I watched several videos yesterday of the protests in Washington. While I do not agree with the violence I saw in some of them, I can understand the frustration of the Trump supporters as they begin to realize that this recent election was stolen from them and that, if the truth be known, they no longer have a country.
For much of last year we had communist riots across much of the country where communist thugs looted, stole and burned parts of various cities while the police were ordered to stand down and let them do whatever they wanted. But let Trump supporters protest in Sodom on the Potomac and here come the police with guns blazing!
One woman was killed by them and three others were also shot and over 50 were arrested. Had they belonged to Black Lives Matter or Antifa the police would never have raised a hand against any of them. They would have had carte blanche to wreck the city in the name of “racial justice.”

Antifa, Portland
The shameful way this is all playing out should help patriotic conservatives to begin to realize that they no longer have a country. The deep state and the communist thugs they employ have now taken it over and the patriots are a despised class, to be dealt with as the left decides. Democrats are already making out an “enemies list” of people they plan to intimidate and harass. So much for “uniting” the country! One hardcore leftist told a radio talk show host recently that “we don’t want to unite with you. We want to destroy you.” This is what the leftists always do–destroy their enemies. That’s why Communism has systemically killed millions over the years. There can be no “uniting” with those who plan your demise. There can only be resistance–and separation.
I won’t get into it much in this article, but I came into possession of a new small book by Ron Kennedy just recently. The title of it is Red State Red County Secession – Creating a Nation of Our Own. It was published by The Scuppernong Press P O Box 1724 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27588. I would urge you all to check it out.
I will note a few of Ron’s comments here so you get an idea of where he is coming from and will deal with more from the book in upcoming articles. Some of those who laugh at the idea of secession may not laugh when they get through this little book.
Ron notes: “Many national journalists and political commentators predict a coming civil war in America. This civil war will be between those who wish to impose a government, based on a radical leftist, politically correct ideology versus those who want to maintain and promote traditional, conservative, moral, social and political values–what we would call–‘American values.’ Folks who wish to honor those American values which made this country are now subjects of an evil, ‘neo-Marxist’ shadow government that controls America’s politically correct institutions of influence…If those of us who wish to live in a society based on traditional American values are to survive, and if our traditional American values are to be passed on to the next generation, we must have a country of our own. Without a country of our own, we become a stateless people–a people who have no effective way to defend themselves against neo-Marxist enemies determined to exterminate everything we hold dear.”
Continuing, Ron observed: “The ‘knee-jerk’ to the mere suggestion of secession is not that different than how Patrick Henry was treated in 1775 when he called for the American Colonies to declare their independence from an oppressive British Empire…With cries of ‘treason’ they rejected the idea of American self-government. Patrick Henry’s reply to the charge of treason echoes down to us today, ‘If this be treason, then let us make the most of it!’ After the 2020 campaign to elect America’s first ‘mail-ordered’ president, secession is now seen, not as treason, but as the possible solution to America’s irreconcilable ideological divide–the Red State–Blue State social, moral, ideological, and political divide…We can be sure secession became an acceptable political alternative in modern America when a traditional, religious leader from Wisconsin sees secession as a modern-day possibility.”
I submit that, in light of yesterday’s events in Washington, this is something we need to consider, discuss, debate and study. We, especially in the South, have become a people without a country. We in the South, and those in the ranching, farming, mining culture of the Far West are the only people in the country whose adversaries get to decide what the narrative about us will be and how it will be presented to the public at large. That’s why our flags and monuments come down–because we are consistently lied about and those lies are spread nationwide.
January 7, 2021
~ The Author ~
Al Benson Jr. is the editor and publisher of “The Copperhead Chronicle“, a quarterly newsletter that presents history from a pro-Southern and Christian perspective. He has written for several publications over the years. His articles have appeared in “The National Educator,” “The Free Magnolia,” and the “Southern Patriot.” I addition he was the editor of, and wrote for, “The Christian Educator” for several years. In addition to The Copperhead Chronicles, Al also maintains Revised History.
He is currently a member of the Confederate Society of America and the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and has, in the past, been a member of the John Birch Society. He is the co-author, along with Walter D. Kennedy, of the book “Lincoln’s Marxists” and he has written for several Internet sites as well as authoring a series of booklets, with tests, dealing with the War of Northern Aggression, for home school students.
Mr. Benson is a highly respected scholar and writer and has graciously allowed the family of Kettle Moraine Publications to publish his works. We are proud to have his involvement with this project.
He and his wife now live in northern Louisiana.
I am an Asian American conservative from California. I agree with you. There seems to be no common ground anymore. The leftist liberals do not want unity. They want to erase conservatism. This great nation was formed voluntarily by colonies and so therefore if the union does not meet the needs of the people, the states should be allowed to leave the union amicably.
