Biden constantly asserts he has “the science” on his side, regarding his policies, and yet, he offers absolutely no concrete evidence in support of his contention, that America is in a global crisis, to such a dire degree it demands the closure of the Keystone Pipeline, maybe even the currently active Dakota Pipeline, as a part of the solution. His Party’s overwrought claims has him and his cronies delivering every fallacious justification under the sun, in order to lull the masses into conferring their blessings upon his madness of leaving a known quantity and energy independence, for unreliable wind and solar energy; his cronies are pressing his opposition hard, as this battle unfolds, as they now are making it ever more difficult to ship oil and natural gas to refineries and consumers.
Rather than make a serious comparative study and analysis, regarding his climate change initiatives prior to implementing them, he simply acted, in default to the Obama policies that are virtually one in the same, with a few large exceptions that came along at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s behest, young commie idiot that she is, poor thing, poor dangerous thing. And so, Keystone gets closed and America Last takes the front burner in the grand scheme of things, while Biden is allowed to carry on without pointing to any evidence that warrants and necessitates his acts or revealing the specific dangers he seeks to avert; he also gets to conveniently circumvent an explanation of his claim that “climate-related costs are increasing over the last four years.”
How convenient. Rising “climate related costs”. Surely that translates to more money in his and The Party’s pockets, so he and John Kerry can keep living in the style none of us will ever live to see, as they jet from one location to another.
These rotten commie bastards can take their communist-inspired climate mumbo-jumbo and go straight to hell. The more many of us have to deal with this anti-American globalist commie crap, I do believe the closer many will come to helping these commies on their way.
“[Joe Biden] knows Paris [the Paris Accord] is not enough, not when almost ninety percent of all the planet’s global [carbon] emissions come from outside of U.S. borders. We could go to zero [carbon emissions] tomorrow and the problem isn’t solved.” ~ John Kerry, Climate Czar
“I’ve got a sickening feeling in my stomach tonight and an aching feeling in my heart that I’ve never felt.” ~ Neal Crabtree, laid off Keystone Pipeline welding foreman

Keystone Pipeline, DOA – (Kyle Bakx/CBC)
It doesn’t get much clearer than this. Joe Biden and his administration and all its associated Communist red, radical enemies of America have entered into policies that are designed to do nothing less than completely destroy U.S. sovereignty, U.S. power and establishment control of capital to their own ends, in order that they may completely erase our Founding principles from government, in favor of their arbitrary mandates, edicts, diktats and illegal orders, that violate America in every way one can imagine. And in the process, their evil policies and machinations Place America Last, while they advance and benefit China, Russia, Venezuela, Iran and many of America’s enemies.
In recent years, through common sense energy policies advanced by conservatives and President Trump, America became energy independent through offshore drilling for oil, opening federal lands for oil extraction and fracking here in the States and Canada, as the Keystone Pipeline was set in motion to further ensure that energy independence. All of this removed us from under the OPEC thumb and one would think that the Leftists and Joe’s criminal communist cronies would be happy, after years of crying “No blood for oil.” And yet, Joe and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Squad would rather exchange subjugation to OPEC and oil for subjugation to China, the biggest emitter of carbon emissions in the world, who also controls most of the supply of rare earth elements that are necessary for the wind and solar industries that Joe wants to force upon America immediately and abruptly, without any real transition period, as he and his Fellow Travelers overreach in their rush to implement their insane “Green New Deal.”
On January 27th 2021, noting that coal jobs were effected by Biden’s energy policy too, West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey stated: “I think [Biden] is kicking the American people when they’re down economically and it is not a message of unity that he has been talking about.”
Prior to Biden, America’s reality has been a country powered by an abundant supply of inexpensive domestic energy, free from international unrest as Iranian threats to the Straits of Hormuz and Islamic terrorist threats in the Gulf Region no longer forced our nation’s economy and manufacturing base to grind to a halt, for a lack of supply.
Notably, the U.S. carbon dioxide emissions are at their lowest in a generation, in great part due to significant efforts implemented by the oil and gas industry. Our nation recorded the largest emissions decline of any country in 2019, which was down 140 million tons from the previous year.
One cannot help but think back to the presidential debate in Nashville, Tennessee, on October 22nd 2020, when Ol’ Crazy Joe said he’d “transition away from oil” and fossil fuels, while suggesting it would be a gradual transition largely completed by 2025, and totally completed by 2050. But President Donald J. Trump saw it for precisely what it is now proving to be, as he noted:
“Basically what [Biden] is saying is he is going to destroy the oil industry. Will you remember that Texas? Pennsylvania? Oklahoma? Ohio?”

