Last month, Bill Gates said that anyone who questioned the real agenda behind “the Virus”/ COVID-19 vaccine is a “crazy conspiracy theorist.” Well, there’s a damned good sight of information that must be questioned given what it is and where it leads, and when it’s happening in real time and readily evidenced in statements, videos and hard documents, it’s no longer within the realm of “conspiracy”. It’s fact.
Gates might have been a computer genius, but he’s an sheer idiot in every other regards to life, and given his immense wealth and agenda, much like George Soros, he represents an existential threat to every American who cherishes their freedom and liberty.
If ever a meteor should fall from the sky and land on some unsuspecting person, let it fall on Gates. Be nice if a few more were to hit Obama, Hillary and Soros too. ~ J.O.S
No Vaccine For Me!

Doctah DOOM
“The Virus” hit American towns like the Big Top Circus blowin’ into town and had it’s final show, for now, culminating with President Trump catching COVID-19 on October 2nd and admitted into Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on October 5th, and in the meantime, there was a World Vaccine Congress that had just wrapped up a four day virtual conference on October 1st. It showcased 300 speakers, and it was attended by thousands, including representatives from Big Pharma, the military, the Department of Health and Human Services and many Non-Governmental Organizations, with Dr. Anthony “Dr Doom” Fauci opening the meeting as one of the first keynote speakers, certain to place his imprimatur on anything Bill Gates has proposed for him to advance as an acceptable vaccine for America and the world.
All America remembers President Trump’s assurances that any vaccine forthcoming from this recent virus “crisis” would be a a voluntary matter, for anyone to accept or reject. I won’t be taking the vaccine, come hell or highwater, but that’s just me. The evidence suggests that it is not going to be something beneficial to us, and that in fact, it will arrive to a point where it is used as a means of control over all society, and there is already a movement underway to eventually require everybody across the globe, including here in America, to take the vaccine; and, I would recommend avoiding taking it like it contained the plague.
Does anyone recall President Trump stating the “military would be used to distribute the vaccine in a very powerful way”?
A military panel was present at the WVC, and it discussed challenges and the strategies required to successfully handle them. People such as myself, those who might resist taking the vaccine, whether from religious reasons or concern over its safety, given its rushed schedule to production, were labeled extremists and Nazis.
But would our government really go so far as to force us to take the vaccine? The answer is yes, and there’s also a greater agenda underlying their involvement, once one considers the nanotechnology employed by Moderna.
Last year, the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI) called for the U.S. to adopt an A-1 driven mass surveillance system far beyond anything seen anywhere else in the world, in order to ensure American hegemony in artificial intelligence. Now, with the advent of “the Virus”, many of the obstacles that had previously prevented its implementation have been swiped away in a single motion under the pretense of combating “the Virus”, a non-threat “threat” and an excuse to grow government power and further diminish the average person’s individual liberty and ability to withstand and reject the too often deep intrusions of government authority upon us all.
This makes studies like the one Yale University did in July even more the worrisome, as its researchers looked at strategies using one’s trust in science, government paid financial incentives [rewards/ bribes] and even guilt and embarrassing non-compliant individuals into taking the vaccine. They were striving to move participants to persuade others to receive the vaccine, by using fear of being treated as a second class citizen and less than a desirable member of society, essentially attempting to create a successful propaganda program to prompt everybody to willing line up to be injected.
On September 16th 2020, the CDC released their initial report detailing a possible phased progression, on page 11, to complete delivery of the vaccine, starting with healthcare workers. Once enough vaccines are manufactured, a partnership between government and corporations will emerge to facilitate the total distribution of the vaccine, even using churches as focal points for the Community Emergency Response Teams and mobile vaccine units.
Some quaking Covid Cowards, with a string of letters from the alphabet behind their names, wrote an article on June 26th in the New England Journal of Medicine, entitled Ensuring Uptake of Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 [COVID]. And it readily becomes apparent that Michelle M. Mello, J.D., Ph.D., Ross D. Silverman, J.D., M.P.H., and Saad B. Omer, M.B., B.S., M.P.H. care nothing for one’s liberty and freedom or basic personal freedoms as they join the authoritarians one might see in a fiction novel like 1984 and Brave New World, as they write: “… noncompliance should incur a penalty [and] relatively substantive penalties could be justified, including employment suspension or stay-at-home orders for persons in designated high-priority groups who refuse vaccination.” Continuing, these mouthpieces for the new age of tyranny also suggested that fines should be discouraged due to their legal shaky ground, and the fact they “may stoke distrust without improving uptake.”
In June, one reporter from Wired set up a question for Bill Gates: “President Trump has made no secret of his desire to see a vaccine soon, ideally before the November elections. How worried are you, Bill, that the approval process is being hijacked by politics?” Gates responded: “Well that would be a tragedy, and any suggestion that … a politician helped create the vaccine or hasten it is a very dangerous thing.” But somehow, it does appear Gates or the reporter missed the irony of Gates reply. How is a private billionaire, such as Gates, doing the same thing any better?
