Our nation has transitioned from one of laws to one of men. And men, Especially Biden and His Democratic Party Communists, unlike properly made laws, are unreasonable, full of inconsistency, and governed by passion rather than logic.

What is right and what is best make no difference to them. They’re after power and will obtain it at any cost, let alone the cost of their illogical inconsistencies. They don’t want you to think, they want you to do as they say.

Americans are being told not to think and reason, but to follow orders. ~ Justin O Smith

(Title Translation: NO – it’s TODAY) ~ Ed.

2 thoughts on “НЕТ – это СЕГОДНЯ

  1. veteran

    i for one have a problem following orders from idiots, and that is what we have in most spectrums of politics today.
    if i was not aware of the globalist agenda and who is behind it, then i might be brain dead like many in our country today. everything the globalist dems are doing fits agenda 21 and 30 to the tee. saul alinsky’s rules for radicals (cloward piven strategy) is what we hear and see on the msm.
    those who are aware are not fooled and will not be silent regardless of what the left says.
    the problem lies in the fact that people are not reacting to inform others of what is going on today.
    tell your friends, write your representatives, do what you can regardless of expected progress.
    as i have said before. the first thing is to remember that God is in control of everything. if you dont know him, i would suggest you start talking to him now. he is the only one that can change the outcome.

  2. veteran

    the world economic forum and the u.n. met in january at davos switzerland as they do every year.
    these are the people who control and plan the new world order and political power all over the world.
    just type DAVOS and there is a lot of info to review.
    by the way. President Trump rejected these clowns and that is why they attacked him over his 4 year term.

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