I am ready to leave communist Michigan in a heartbeat and move to a constitutional LAW and Constitution respecting state that does NOT permit election THEFT. Let it begin!
Amen Dennis!!
Let us all organize and start anew.
I live in NC. Politics are certainly questionable, as we are considered a swing state.
Deep down, the democrats are giddy about the rioting in the U.S. capitol building because it gives them one more opportunity to advance another unflattering narrative about Trump and his supporters.
The capitol riots are just one more event that democrats will try to exploit and take advantage of and use as an opportunity to grandstand and score cheap political points.
These are the same democrats who stood idly by while leftist antifa and black lives matter thugs crisscrossed the country and set cities ablaze. Some of these same democrats like Senator Schumer are guilty of the very thing they now accuse Trump supporters of. Remember it was Schumer who stood on the steps of the U.S. Supreme court threatening justices Gorsich and Kavanaugh? Now these same democrats have the audacity to behave like a bunch of self righteous snot noses and smugly lecture trump supporters about inciting violence. Democrats need to come down off their high horses and spare us their crocodile tears.
There was a story recently mentioning that the GOP chairman of Wyoming was said to have wanted his state to secede as well. We know as law abiding citizens that violent revolution will lead to more arrests for conservatives, while the leftists get away with it and there are people out there that can’t take it anymore and want actual change, right?
“I love the union and I love the Constitution, but I would rather leave the union with the Constitution than remain the union without the Constitution” – Jefferson Davis. My sentiments exactly. As an avid reader I will be reading Red State County Secession. Another amazing and inspiring new book I recommend every conservative Constitutionalist American needs to read is “UNITED STATES OF MIND: Patriot’s Plan To Save America” published by United Communities of America. This may be the most important book in America today. http://www.unitedcommunitiesofamerica.com My feeling and belief is that if we, the real American patriots who share the traditional values of loving God, Family and Neighbors, do not act together swiftly to preserve our heritage and the rule of Constitutional law both will soon be gone with winds of socialist change. Ours is not a lost cause right now, but the enemy is on the move and moving very fast. We are being attacked by a spiritual and cultural blitzkrieg the likes of which are astonishing and almost unimaginable! It is time to circle the wagons and defend ourselves. Secession from the socialist states of America is our only real hope for survival. We have a window of opportunity that will not long be open. God Bless the brave in the land of the free.
I support secession. What is the first step. As Tony said “Ours is not a lost cause right now, but the enemy is on the move and moving very fast.” Should we contact our legislators and let them know. I mean Texas already has the bill introduced. We do need to act quickly.
When I was a kid (in the60’s and 70’s) people who were a ‘communists’ or a ‘socialists’ kept it secret for fear of being labeled ‘unpatriotic’. Now today, the people who are American patriots have to keep it secret for fear being labeled racists and fascists. – As the world turns, the stomach churns and fools forget what history learns.
STEPS TO LEGALLY AND PEACEFULLY SECEDE: (1) Begins with deliberate political segregation. – American Constitutionalists need to first put physical space between themselves and Democratic Socialists by congregating in red states at any and all cost regardless of inconvenience or economic hardship… We need to band together in fellowship, circle the patriotic wagons and make a political stand in Red states. (2) Patriots must move out of Blue states and Red state American Constitutionalist patriots must be selfless in welcoming and helping their patriot brothers and sisters into their red states even if it means letting them sleep on the couch if necessary. We need to share in patriotic fellowship for a greater cause. Seriously! Red states must become and remain overwhelmingly DEEP red to prevent the purple blood poison from corrupting their state. (3) Next, the red states that have patriot legislatures and governors need to come together and call for a Convention of States 2/3 are needed.
See (unitedcommunitiesofamerica.com) >(Free book on COS on this site) (4) An amendment to the Constitution should be made by the state legislatures that explicitly condones secession in the absence of malice (excellent article on this subject at the above website) (5) The new union of red states needs to declare political independence from the US federal government and their state’s national guards, state law enforcement and well regulated state and county militias need to protect the state’s borders collectively. (6) All income taxes to the IRS must be halted and a new currency based on trade share vouchers must be issued as patriot currency. The way all this accomplished is first, by the patriotic immigration to red states en masse and by electing and maintaining overwhelming political majority in the red states simultaneous with a continuing barrage of letters and intra-state petitions to the red state legislatures and governors to call for a Constitutional Convention of States. followed by a declaration of independence of the patriot states and our intention to secede from the United [socialist] States of America to form a new union of red states. Not one shot need be fired, nor a voiced in anger! A peaceful and legal transition of power is possible if Americans want it. The Constitution of the United States will work quite well as the Constitution of the new union with little or no revision. The truth is Americans are tired of watching America circle the drain in the political toilet that D.C. has become. We, the American people, have been hoodwinked, robbed and corralled by anti-American political forces that have commandeered our country. We must take back what is American about America or we can all kiss tomorrow goodbye. America will become an absolute totalitarian police state if we don’t take matters into our own capable American hands abiding by the law of the land and the 10th Amendment to OUR Constitution. This isn’t rebellion by patriots… those who rebel are anti-American socialists who are destroying America on our own soil with political corruption and seditious criminal behavior. Every real American patriot needs to read “United States Of Mind: Patriot’s Plan To Save America” (unitedcommunitiesofamerica.com) This is a serious motivational eye-opener that sets forth a workable plan of action to save Americanism. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE COMPATRIOTS! After the 2020 election was rigged and stolen (and everyone knows it’s true on both sides of the schism) secession of red Constitutional States is imperative. There is no ground for political unity with anti-American subversives.
