
June 20, 2011 ~ On Friday, June 17th, Granny (#1) sent me one of Linda Bentley’s columns dealing with what ostensibly I would labeled “racist studies” in Arizona classrooms. Specifically, the Tucson Unified School District’s “Raza Studies” program, studies which, 1) promoted resentment towards a race or class of people; 2) were designed primarily for pupils of a particular ethnic race; and 3) advocated ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals.

Each are in complete violation of the Arizona Revised Staute §15-112 which states, “A school district or charter school in this state shall not include in its Program of Instruction any courses or classes that include any of the following…

The course has recently been renamed, ‘Mexican-American Studies‘. Frankly, there is NOTHING American about these “history” courses.

The story originally came to light during the waning days of then, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Horne. Horne did what he is most famous for, swigged down a couple of jiggers, and then stated that, while he found the content had no place in an American public school, he also pointed out, by statute, he had no authority over a district’s curriculum. Horne is now Arizona Attorney General. If or how will he deal with the issue now? I suspect that it will be 5:00 anywhere for Tom Horne.

The new Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction John Huppenthal (NOW Kathy Hoffman) appears to feel quite strongly opposed to his predecessor, but the local school board seems to be heavily weighted with representation more strongly in favor of what I will call the IAAFAMP – International Association for the Advancement of Mexican People. Amongst the School Board members, is Adelita Grijalva (daughter of U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva), who did not wish to hear the concerns of activists opposed to the Raza classes and stated, “If I leave then we can’t have a meeting,” as she got up and walked out of the meeting.

When the board meeting reconvened, direct quotations were read to the board from the textbooks, and the speaker was silenced once more. What the hell do these people have to hide, and why are they teaching hatred of whites, and Americans and Europeans in American schools. And then they grow up and go to work for the government – any government – so long as it in Estados Unidos!

Several days ago, I had a discussion with a neighbor, who I knew was using the services of the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) Administration – Arizona’s Medicaid Agency. My neighbor (I’ll call her ‘Sue’) is a single mother of two children, white (Caucasian to be specific), and in these tough economic times – in need of a bit of state assistance. She is also receiving food stamps and housing assistance. Her husband lost his job nearly two years ago, and after being unable to find gainful employment, just up and left, leaving Sue to fend for herself.

Well, shortly after he abandoned her, she makes her way through the system, applying for all that she is entitled to, in order to get by until either he shows up again (FAT chance of that), or until she can get herself gainfully employed. The problem is that, both of her children are quite young – not quite of school age – which means she would have to find child-care for the youngsters, while she is working. Well, that will drain the income (what little she could make), making it worthless to find work. Hmmmmmmmmmm – seems to be a common problem in America today.

So it’s “back to the system”. It took her much longer than it should have, given all of the information that she needs to supply the “officials”; copies of utility bills (most of which her missing sperm-doner husband threw away). So Sue has to fight with the utility companies, in order to get copies of past bills. Fortunately for her, they were all in both names. If it had only been in his name – she would have been S.O.L. So she goes after W.I.C. (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children), AHCCCS and housing assistance. Needless to say, she got all which she had required – but what a nightmare – and the renewal was even worse. Why??? She is white!!!

Last week, when she called in to AHCCCS to renew her health benefits for her and the children, she was told that she could conduct her interview over the phone this year, thereby avoiding the trip to the filthy office, which is usually infested with Illegal invaders with their anchor babies, many of whom sit there screaming and running snot out of their noses. HEY! Anybody bathe here???

Sue was fortunate enough to draw an older gentleman to conduct her interview and all went well, but she would have to bring some other records down to the office the next day, in order to facilitate a smooth transistion. Smooth transition my ass… when she got there, she was forced to wait for nearly three hours to be attended to, all the while, every Hispanic woman coming in to the offices were treated like royalty – promptly stamped, approved, and sent merrily on their way – many of them driving Escalades, Beamers and Jags. No B.S. here folks – you see it on the street every single day her in the Valley of the Scum.

So now it’s Sue’s turn, and when she is called up to the counter, rudely accosted by an overweight La Raza lovely, who tells her that the phone interview does not matter, and that she would be conducting the proper interview. Hmmmmmm – I wonder how that interview was conducted, considering that Sue is “white”!???

Call me whatever you wish, but I know of far too many stories like this. “Thee Gringo ees treeted lahk sheet, beecuz she ees not a Latina.”

You see, in many areas of the southwest united States, counties, municipalities and Federal agencies have been overly populated with workers of Latino or Hispanic heritage… and believe me when I tell you, that they care for their own!

And these people call US racists???

The invasion is nearly complete….

Don’t miss my next column, “Joo Wan Bacoms en halapeenos wi dat?

Without Apology I am,

Jeffrey Bennett

~ the Author ~
A veteran of Viet Nam, student of history (both American and film), Jeffrey Bennett has broadcast for over 24 years years as host of various programs and has been considered the voice of reason on the alternative media – providing a unique and distinctive broadcast style, including topics such as health and wellness, news, financial well-being, political satire (with a twist), education and editorial commentary on current events through the teaching of history. In addition, he is the CEO of Kettle Moraine, Ltd.

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