Keystone Pipeline for Export
With doubts weighing heavily in his mind [what’s left of it] on whether his energy policies could pass in a Congress so evenly divided, immediately upon being placed in the Office of the President, Joe Biden broke out his Executive Order Pen and went crazy. On January 20th, he revoked TC Energy Corporation’s federal permit to construct the Keystone Pipeline, and this was soon followed by a plethora of consequential associated climate change executive orders, such as rejoining the Paris Accord without Senate ratification just as Obama did and enacting a moratorium on new federal oil and gas leases. And to think that this is just the start of what will prove to be the longest four years of anyone’s life, as Biden is acting by way of his false narrative of a suggested “climate change emergency” and a “national security threat”, to implement more job-killing initiatives, under Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal, in order to create the “crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face.”
Rejoining the Paris Accord alone will cost Americans an extra $30,000 for each family and over 400,000 jobs over the next eight to ten years, essentially imposing a $2.5 trillion global tax on American production. And furthermore, this “agreement” imposes onerous carbon emissions edicts on America, that demand a reduction of thirty percent below 2005 levels, even as this agreement allows countries, such as China and India, to continue to emit massive amounts of greenhouse gases into the air and heavily pollute the air. This agreement punishes the United States, and it is far from the “symbolic” move that the Democratic Party communists have attempted to paint it.
Ironically and incredulously, Biden killed 53,000 U.S. jobs almost immediately with a stoke of a pen, with another 1.6 million jobs slated to disappear over his first term, due to the numerous Executive Orders emanating from his first week in office. Eleven thousand were existing jobs, with 42,000 more “family-sustaining jobs” guaranteed by a contract between TC Energy and labor unions in August of 2020. Biden’s pen-strokes were also accompanied by the sound of the $2 billion in total earnings for these workers swirling down the government toilet created by Biden and Company.
Biden, Kamala, John Kerry, Pete Buttigieg, AOC and many other administration red, radical communists have suggested that these displaced oil and coal workers can get new jobs in solar energy, as Kerry offered “that they can be the people to go to work to make solar panels.” Where? China? That’s where ninety-percent of that industry is currently located.
And at the same moment Biden was so egregiously destroying all these jobs that were so important and necessary to the survival of thousands of Americans and their own communities, he established a Justice Initiative to steer forty percent of relevant federal investments to disadvantaged communities. Who is really disadvantaged here? Perhaps Conservative America that falls on the wrong side of the ideological metrics that determine who will receive help and who will be left to languish in misery and poverty.
Recently appearing on Fox News, Neal Crabtree, a foreman on the Keystone Pipeline, exposed Biden’s hypocrisy, noting that Hunter Biden and Joe have international business deals with CEFC China Energy and Burisma, a Ukranian gas company that gave Hunter a seat on its board. With some degree of disgust and pain in his voice, Crabtree noted:
“They’re killing the jobs that are here and selling a fairy-tale of jobs that aren’t … I’m a pipe-liner. My grandfather did it. My daddy did it. This country was built on fossil fuels. We’re the superpower we are today because of fossil fuels.”
Crabtree ended the interview exclaiming:
“It bothers me when they’re overseas setting up family members to profit off the same thing they want to stop here in America. That’s definitely aggravating. … I’m in the process of trying to live the American dream right now. I’m building a house [but] the bank may own it before I ever get a chance to live in it. So I’m definitely worried.”
The API suggested in one 2020 report that banning fracking and halting federal oil leases could trigger a recession in America accompanied by a significant decline in economic output and a damaged Gross Domestic Product. It was estimated that the GDP would fall $1.2 trillion by 2022, of fracking and leasing of oil and gas were banned outright. And here we are.
Soon after Biden’s flurry of climate change executive orders, Brook Simmons, president of the Petroleum Alliance of Oklahoma, stated:
“This is just the start. It will get worse. Meanwhile, the laws of physics, chemistry and supply and demand remain in effect. Oil and natural gas prices are going up, and so will home heating bills, consumer prices and fuel costs.”
Even Native American Indians who sit on oil producing lands have aired complaints already. The Ute Indian Tribe in Utah, residing on the Uintah and Ouray Reservations, didn’t mince words in their letter to the Interior Department over the restrictions on oil production:
“The Ute Indian Tribe and other energy producing tribes rely on energy development to fund our governments and provide services to our members … Your order is a direct attack on our economy, sovereignty, and our right to self-determination. Indian lands are not federal public lands. Any actions on our lands and interests can only be taken after effective tribal consultation.”