What about the FDA? the CDC? America has already witnessed several sets of flawed information and science emanating from both agencies, from people people, such as Dr Fauci, who is as tight as a tick on a hound with the Director General of WHO Tedros Adhanom and Gates, who have politicized “the Virus” and the hoped for vaccine, to the point they have damaged the public’s confidence in anything they now say. Polls reveal a third of Americans will refuse to get vaccinated — intelligent folks, I’d say — and a majority of Americans believe a vaccine is being rushed.
At this point in time, with the fact that COVID-19 is, in fact, a non-threat for the most part, to the greatest majority of Americans, having an approximate 99.62% survival rate, the entire country should be up in arms and asking why are we still in a nationwide State of Emergency, with most of the states taking even more stringent measures than the federal government ever initially recommended? And just why is the Covid Vaccine still be rushed forward so swiftly? From all the current unfolding events and information, it would seem the answers are money and governmental and societal control.
Taking a closer look at the World Vaccine Congress, one notices that top executives from Janssen, Pfizer, Merck, Moderna, GSK and other pharmaceutical developers and manufacturers were in attendance, and one of the most sensitive topics centered on their intention to use messenger ribonucleic acid — mRNA technology — for the vaccine’s delivery. mRNA carries genetic instructions that act as blueprints for every cell to become a specific type of cell, in its final development stage, whatever that might create.
At the front of the pack, in the race to create this vaccine, one finds Moderna, founded by Derrick Rossi, in 2010, who accidentally discovered mRNA technology, which he explained as a way to “reprogram” the molecules that carry genetic instructions for the cell development in the human body, [and] all biological lifeforms. This represented a new way to produce any kind of a cell within a biological organism, radically changing the course of modern medicine and science, and as it was such a cutting edge technology, it attracted almost a half billion dollars in federal award monies to be directed at creating vaccines using this technology.
Over the years, this technology has expanded and led to more sophisticated implantable technologies and the creation of hydrogel and nanotechnology, advanced by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and its Biological Technologies Office, with the goal of gaining FDA approval, so consumers may soon get the sensors implanted to monitor any number of body functions, as its ultra-advanced design even allows it to interact with a wireless network, like 5G.
Profusa, Inc is the private company created using millions of dollars from Dr Fauci’s National Institute of Health and DARPA for the purpose of marketing this technology. In March 2020, Profusa made “the Virus” scene, when it announced an injectable biochip for detection of viral respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
There’s been an extreme shift in our government, and over the past decade, too many corrupt dealings have been the rule of the day, but for 2020, the primary focus has been on “the Virus” and Bill Gates has been pushed to the forefront as the face of those supposedly leading the charge against it, the one to “save the day” for America and the world.
However, whenever Gates isn’t spending billions of dollars on projects to develop a global surveillance system, geo-engineer blocking the sun’s rays, recycle feces into water [and actually expecting people to drink it] or have comic book artists paint him as a super-hero, he’s been spending billions on experimental vaccines and birth control technologies, up to and including a remote-controlled micro-chip implant.
That all may sound crazy, but it has actually already happened. These aren’t theories. They’re just the plain fact of the matter.
Why is any of this important one might wonder. It’s important to know who Gates is and what he intends, since most of those companies, researchers, scientists and corporate pharmaceutical heads involved in the current search for a COVID-19 vaccine are all directly tied to Gates, in one fashion or another.
President Trump’s main man behind “Operation Warp Speed” and the vaccine initiative is Dr Moncef Slauoi, the former head of pharma giant GlaxoSmithKine’s vaccine division, who had to quit the board of directors at Moderna to take the job, as he dumped over $10 million in Moderna stock, after it briefly skyrocketed in price following the announcement of promising early vaccine trial results. Currently he sits on several boards of companies involved in vaccine development and bioelectronics.
Unfortunately, this makes the President seem to be out of touch with the reality of what is transpiring under his nose, or he is actually advancing the agenda of Big Pharma for some inexplicable reason.
Dr Slauoi and GSK have a long twenty-seven year history of working with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on projects such as the development of anti-HIV compounds used as microbicides and a malaria vaccine, and they ultimately partnered with Gates on a $600 million malaria vaccine. Shortly after Slaoui took the helm at GSK, his predecessor, Tachi Yamada, joined the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, noted by Derrick Broze on May 15th in The American Vagabond.
Look at Gates, a billionaire worth $106 billion, and supposedly the second wealthiest man on the planet. His wealth is greater than that of thirty-eight countries. And, with President Trump starting a year long process of removing the United States from the World Health Organization and halting U.S. funding for the WHO, in April 2020, Bill Gates is left as the WHO’s number one financial donor. This largesse gives Gates an undue and extraordinary influence over the WHO’s agenda.
And no one exactly saw the media jumping all over themselves to report the fact that this man also is the guy who government officials are running to — left and right — to promote everywhere they can, in the face of this situation. And the media was supposed to be our unofficial Fourth Branch of Government … right? The protection of who’s press freedom was protected in the First Amendment, spelled out in the Bill of Rights has been solidly undermined by billionaire philanthropies over the last century.
