Go Not Gently Into That Good Night

Marcelo Pinto – Irancartoon

Cable news was interrupted this afternoon [February 19th 2021], by our Dictator-in-Chief, Joe Biden and his statement regarding his administration’s plans for America and the need for all of us to do our “patriotic duty” and mindlessly don our masks and extend our arms for the new batch of experimental DNA altering vaccines, as he and his administration deny the real science and facts that exhibit a remarkable decline in COVID cases, of late, due to herd immunity.

Biden’s remarks were simply more fear-mongering as a justification to continue state controls on people’s behavior, to combat what is essentially a type A or B Flu, noting that he had mandated masks and social distancing for federal buildings by Executive Order; and from the demeanor of this Poser, one could tell he would do more, if he thought he could get away with it.

There was so much gibberish that ran through Biden’s speech in Kalamazoo, that all I could do was shake my head, grit my teeth and utter a frequent “Damn!.” He spouted one lie after another and reams of propaganda that most assuredly had to have been compiled by Tedros Adhanom, of the World Health Organization or Chairman Xi’s people.

I know it’s inconvenient for you” he says. How about Unconstitutional and Ain’t Gonna Happen?!!?? Not for any red-blooded tried and true American patriot who still values the sanctity of one’s home, life, liberty and country. Not for a God-fearing man who won’t place a vaccine made from human placentas and filled with nano-technology designed to change our bodies and those of future generations. Not for anyone who refuses to be a part of this Frankenstein experiment.

The only thing he got right was near the beginning, when he said, “This is a case of life and death [and] we’re talking about people’s lives.” But his administration is more likely to cause significantly more American deaths than it saves. I’d bet my life on it.

Toward the end of his remarks, Joe stated:

We still need you to wash your hands, stay socially distanced and mask up to help save lives … That’s why, with the authority I have as President [Illegitimate president], I signed an Executive Order, the only authority I have to require this, to require masking on all federal property, on all modes of travel, trains, planes and buses. We’ve been calling on governors, mayors and local officials to institute mask mandates within their jurisdictions, like Governor Whitmer has done in Michigan. … Look, I know it’s inconvenient. But … We need everyone to do their part for themselves, for their loved ones — And yes — for your country. It’s a patriotic duty.

When such a ban was first mentioned, in a phone call between Biden and Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL), DeSantis stated:

I will not comply. … Instituting a travel ban or restriction of movement would be a gross example of federal overreach with no grounding in law or science.”

So Ol’ Joe wraps himself in the flag even as he hands down his Illegitimate, Illegal Executive Order and attempts to facilitate more tyranny by urging local governments to cooperate in implementing it. It’s also quite ironic that as he speaks of the urgency to vaccinate all America, his administration was making preparations to vaccinate Guantanamo Islamic terrorists ahead of American citizens, until a furor arose over it; and even if it was a “safe vaccine” as alleged by Joe, Pfizer is profiting massively from Operation Warp Speed, made possible by President Trump, by sending large quantities of the vaccine overseas, before all Americans who want it are vaccinated.

One certainly has to wonder, given all we know about these petty tyrants, when will they attempt to make this COVID vaccine mandatory? Whenever they do, no one with good common sense should comply.

But wait a minute. According to Dr Marty Makary, professor at John Hopkins School of Medicine, in the February 18th 2021 edition of the Wall Street Journal, COVID deaths in the U.S. are down overall by 77 percent, in large part, due to an increased herd immunity, that has quite likely resulted in 55 percent of all Americans becoming immune to the COVID virus. He noted that the current 0.15 percent population fatality, considerably less than the usual 0.23 percent fatality rate for COVID-19, indicates approximately two-thirds of all Americans have already had the virus and recovered.

Dr Makary writes:

“But the consistent and rapid decline in daily cases since Jan. 8 can be explained only by natural immunity. Behavior didn’t suddenly improve over the holidays. Americans traveled more over Christmas than hey had since March. Vaccines also don’t explain the steep decline in January. Vaccination rates were low and they take weeks to kick in. … My prediction that COVID-19 will be mostly gone by April is based on laboratory data, mathematical data, published literature and conversations with experts.”

Praising the safety measures utilized in producing this vaccine, Biden sounded like a snake oil salesmen, a bit to sure, a bot too slick, as he tried to convince the American public with his assurances, saying:

“It takes more time to check for safety than it does to make the vaccine. That’s how fastidious they are. … And I listened to Dr Fauci. Dr Fauci assured me that COVID-19 vaccines were safe. That’s why several weeks ago I went through the rigorous scientific review. That’s why I took my vaccine shot publicly to demonstrate to the American people that I know and believe it’s safe. That’s why Vice-President Harris also received a shot publicly.”