With some foreshadowing of things to come, in September of 2020, Mike Sommers, president and CEO of the American Oil Institute, appeared on Fox Business News and warned:
“Banning federal leasing and development on federal lands and waters would derail decades of U.S. energy progress and return us to the days of relying on foreign energy sources hostile to American interests.”
Although Biden has disingenuously claimed he took these actions out of concern for the environment, it has not escaped any knowledgeable person’s attention that oil will still be transported by rail and train every day, for the near future, in an extremely more dangerous and hazardous manner than the virtual near total security of a pipeline.
And, to get some picture of where all of this will take us, one needs look only to California’s failed experiment with “Green Energy”, that has proven disastrous for the state. Wind and solar technology, to date, does not provide sufficient battery storage capabilities to support these energy models, when the wind has stopped and the clouds are thick. The resulting rolling blackouts that are now regular occurrences have resulted in the communist aligned “Democrat” policymakers, Agenda 2030 and World Economic crowd, inflict more depravation on the people, by demanding curtailed energy consumption, such as keeping lights off, unplugging appliances until needed and setting thermostats at uncomfortable temperatures, rather than add a greater supply of fossil fuels back into the energy base.
The purpose of all these climate change executive orders are not the reduction of carbon-dioxide emissions, but rather, they punish businesses and entire industries and their workers for not being sufficiently “green” and for rejecting the massive worldwide redistribution of wealth schemes that are an integral aspect of these policies. This is the hammer and sickle of the Democratic Party driving its opposition into the ground and cutting it down, never to return, if they have their way, all in the name of the Great Reset and a global “cooperation” that overrules U.S. sovereignty.
On January 25th, one of Biden’s executive orders created the Made In America Office that will be “deeply entwined with the President’s commitment to invest in American manufacturing, including clean energy and critical supply chains, grow good-paying union jobs and advance racial equity.” Essentially, this means that only those businesses that join in the “progressive” communist agenda and their New Green Deal, i.e. “clean energy”, along with a race-based quota system, will be able to secure a federal contract. This is merely one more facet of the weaponization of government institutions and policies, to ensure the Party reins supreme for many long years into the future, or until the weight of their financial incompetence, malfeasance, largesse and criminal imbroglios bring it all tumbling down.
Rather than go over old ground that proves beyond doubt [do some real research] that the Leftist “science” on “climate change” and “global warming” is an arrogant and bold, criminal lie aimed at controlling all the people who fall under control of any government agency or sovereign nation utilizing it as a means to an end, namely accruing greater wealth unto themselves and their Party members, one should look at all the new departments springing up in the midst of this administration and wonder just what is their real function. Joe has given America more insanity in the White House, as he created a special presidential envoy for climate, a White House Office of Domestic Climate Policy, a National Climate Task Force, a Civilian Climate and Economic Revitalization, a White House Environmental Justice Interagency Council and a White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council.
Joe is not a man of science. He is a red, radical, raving, pliable Communist demagogue waving the flag deceptively, emoting in false piety as a devout Catholic, who rejects truth, as he [meaning Kamala, Susan Rice, the Squad and administration controllers] proceeds with plans that result in devastating economic damage to our country, due to his economic and climate change policies, largely because he knows precisely what will follow. He has purposefully ignored the manifold objections to his climate change agenda, as he full well expects to see the majority of America so impoverished and weakened, by a massive energy instability and political conflict across America, that the people cry out for a savior from the government. And as Biden and the Squad offer up Marx and Mao tyranny in place of Jeffersonian Freedom, far too many Americans will be far too willing to accept, complying with The Party, which ensures even deeper and wider conflicts to come, since freedom-loving Americans cannot possibly sit and do nothing, as their entire lives are destroyed and a new tyranny arises in America.
The short and sweet of it all is that, Joe’s delusions of renewable energy in a dangerous and grandiose fashion are a menaced and an existential threat to U.S. energy security, economic security and national security. And there’s a huge segment of the population that would welcome back President Donald J. Trump’s loud, exclamatory, often amusing and fun histrionics and sensible energy policies over Joe Biden’s fakery and reckless, impoverishing energy initiatives.
I am still praying for that miracle from God. What a lovely sight some pillars of salt would be right now.
February 8, 2021

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.