Gates, through his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has been funding everything from our media outlets to journalism institutes around the globe for years, giving money over time to big names like ABC, NBC, National Public Radio, BBC, London Guardian, Al Jeezera, Univision Medium, the Atlantic, Financial Times, that’s just naming a few, and not to mention organizations like the Investigative Center for Reporting, or charitable organization outlets affiliated with major news organizations like BBC Media Action or the New York Times Media Cases Fund.
The man, who once paid to have himself portrayed as a comic book super-hero, has also funded media companies, that then went on to create so-called “documentaries, that then depicted Gates in a positive light. See how that worked?
Gates recently told NBC that “a lot of people” will eventually need to take a second “super-effective” vaccine to combat the Covid Virus that might be years away. He and others seem intent on eliminating it altogether, as so many authoritarian types seem to suggest it is government’s and society’s obligation to remove all risk from life, before life can return to normal, here in America and across the globe, and yet, what they propose is so far from “normal” as to present a new reality that is both surreal and dystopian.
Consider that a person may find their computer inoperable, unless one accepts the ever insistent “upgrades” we are constantly deluged with from the internet cloud and Windows. There’s just not a lot of alternative choices. And similarly, the current movement, largely from the corner of America’s leftists and outright communists hope to use this vaccine to usher in the same sort of Social Credit system utilized in China. Without a vaccine and an associated micro-chip implant in one’s body, or at the very minimum an actual digital certificate of some type to be presented everywhere one goes in the public arena, those new authoritarians hope to be able to tell each of us, either we comply with their every demand or we suffer, pushed to the fringe of society as second class citizens, or worse.
Quite telling and perhaps a bit foreshadowing even, one of the intro screens to Windows 10 even uses a visual metaphor that likens its users to sheep.
So this man, this ordinary man, an unelected nobody despite his wealth, has become one of the main faces of the so-called “health crisis of 2020. He’s made all these media rounds, where breathless pundits and “journalists” promote him everywhere as our “savior”, asking “why didn’t we listen to him”, and in the meantime, it’s also glaringly apparent this year that Gates believes himself to be at a level of authority, where he can actually get by with telling us all, that we’re going to “have to be approved”, after this non-crisis “crisis” is over, to be granted permission to enter businesses again. And such “permission” will be received after one accepts one of his novel vaccines that he’s funded, complete with its digital code to prove we’ve received it.
In a March 18th 2020 Reddit “Ask Me Anything” session, Gates is quotes saying: “Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently, or when we have a vaccine, who has received it.”
Gates is saying that everybody is going to be required to have authorization through a new system put in place, as described in one area as a “digital certificate”, that he asserts we will be expected to use in the real world. So everybody will “NEED” the vaccine.
So, the large majority of people in the world are going to go from using windows to access their computer and the internet to now being required to use whatever this new digital certificate will be, as a portal, a pass card, to transact business and participate in society in the physical world.
So let’s think about this.
Though these modern new age devices and technologies offer benefit and innovation, they are not necessary, for the most part, nor should they become necessary to our lives. Men and women managed to live just fine long before these systems and devices were placed in our hands, and we certainly don’t require any new age overseers using technology to drive us down into a condition of serfdom. That these systems and platforms would act as a check to our access to many avenues of that necessary and preexisting portion of life and connection in physical society is repugnant and reprehensible. These suggested controls directed against society and individuals and any new vaccine emanating from this current vaccine drive must be rejected solidly by the people, who need to become free-thinking enough again to recognize what’s really at stake here.
Americans are not serfs, not yet. We are not victims. We are free born men and women. And we must unite in one voice against these new age tyrants, stating in no uncertain terms that we are still a free and independent people, unwilling to relinquish our bodies to their experiments and control or to be subjugated by any means, period.
Refuse to legitimize these new controls over all society and the “ruling elite”, the petty tyrants, who seek to use them for their own ends, and refuse to consent to any fundamental shift away from our Inalienable God-given Rights. Revoke their presumptive authority and deny them any further bond with the people. And in essence, reset the balance of power, even should that reset one day require “Watering the Tree of Liberty with the Blood of Tyrants”.
These things are supposed to be benefiting our lives, not stripping us away to abject submission to digital slavery. And though it seems as though people are nonchalant in giving away their consent and abandoning their individual sovereignty, we need to once more recall that our own freedom and liberty is a precious jewel, the essential heart of our existence here on earth, graced by our God. All people are, and have a right to be, sovereign and free. And nobody has any right to separate us — to cut us away — from that condition of our life. As much as we have scorned those who have attempted to do so in previous centuries, we should vehemently scorn any such attempt today. Although it may occur without the literal implementation of intimidation and chains, nonetheless revoking the natural state of God-given inherent freedom on the modern half-digital, half-physical frontier is unacceptable, and it can only be answered by way of the strongest refusal to comply, no matter how that manifests itself.
October 17, 2020
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.