Did they? Did they REALLY? The so-called “progressives”, these Democratic Party Communists are so intent on destroying the republic and controlling all the people, that no one can really trust anything they say, especially after all the hoaxes, the known deceptions we have already experienced at their direction. Remember, these are the same folks that subscribe to the Malthusian madness of the necessity to depopulate the world. And curiously enough, his new vaccine has some pretty interesting side effects, including death and sterility in women.

And at this point, just who in the hell believes anything Fauci says, the known and proven liar that he is?

Biden is going along with every single one of the Big Lies coming from the Communist mouthpieces of Dr Anthony Fauci and anti-American billionaire trouble-maker Bill Gates that seventy-five to eighty percent of all America needs to be vaccinated before America can fully reopen businesses across the nation and resume business as usual. This essentially, according to Biden’s own people, has the nation mired in this COVID-19 Idiocy until fall of this year, or, if one hold’s Biden to his words at the February 16th Town Hall meeting, until next Christmas.

The Covid-19 virus has never actually been scientifically isolated or identified, as noted in numerous reports by my good friend, Jon Rappoport and the world renown Dr Carrie Madej, an internal medicine specialist, who has drawn attention to the transhumanist aspect of the vaccine [noted in one of my previous articles]. Only small strands of DNA have been identified as possible culprits in this so-called “pandemic”, that has larger overtones of a means to advance a Marxist agenda and in which the statistics have been grossly exaggerated to the point of criminal conspiracy. Even if this were more than an extremely severe variation of the flu, everybody needs to bear in mind that the COVID Vaccine is based on a technology that has never been approved for human use before, as it injects viral messenger ribonucleic acid [mRNA] into one’s body. While it takes five to ten years to develop most successful vaccines, this one has been rushed through in less than a year, and in that light, one must also note that that scientists have tried for years to develop a vaccine for coronaviruses unsuccessful, as witnessed with SARS and MERS. And now they want everyone to push this COVID needle in their arm, a suspect vaccine at best, in order to combat a virus with a known survival rate of better than 99.8 percent.

At another point, Crazy Joe says:

“We have to keep going. But despite progress, we’re still in the teeth of the pandemic. New strains are emerging.”

They need to keep screaming, “But the Virus, the Virus … It’s a new strain of Virus”, as though each successive strain will be more deadly than the next. This will be their excuse for a never ending cycle of more deadly viruses, more severe and intense lockdowns and untold expansive powers taken by the Tyrant Wannabes in order to complete their plans of one party rule under an all powerful totalitarian government, headed by the few oligarchs running the machine behind the scenes.

Whatever this virus is, it was more virulent and deadly in its first days, than one will find in any “new strain”, simply because viruses are parasites, and as such, they need the host body to live. And so the virus learns and adapts to become less lethal and live forever inside its host.

According to the CDC’s own Vaccine Adverse Event Reports, a person is three to nine-hundred more time likely to die after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, as the regular flu vaccine. More telling, in India where the population numbers some 1.3 billion people, they have approximately two-thirds less COVID cases, than the U.S., after making full use from the start of a COVID Kit comprised of zinc, doxycycline and ivermectin, at the cost of approximately $2.65 per person, noted on February 17th 2021 by Dr Kelly Victory.

No person of sound mind and reason should take this vaccine that is currently being jammed at us like it’s the best thing since penicillin and sliced white-bread, because it’s not a vaccine, in the truest sense of the word, in that it does not provide immunity to anything. It only reduces the chances of catching a severe case of the virus, so it is actually just a medical treatment, rather than a vaccine. And if one is healthy already, there’s no need to take a medical treatment for an illness one does not have.

In December 2020, Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, former member of Germany’s Bundestag, and Dr Michael Yeadon, former head of Pfizer respiratory research, delivered a disturbing study that among other things revealed the polymerase chain reaction tests [PCR] used to diagnose cases of COVID was extremely inaccurate, due to its misuse at above the recommended cycle threshold values and bad CDC policy given to state and local health departments. Their study motivated them to call for the immediate suspension of all SARS CoV 2 vaccine studies, especially the BioNtech/ Pfizer study on BNT162b, in order to protect the health and life of the human test subjects.

The study performed by Wodarg and Yeardon showed these vaccines formed “non-neutralizing antibodies” when a person was actually infected by the real “wild” virus, which caused an unnatural immune reaction and an antibody-dependent amplification, that had the potential to be fatal in many people. In the course of their study, all of the cat test subjects died after catching the actual virus. They also found that the vaccines caused spikes occurred in syncytin-homologous proteins essential for the formation of the placenta in humans, and they warned against using this vaccine until researchers could prove the vaccine had no adverse effect against syncytin-1, to ensure it would not result in millions of infertile women, a possible world ending event.

