reported worth of China’s markets in excess of $60 trillion (according to some past projections by JP Morgan Chase and Goldman Sacks), that is not quite surprising.
It reminds me this Lenin’s statement: “Capitalists will sell us a rope on which we will hang them all.”
Here are excerpts from and a link to the article. It’s fairy balanced and well-worth reading for any inquisitive mind who wants to know. I hope you can see the forest and not just trees. Because the pattern here, in the context of what we have been fed with for over two decades, is soooooo obvious.
Judge for yourself.
Did the Coronavirus Leak From a Lab? The Scientific Debate Is Still Unresolved
As Petrovsky considered whether SARS-CoV-2 may have emerged in lab cultures with human cells, or cells engineered to express the human ACE2 protein, a letter penned by 27 scientists appeared suddenly on Feb. 19 in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet. The authors insisted that SARS-CoV-2 had a natural origin, and they condemned any alternate hypotheses as conspiracy theories that create only “fear, rumors, and prejudice.”
Petrovksy says he found the letter infuriating. Conspiracy theorists is “the last thing we were, and it looked to be pointing at people like us,” he says.
A group of 26 scientists, social scientists, and science communicators — Petrovksy among them — have now signed their own letter arguing that WHO investigators lacked “the mandate, the independence, or the necessary accesses” to determine whether or not SARS-CoV-2 could have been the result of a laboratory incident.
David Relman, a microbiologist at Stanford University, says a lab leak was never the subject of a “fair and dispassionate discussion of the facts as we know them.” Instead, tempers soon began to flare as those calling for a closer look at possible lab origins were dismissed as conspiracy theorists spouting misinformation. Election-year politics and growing Sinophobic sentiments only added to the tensions. Attacks on Asian Americans had been escalating since the pandemic began, and with then-President Trump fuming about a “Chinese virus,” many scientists and reporters became “cautious about saying anything that might justify the rhetoric of his administration,” says Jamie Metzl, a senior fellow at the Washington, D.C.-based Atlantic Council, an international affairs think tank.
It could have been career suicide for scientists to voice suspicions about a possible lab leak, says Metzl, especially when there was already a long history of viral disease outbreaks spilling over from nature.
But in late April 2020, as Petrovsky’s group was thinking about where to publish their work, “Trump blurted out” that he had reason to believe that the virus came out of a Chinese lab, Petrovsky says. And at that point, he adds, much of “the left-wing media decided they were going to paint the whole lab thing as a conspiracy theory to bring down Trump.”
“We were dealing with global forces,” he says, “that are way more powerful than a scientist trying to tell a science-based story.”
“A lot of people advised us ‘even if it’s good science, don’t talk about it. It will have a negative impact on your vaccine development. You will get attacked; they will try to discredit you.'”
“If we are at the point where all science is politicized and no one cares about truth and only being politically correct,” he says, “we may as well give up and shut down and stop doing science.”
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