Adding an important point to my last comment: Many Democratic Socialists believe that political segregation, i.e.: state secession, is an idea whose time has come. Clearly, Constitutionalists and Socialists have no common ground for political unity at this point and, like a soured marriage, neither wants to live with the other. Any adult in the room can understand this. It is primarily for this reason that I think it is not only possible, but perhaps likely, that red state secession can be done legally and peacefully. Without any question, peaceful and legal secession of states is in everyone’s best interests. Everyone loses in a civil war.
I would love to leave the union. This is not America anymore, people can’t even have a simple debate on different views. It’s all one sided. Although I would love to move I really don’t think I should be the one. Cause we have Red States and Blue cities. I think the Democrats should have the state’s they F up over the summer. It’s a really sad to see how Obama divided this nation. 20 states wanted to leave the union under him and now 36 states want to leave this time.
Time for we the people to be heard. Our elected sentors and representors shall be contacted and informrd to do their job or we will remove them from office. This is our country and treason will be delt with.
Ok. Die zeit ist gekommen. The time has come. The time has come for America to divide. The factions are incompatible, the differences irreconcilable, the situation untenable, the divide an unbridgeable chasm, a split inevitable. Let each faction go their own way so as not to be under another one’s thumb lest each be at the other’s throat.
Read the new issue of The Americanist Review for free at http://www.unitedcommunitiesofamerica.com There is an extensive article on red state secession with alot of factual data and sound, peaceful, legal reasoning.
Where to move to? We a are ready to be around our own people.
As darkness descends on a cold razor fence
The troops are in D.C. to stay
Our troops guard the seat of the ruling elite
That’not the American Way
A whole school of thought straight out of Karl Marx
The ends justifying the means
Lie cheat and steal, it’s OK to kill
That’s the utopian dream
Now that school of thought their teachers have taught
Is spreading ‘cross the US of A
How do we stop the spread of this crop?
We do the American way
If we are to be the land of the free
We must be the home of the brave
We stand up and fight, we fight for those rights
That’s the American Way
Liberal trash have infected every critical part of American culture (education, corporate America, social media, entertainment, sports) and has VERY effectively shut OUT conservatives from participation. There is absolutely NOTHING left to save. It is time admit it, and start our own separate country – United Red States of America and adopt the same constitution that blue states trample on every day.
Let the exodus from the Leftist/Communist states begin! As Putin remarked a few years ago; the Communists left Russia and moved to the United States. I am putting the final touches on my current home in order to sell it this Spring and get to a red state (Tennessee). I will no longer live in a state where the lunatics are in charge of the asylum.
Delusional thinking by a bunch of incel’s… Very funny read!
A red state and red county secession is far less ridiculous than what the . Approximately 200 FBI/DOJ agents and lawyers contributed to the Russia hoax over the three-plus years. They don’t throw resources like that at an investigation without evidence–and they don’t just shut something that big down like nothing happened. (They never intended to prosecute anyone, it was all sedition.) Nobody seems to care that Lisa Page’s ONLY JOB was to make sure agents like Peter Strzok followed the law during their investigations. Instead those two spoke in detail about evidence against Hillary (and no prosecutions) and how there wasn’t any evidence against Trump people. Unless DOJ prosecutors are in friendly (Marxist) courtrooms like Judge Emmet Sullivan’s or Judge Dabney Friedrich’s the FBI’s fake investigations cases don’t stand a chance of winning. The FBI keeps a paper trail that details how and when evidence was obtained and what made the agents look where they did. This new wave of judges is in on the fix, they illegaly instruct grand juries, allow inadmissable evidence, and show a complete indifference to Brady material (while screaming about rule of law and upholding the Constitution). Everything the Left is doing is fake. They’ve removed every option but secession. Secession doesn’t mean civil war unless they start one after being exposed for being tyrannical frauds. PS-take red counties in for secession. Don’t give up on red counties.