The CDC’s own Vaccination Adverse Effect Reports indicate serious trouble with the vaccine:

“Eleven minutes after first dose of Covid Pfizer vaccine, patient became unresponsive, pale, diaphoretic with possible seizure activity. Patient dropped all belongings, leaned to the left side, with eyes rolling back in her head.” Episode lasted about a minute. [VAERS ID: 902790AGE: 31 SEX: F]

“Patient received vaccine in afternoon of 12/28. … The day she received the vaccine, she became ill with fever, chills and nausea and left work at 2am. On 12/31, she developed hemianopia (loss of half of one’s visual field). She went to the ER and they did CT scan. She was told it was complex migraine. She left and came Home. On 1/1/21 her vision was back to normal. On 1/3 she suffered bilateral cerebellum ischemic stroke.” [VAERS ID: 941476 AGE: 45 SEX: M]

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA on 1/9/2021 — “I suffered a lacunar stroke. Symptoms of left-sided paralysis. The symptoms came and went. I was life flighted to Hospital. Underwent several tests. CT, MRI, ECHO and labs among other tests. I was inpatient Intensive Care Unit for 3 days.” Discharged home. The longest event lasted 4 hours. [VAERS ID: 977362AGE: 56 SEX: F]

Bezos the Clown

Meanwhile, Jeff Bezos (the Clown ~ Ed.), Big-Tech anti-American, championed the lockdowns and the intense censorship that came with them, and he reaped some $70 billion, since all this started. His friend Bill Gates, crony, partner in crime, the Big Reset and the end of America, war-gamed the COVID-19 crisis in October 2020’s Event 201, and then, when the real crisis emerged, he cheered on the authoritarian moves by the federal and state governments that followed, as he raked in $20 billion. Makes one wonder just how much Fauci and Biden are making for their continued betrayal of America, that is certain to create an uncontrollable Pharmaceutical Behemoth.

More and more, we find reports and videos shared online that exhibit people having convulsions and seizures and life-threatening collapses, after receiving the COVID vaccine. This is on top of the known 1113 deaths in the U.S and the U.K attributed to the vaccine, as well as scores of elderly nursing home patients in Germany, said to be in good health for their age, who died soon after receiving the vaccine, while others developed severe respiratory troubles. In most cases, the trouble began within 48 hours to two weeks of receiving the vaccine. Death and convulsions demand something more than the current blind-eye shown this vaccine and the Fauci cheer squad attempting to pawn it off on us, like a wooden nickel.

It would take a huge leap of faith that I just don’t have to place any trust in an administration, that has a whose who list of American Traitors within it ranks sworn to replace our Founding Principles with Marxist gutter-tripe. The powers-that-be especially in the ranks of the Communist Democratic Party have lied blatantly and obviously from the first day, regarding this China Virus, and these Lockdowns and vaccines are essentially one massive experiment on all humanity, with the long-term consequences entirely unknown; and as big warning bells ring on, I can’t recall any similar case in history where the truth and morality turned out to be on the side of the tyrants.

Who do you trust?

Americans must resist, refuse and disobey every illegitimate, illegal diktat and decree emanating from this dictatorial Biden regime, as a matter of the utmost urgency, or this will not bode well for the future of our beloved country. Future generations will shudder, as they consider how anyone could have possible held on to a tattered shred of trust in this government, in so foolish a manner, and they will understand that millions of people allowed themselves to be sorely abused by the government, some with nary so much as a thought.

And for those who are content to so readily offer themselves up, to acquiesce and submit, to this madness, this insanity and the Beast of Government, you are ignorant fools, who should rush right now to your nearest vaccination center to get the jab, bleating all the way and down on all fours. As for me, the only way any of their evil, transhumanist Control Serum enters my body is if they somehow administer it using physical force, for I can assure the readers, I’ll create an abattoir in my house and the streets to prevent any such act, pointing the Four Horsemen and the hounds of hell in their direction, as I refuse to go gently into that good night.

February 20, 2021

Justin O. Smith ~ Author

~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.

One thought on “Go Not Gently Into That Good Night

  1. veteran

    Ive had many discussions with my friends in the medical profession, doctors who are virol specialists.
    they said the primary focus should be with our immune system. many people are deficient of minerals in their system that do promote adequate protection of the cells against a virus.
    they recommend having a blood test to determine any deficiency within a persons blood order.
    I had that done in january and found to be low in vit d this is possibly due to the fact that i’m in the office all day and perhaps an inadequate diet.
    per the doctors, i changed my diet and started taking vit d3 vit c zinc and beta glucan. my family and friends have done the same.
    we are around lots of people all day and guess what, none of us has gotten sick. we are not worried about the virus either.
    so they can take their vaccine and shove it !

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