The Destruction of the Ship of State
The ship of state’s been commandeered by Mutant Mutineers
Who bound and gagged the captain, pretending they don’t hear
The creaking of the bulkheads, as fracture cracks appear
The ship of state’s been commandeered by Mutant Mutineers
The ship of state can’t take the load that’s buckling it’s plates
The greatest ship is bound to founder under all the weight
The weight of debt and surging hordes, as End of Time draws near,
There are no more happier times for Mutant Mutineers
Social change has lead to strange derangement on this ship
The young today seem to display a chromosomal drift
DNA mutations lead to “We don’t like it here,
In fact we’ll take the ship of state!” cry Mutant Mutineers
Who backs these Mutant Mutineers who violate our laws
And overtake the greatest ship of state that ever was?
Who finances commie coups, who keeps the silk road clear?
The Marxist friends of Xi Jinping, the Global Buccaneers
Global Buccaneers are those who profit from the debt
Who tell us who our captain is and which one to forget
All the money in the world, their names we’ll never hear
And who takes orders from on high? why Mutant Mutineers
The ship of state is going down so call all hands on deck,
Dust off 2 way radios, do not tweet or text
Track them down and lock them up then offer them a beer
“Sing the ‘Internationale,’ you Mutant Mutineers”
America the beautiful, however could it be
That we could tell our grandkids we complied with mutiny,
Or do we tell our grandkids “You don’t have to live in fear,
‘Cause we took back the ship of state from Mutant Mutineers.”
~ James Reeves
Mutant Mutineers is fabulous!