Christains can be the most thick headed/oxymoron/hypocrites you all talk about science and intolerance ? No one remembers all the Christians and karens and Soccer moms about the music/culture in the 50s-90s when in turn all you did was help sell more of it with all the hype about it being “lol”evil” But now gender is now an issue you then turn to science when it’s fits the best interest you ppl are just as bat as the commies
I am a conservative as are many people in my area. I live in Pennsylvania, where the presidential election results was most definitely stolen. There were Tromp signs everywhere, a few Biden signs as well. Unfortunately, I live in Bucks county which borders Philadelphia. The upper portion of the country is rural and conservative and the lower half is liberal. The bulk of Pennsylvania is rural and conservative. But we have to consistently deal with the rampant fraud in Philly and Pittsburgh. What I have noticed when reading articles from and about people who feel betrayed by our government is that those of us in northeastern states who are of the same mindset don’t seem to be included. A lot of us don’t want to move to another part of the country. Our lands are here as well as our culture. Just as people living in more conservative-minded states are proud of their culture, so we are proud of our own. I, personally, an Pennsylvania Dutch and we carry a rich heritage of independence, excellence in the domestic arts, creativity, and of a strong character and strong work ethic. It is very hard to move to a completely different culture when your own is disdained by your new neighbors… from my own view, simply because it is different. So, as I said, we don’t want to move but we want no parts of this communist tyranny that our government has become. Anyway, it is discouraging to automatically be dismissed as leftist because I live in a northeastern state and I wanted to say something so that perhaps this might change. I think county or even township secession is the way to go because these liberal cities are sprinkled throughout our states.
So what currency would be used in a state or states that secede? What about trade and commerce, how would that work in those states? Would citizens of those states that do not want to secede be allowed to stay in states that secede? What parts of American culture would be saved and what aspects not be saved by secessionists states? Would you be OK with breaking up your families over secession? Would those states really have religious freedoms for all, or just some? Which parts of the constitution will be preserved and which parts be revised in order for you to be happy in this new ‘country’ state?
If you have not thought of the answers to these few questions, then secession will not work out the way you think?
I am a far leftist (anarcho-syndicalist) and am 100% on board with Red State succession. At the core of my principles is that people groups should have self determination. I, for one, want a societal structure that centers the needs of workers and their family, and to abolish the owning class/1%. My ideal society would be managed by autonomous trade and labor unions. Red states tend to be very anti-union, and if that’s what you all want, by all means! You should have what you want, and we should have what we want. If you and your town are of like mind, and you all want the same thing, and come to an agreement about what you want life to look like, you should have that! So long as others aren’t getting hurt or silenced or treated unjustly, because that violates my definition of personal liberty. In my perfect society, every decision would have to be made on consensus, so that the majority never infringes on the rights of the minority opinion, and no one side forces their will on another. With y’all gone, we would actually have the kinds of lives we want to live, and you would have the lives you want to live, and we would all be happy. You may not know this, but many, many far-leftists are in favor of the dissolution of the federal government and for society to be a network of small groups of people who live in small communities of people with similar goals, and who negotiate with other groups for their needs. Red states – you may find that when you succeed, you no longer have access to the resources you need to live the life you want, and vice versa with Blue States. I am not a murderer, and not in favor of killing people solely based on their political ideology, and believe that co-operation is the basis of human nature. So, I would naturally be in favor of establishing relationships of trade between non-aggressive red states.
But the people in control would never let this happen. It is to their advantage that there are sides of people (red/purple/blue/right/center/left/black/brown/white) who are always at war with one another. There is no politician who truly has your interest at heart. They are part of the ruling/owning class, and want to stay there. So, they convince those who vote to vote for them on whatever political platform will get them elected, and use their positions of political power to build their wealth and connections, as to solidify their position in a caste of society not unlike the monarchs of Europe. Sure, there are citizens on both the left and the right also want to be a part of that upper caste, and so vote because they have a shared desire of social elevation. But for the working poor, which is most of the country, who just wants their basic needs met, and wants to live a safe, happy life with their loved ones, we are pawns. Politicians are performers playing the part of someone who believes in a party’s ideology, but the only thing they believe in is power and money. Part of their role is to stir the shit pot, and pit people against each other, who, when it comes down to the core of it, have more in common that they would ever know. And they don’t know because the flames get so stoked by these politicians, people cannot sit across a table and have a conversation that doesn’t lead to abuse or violence. We are manipulated into becoming actors who bicker in the streets, and so we never join forces and go after the people in power who actually control every aspect of our lives — the powerful and wealthy elite. Jeff Bezos controls your life, and the government, more than the mayor of your town. People who are not involved in your life or the lives of your community members should NEVER have control over you, imho. So, here we are, in a horrible relationship, and, yeah, I think it is time to break up. Sadly, that’s not going to happen unless the left and the right can come together over the need for separation. Probably time to put aside differences for the greater good, huh?
You guys are so funny. Love reading you.